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TEAM TOGETHER. COD WIU National Louis Certification Background Hobbies Coach.

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2 COD WIU National Louis Certification Background Hobbies Coach

3 Mrs. Capristo Education National Louis University Teaching experience Hobbies Role in our class this year

4 Philosophy of Education Student centered learning. Emphasis on team and individual growth. Align curriculum with state, district and common core standards. To create memorable lessons. To be emotionally supportive and create a safe environment for all students. To try to inspire life long learners.

5 Behavior system Paws Laws Lion pride chart Tallies for a party. 2 strikes Murphy’s Law tickets Follow school wide discipline system. Bully prevention Parents will be notified when necessary. Physical aggression will not be tolerated.

6 Student Expectations They will always try their hardest. They will take responsibility for their learning. They will show up to school ready and with a positive attitude. They will make an effort to improve throughout the year. Students will uphold the 6 pillars: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Leadership

7 Parent Expectations Assignment Notebook Check Homework Sign Reading log Sign Contest slips Contact me with concerns Support your child

8 Communication Weekly newsletter/ email blast You may contact me by phone or email. 630-493-8143 You may also send notes with you child.

9 My Website Schiesher 4 th grade- Find general fourth grade resources here Murphy- Find class information here

10 Folder system One folder to leave home and bring back. Look at it nightly. Contains information about upcoming events, projects, homework, test and quizzes. If the folder and assignment notebook don’t come home daily then there is a problem!

11 Homework Should be homework Monday- Thursday Students missing homework will be held in for recess to finish it. A note will come home to be signed by the students parent. Check out website for homework updates. What to expect: Math, Social Studies, Reading, Word Work Reading logs are due every Friday, signed by a parent or guardian.

12 Absent? Students may be kept in for recess after the day of absence to help keep them aligned with the class. Rules vary depending on the time of absence. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for extra help. I am usually available before school, at recess, and after school.

13 Grading Students will be assessed by tests, quizzes, homework, observations, individual conferring, participation and projects. Report cards will be issued about every 12 weeks.

14 Daily Schedule Check in Math Break/Healthy Snack Social Studies/Science/Second Step Specials –Art/Gym/Music/Computer Lab Read Aloud/Class Meeting Recess/Lunch IDR Mini Lesson/Making Meaning Reading- Guided/Lit Circles/Daily 5 Writing Word Work Check out

15 Red Hot Reading Club Requirements Reading log (weekly) Pages read Days read (min. of 50 days) AR Test (5) Reading goal at least 500

16 Don’t Forget Monday- Gym and Music Tuesday- Art Wednesday- Gym and Music Thursday- Book check Out and Book Return Friday- Gym and Science Lab A healthy snack everyday. Sign reading logs and contest slips. Always check assignment notebook.

17 Thank you for all your support!

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