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PERSUASIVE TECHNIQUES BANDWAGON APPEAL Everyone is doing it! Taps into people’s desire to belong.

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3 BANDWAGON APPEAL Everyone is doing it! Taps into people’s desire to belong.

4 TESTIMONIAL Testimonials are quotations or endorsements which connect a famous or respectable person with a product or item.

5 LOADED TERMS Uses words with strongly positive or negative connotations to stir people’s emotions

6 PLAIN FOLKS Shows ordinary people using or supporting a product or candidate Consumers can trust the product because it’s good enough for regular “folks.”

7 TRANSFER Stirring the reader’s feelings about one thing and then connecting those feelings to something else.

8 NAME-CALLING Smears, attacks or damages an opponent Does not give any facts to support the claims

9 HUMOR Makes the audience laugh; provides little information about the product or service

10 SLOGAN A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product

11 REPETITION Repeating something (usually the name of the product) so that the reader remembers it

12 GLITTERING GENERALITIES Emphasizes highly valued beliefs such as patriotism, peace, freedom, etc.

13 CARICATURE A picture, description, etc. seriously exaggerating the peculiarities or defects of persons or things

14 FACTS, FIGURES, STATISTICS Numbers, tables, and graphs are used to show statistics

15 LOGICAL FALLACY Error in reasoning Often based upon false assumptions (mistaken beliefs)

16 RHETORICAL FALLACY Speech or writing that is misleading or false fallacies.html


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