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All about snakes By Hayden.

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1 All about snakes By Hayden

2 The King Cobra It’s scientific name is ophophagus Hannah.
It lives in Africa and Southern Asia. It eats frogs, birds, rodents, snakes and lizards. It is gray but striped up by the neck. It is 2 to18 feet.

3 The Mamba It’s scientific name is pendroaspis polylepis.
It’s size is 6 to 14 feet. It eats rodents, birds and lizards. It lives in Central and Southern Africa. It is gray. It is venomous.

4 The Viper Its scientific name is Viperidae. It is 4 feet.
It eats rodents. They live in South and North America and southeast Asia. They are venomous.

5 The Anaconda It’s scientific name is boidae.
They are colored yellow with black spots. They live in south and central America. They eat rodents. They are constrictors.

6 The Python It’s scientific name is pythonidae.
They have a pattern of yellow ,brown ,gray , white and black. They are twenty five feet. They eat rodents. They live in Asia ,Africa , Australia ,India and central America. They are venomous.

7 The Gray Rat Snake It’s scientific name is Pantheropis spiloides.
They eat mice, birds and birds eggs. They have a pattern of black scales and pale gray scales.

8 Eastern Garter snake Their scientific name is Thamnophis.
They eat rodents. They have a pattern of three yellow stripes on a black body.

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