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WELCOME TO FIRST GRADE!. DAILY SCHEDULE 8:15- Go to classroom 8:15- 10:30 morning work, reading lessons and small group, centers, and Lexia Lab on given.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO FIRST GRADE!. DAILY SCHEDULE 8:15- Go to classroom 8:15- 10:30 morning work, reading lessons and small group, centers, and Lexia Lab on given."— Presentation transcript:


2 DAILY SCHEDULE 8:15- Go to classroom 8:15- 10:30 morning work, reading lessons and small group, centers, and Lexia Lab on given days 10:30- 10:50 Recess 10:50-11:15 lunch 11:15- 12:30 math instruction and practice/calendar 12:30-1:15 writing instruction, small group writing, centers 1:15-1:30 recess and SNACK 1:30-2:10 finish writing and centers 2:10-3:00 enrichments 3:00-3:30 read aloud, behavior binders, finish work, character education 3:30 Dismissal out the North doors

3 ENRICHMENT ROLLING ROTATION Enrichments are on a rolling schedule, which means kids will not have a certain enrichment on the same day each week. If we are gone on a day it just continues where we left off. p.e. Art Music 21 st Century Skills iPads

4 BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS We all love to celebrate birthdays, but with the food allergies and wellness policy we NO LONGER can accept any kind of food treat. We will gladly accept non-food treats for the class as long as there is enough provided to give to each child in the class. Please ask your child’s teacher how many students are in the class before sending in the treats. We are unable to pass out birthday party invitations unless one is provided for EACH child in the class. It really hurts kids’ feelings when they aren’t invited to someone’s birthday party.

5 DISCIPLINE At Ridgeview we follow the Capturing Kids’ Hearts philosophy of trying to build relationships with the students. We use 4 key questions while redirecting a student. 1.What are you doing? 2. What are you supposed to be doing? 3.Were you doing that? 4.What are you going to do about it? As classes we came up with other consequences when the questioning isn’t changing the behavior. Since the kids helped generate those, they are a little different in each classroom. Some examples might be: Time-Out, Send a note home, Write reminders, Miss some recess, etc.

6 HOMEWORK EXPECTATIONS All first graders will have homework in reading and math. Please complete the homework and have your child return it. It is very important for first graders to get used to completing homework and being responsible for bringing it back when it is due. Math facts will be sent home to practice. This will require an older person (adult or sibling) to time them for 90 seconds on their practice page. Any problems that they do not complete or get wrong need to be done and then brought back the next day. They will be tested on that same skill the following day. We would like your child to read 15-20minutes a night. Practicing is VERY important to become a fluent reader. Sight words need to be practiced nightly. We have several lists of words to learn this year.

7 HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH THE TEACHER Angie Kelley- PHONE: 719-495-1149 Jasen Alvarado – PHONE: 719-495-1149 Ginger Sain- PHONE : 719-495-1149 Ellie Engman – PHONE: 719-495-1149 Kate Langhart- PHONE: 719-495-1149

8 THANK YOU! Thank you for helping us educate your child! We look forward to working with you and your child to make this a successful year !

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