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By Verlinda Ruble 1. Welcome! My name is Verlinda Ruble. Tonight’s agenda: The importance of NAEYC and discussing how we can help our programs follow.

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Presentation on theme: "By Verlinda Ruble 1. Welcome! My name is Verlinda Ruble. Tonight’s agenda: The importance of NAEYC and discussing how we can help our programs follow."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Verlinda Ruble 1

2 Welcome! My name is Verlinda Ruble. Tonight’s agenda: The importance of NAEYC and discussing how we can help our programs follow the guidelines. We will also discuss how to use in-text citations. If you are experiencing any technical difficulty, please call technical support at 866-522-7747. Feel free to chat while we wait for class to start. We will begin promptly at 8 P.M. Eastern. 2

3 “Appreciate childhood as a unique stage to be valued in the present, not just as a time of preparation for the future” “Appreciate childhood as a unique stage to be valued in the present, not just as a time of preparation for the future” “Use knowledge of child development as the basis of all work with children” “Appreciate and promote the bonds between children and family” (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) (Follari, 2007, p 109). 3

4 “Maintain a view of the child that encompasses the context of their family, culture, and community experience” “Interact with all individuals with respect” “Make every effort to ensure that children and adults reach their full potential” (Bredekamp & Copple, 1997) (Follari, 2007, p 109). 4

5 What is the NAEYC's Code of Ethical Conduct? Why is it important? “Ethical dilemmas: complex situations that are not solved by research or law and for which there is more than one possible course of action taken, there are potentially positive and negative implications” (Follari, 2007, p. 119). 5

6 The mission of NAEYC is "to promote high- quality, developmentally appropriate programs for all children and their families" (Bredekamp & Copple). What are your thoughts about this mission statement? How can you make sure that your child care or preschool program follows this mission? (Kaplan, 2008). 6

7 Read about NAEYC and how helpful the organization is in "National Association for the Education of Young Children: Defining Best Practices" in Chapter 5 of your text, Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education. Review the NAEYC's Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment in Appendix B, Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education, pp. 292-300. 7

8 Web Resource: Read "Theories of Child Development: Building Blocks of Developmentally Appropriate Practices", by Terri Jo Swim. Discussion Question # 1: Discuss ethical conduct according to the NAEYC Ethical Code of Conduct. Discussion Question #2: Choose one of the scenarios on pp. 126-127 in your text under "Application Activities". Discuss the situation and what you would have done (Kaplan, 2008). 8

9 Two Choices: Power Point or Paper Project If you choose to do a Paper Project then download the Word directions for the project. If you choose to do a Power Point Project then download the Power Point directions for the project. Both require you to cite the original authors of your work using APA formats. Perfection is not expected….effort is rewarded! 9

10 Insert your information into the Title Page of the APA format template. This is available in Doc Sharing. I have also emailed this to you. This is your first page of your paper. Introductory paragraph: address the following questions on page 2 in your first paragraph: Why are centers important? What kinds of skills and concepts can be reinforced in centers? What is your role as an Early Childhood Care Professional in working with children in these centers? 10

11 (Paper Project) Paragraph Two on Page 2: Include a Book Center as one of your required elements and include two specific books that might be integrated to reinforce the theme of "All About Me". 11

12 Paragraph Three through Paragraph Eight: Select an additional 6 out of 15 centers to implement in your theme “All About Me”. Provide one paragraph per center describing the specific activities you would use and the skills you would reinforce in the learning centers relating to the theme "All About Me". Your paragraphs should address the following questions: What specific activities will the children engage in to support the theme "All About Me"? What materials will be utilized? 12

13 Block Center: provides practice with social skills as gross and fine motor skills are developed. Mathematical concepts such as shape, size, balance, and counting can be explored. Visual discrimination skills are reinforced. Opportunities for creative dramatic play can enhance communication skills and vocabulary. Block Center: provides practice with social skills as gross and fine motor skills are developed. Mathematical concepts such as shape, size, balance, and counting can be explored. Visual discrimination skills are reinforced. Opportunities for creative dramatic play can enhance communication skills and vocabulary. Sand/Water Center: develops sensory awareness and fine motor skills, augments concepts involving space, measurement and volume. Housekeeping/Dramatic Play Center: provides opportunities to role-play home experiences in order to increase social development and communication skills. Housekeeping/Dramatic Play Center: provides opportunities to role-play home experiences in order to increase social development and communication skills. 13

