Disorders of Cell Growth Cancer. Oncology Study of cancer 25% of Americans develop cancer at some point in life.

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Presentation on theme: "Disorders of Cell Growth Cancer. Oncology Study of cancer 25% of Americans develop cancer at some point in life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Disorders of Cell Growth Cancer


3 Oncology Study of cancer 25% of Americans develop cancer at some point in life

4 Nature of cancer cells Normal cells that have a permanent CHANGE in them Cancer cells perpetuate themselves Lose normal growth regulation

5 Characteristics of cancer cells

6 Cancer Cells Lack of contact inhibition. Cancer cells lack this and continue growing even if they have contact with neighboring cells Tumor – Growth e.g. adenoma Neoplasia – “new” growth


8 Cancer cells Invade and infiltrate normal cells Lack of differentiation –Abnormal size & shape –Abnormal nucleus


10 Normal cells have differentiation

11 Cancer cells Loss of normal functions Divert more blood vessels for themselves for more nutrients

12 Malignancy Detachment and spreading Metastasis – cancer cells can detach and spread. Typically they spread via the bloodstream or via lymph vessels


14 Cancer cells Benign = “innocent” These tumors do not metastasize Malignant = Cancer. These do metastasize


16 Causes of Cancer Predisposing factors increase the likelihood of developing cancer Increase in cell number Disordered cell proliferation Chronic irritation resulting in changed cells Stressors suppressing the immune system Hereditary predisposition


18 Initiation DNA mutation Not repaired Changing of a normal cell to an abnormal cell

19 Promotion Providing an environment for uncontrollable growth Encourages growth

20 Carcinogens Agents that initiate or promote abnormal cells and their growth 85% of all carcinogens are environmental



23 Progression Abnormal cells become malignant

24 Immune System Our immune system is constantly spotting abnormal cells Our immune system can recognize more than 10 million different cancer antigens


26 Treatments Surgery Radiation Chemotherapy Immunotherapy


28 Danger Signals of Cancer Bleeding, discharge Lumps, thickening Non-healing sores Bowel or urinary changes Hoarseness or cough Mole or wart change Difficulty swallowing/ indigestion


30 Breast lump

31 Avoidance 75% cancer deaths are related to lifestyle Avoid direct sunlight Low fat diet Quit smoking Increase roughage in diet Fresh fruits & vegetables Early detection

32 Types of Cancer Carcinoma – Cancer of the epithelial tissue Sarcoma – Cancer of connective tissue Leukemia – Cancer of blood Lymphoma – Cancer of Lymph tissue

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