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Poisonous snakes: Cobra: Cobras are large and diverse group of venomous snakes. There are 270 different types of cobras. The king cobra averages at 3 to.

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Presentation on theme: "Poisonous snakes: Cobra: Cobras are large and diverse group of venomous snakes. There are 270 different types of cobras. The king cobra averages at 3 to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Poisonous snakes: Cobra: Cobras are large and diverse group of venomous snakes. There are 270 different types of cobras. The king cobra averages at 3 to 4 m in length and typically weighs about 6 kg . The longest known specimen was in London Zoo 5.6 to 5.7 m. The heaviest wild specimen - Royal Island Club in Singapore - weighed 12 kilograms. New York Zoological Park kilograms

3 Class: Reptilia Order: Squamata Suborder: Serpentes Family: Elapidae Genus: Naja Species: N. naja Geographical distribution : Pakistan, India (throughout most of the country), Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, possibly E. Afghanistan. FOOD : This species normally feed on rodents, toads, frogs, Lizards birds and other snakes. Habitat: Naja naja occurs in wild forest and in cultivated areas.

4 Scales are smooth arranged in 19–21 (usually 21) longitudinal rows at mid-body; Dorsal surface of the head has small scales and large shields. The head is small Pupil is Round hood markings usually distinct, usually a pale, oval or circular marking, with a dark center and occasionally a narrow dark outer border; occasionally 1 or 2 dark spots are present in the pale oval region Fangs are small and non Venom is neuro -toxic movable It bites with a chewing motion making several wounds.

5 Economic Importance for Humans: Positive
The Indian Cobra eats rats and mice that carry disease and eat human food. Cobra venom is a potential source of medicines, including anti-cancer drugs and pain-killers. Economic Importance for Humans: Negative This species is highly venomous

6 Reproduction: They are the only snakes in the world that build nests for their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge. The eggs, usually 12 to 20, are laid in a hollow tree, or in the earth, and the female will guard them throughout the incubation period, only leaving to feed. The young snakes will then hatch after approximately 50 days.

7 Russel’s Viper Krait Rattle snake Pit Viper Non Poisonous Typhlops Python Sand boa (Eryx) Dhaman or rat snake

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