14 Cooking Center: provides activities to enhance fine motor skill development, augment nutritional information and experiences, and add to health and safety awareness. Cooking Center: provides activities to enhance fine motor skill development, augment nutritional information and experiences, and add to health and safety awareness. Math Center: offers children the opportunity to work with manipulatives and develop counting skills, understanding of numbers and number relationships, math vocabulary, fine motor skills, sorting and classification skills. Art Center: provides students with the opportunity to develop creativity and imagination, fine motor skills, pre-writing skills, vocabulary and color concepts. Writing Center: develops fine motor skills, develops left-to-right patterns, oral to written language expression. 14

15 Puppet Center: enhances social communication skills, creativity and imagination. Puppet Center: enhances social communication skills, creativity and imagination. Social Studies Center: develops sense of self, family, community awareness and increases problem-solving skills through communication and social participation. Science/Discovery Center: encourages a child's curiosity, develops observation and discrimination skills, enhances respect for the environment and provides opportunities for care of plants and animals. Computer Center: reinforces literacy skills and concepts through exploration of websites and software. 15

16 Listening Center: increases vocabulary growth, develops listening skills and oral language skills, augments reading readiness skills (visual discrimination, letter recognition and rhyming words) Music Center: develops an appreciation for different types of music, enhances a sense of rhythm, strengthens auditory discrimination, develops small and large muscle coordination, provides opportunities for creative expression through movement. Puzzles and Games Center: provides social involvement while developing eye-hand coordination. What six do you choose? 16

17 Concluding paragraph: address the following questions: How would the center activities enhance the learning experience of the children? How do the learning centers address different learning styles? What would your role be in working with individual students and small groups as they participated in the centers? 17

18 If you use the textbook for a resource, then your reference is done for you in the template. You can try to use APA citation style by referring to the APA Quick Reference guide on the Course Home Page. No points will be deducted as long as you try to list all of your references! Make sure that you use in-text citations throughout your paper. Full references are used on the reference page only. 18

19 Quotes: “Embracing high standards of quality and ethics also calls teachers to develop a professional identity” (Follari, 2007, p.125). Paraphrase: An instructor that has the qualifications, training, and professionalism needed as a professional will apply ethical standards when making a decision (Follari, 2007). What differences do you see here? In-text citations should go on your Power Point slides or in your paper project whenever you use another author’s work. 19

20 Slide One: Title page includes your name, course number, and title of your project. Please insert page numbers and apply those page numbers to all of your slides. Slide Two: Why are centers important? Slide Three: What kinds of skills and concepts can be reinforced in centers? Slide Four: What is your role as an Early Childhood Care Professional in working with children in these centers? 20

21 Slide Five: You must include a Book Center as one of your required elements and include two specific books that might be integrated to reinforce the theme of "All About Me". Slide Six to Eleven: You can select an additional 6 out of 15 centers to implement. Provide one slide per center describing the specific activities you would use and the skills you would reinforce in the learning centers relating to the theme "All About Me". Address the following questions: Address the following questions: What specific activities will the children engage in to support the theme "All About Me"? What materials will be utilized? If you need more room, please use the “click to add notes” features. 21

22 Slide Twelve: How did the center activities enhance the learning experience of the children? Slide Thirteen: How do learning centers address different learning styles? Slide Fourteen: What was your role in working with individual students and small groups as they participated in the centers? Note: You can use more slides, but you must include at least three for your conclusion. You can use your “Click to add notes” features, too. 22

23 Follari, L. M., (2007). Foundations and Best Practices in Early Childhood Education. Prentice Hall. Please note that this is an example of your reference sheet. It is also the reference page for my discussion tonight. This will be slide fifteen of your Power Point presentation. Remember to include all the resources that you have used in your project. 23

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