Goal of the Exchange Process 1. Help each Member professional to expand their business networks in order for you to improve the efficiency and effectiveness.

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2 Goal of the Exchange Process 1. Help each Member professional to expand their business networks in order for you to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of how you tackle you job functions. 2. Provide Members with a dynamic and reliable resource to help you solve problems and find new implementable ideas

3 Rules of Engagement 1. Do not use your HOLD button on your telephone – hearing elevator music in the next 60 minutes is not good! 2. No body language signs – please be aggressive and speak your mind and thoughts. 3. Please identify yourself with name and company before speaking. 4. Take Notes about who is saying what… 5. Warning: My goal is to facilitate aggressively so we can cover as many topics as possible. 6. Last but not least, I need your feedback on how to make this process better for you and the participants. 7. Keep in mind of Anti-trust laws.

4 Question/Issue: What is the most valuable marketing tool currently being used in the industry?/ Finding leads on new jobs and new areas of the industry. (Brandi Urey)

5  Leads =Looked into InfoUSA, but looking for other opportunities for leads,  David with Royer – www.salesgenie.com, helps with email marketing, search leads yourselfwww.salesgenie.com  Steve with Quad – SEO approach, key word search, press releases that can be found, rankings and how to rank high is constantly changing. Many SEO companies only have one type of process as a customer.  Education the SEO company on things to look for in a website, development of key words  Leadlander.com, salesforce.com, jigsaw.com Issue: Ways to increase our web presence; finding quality leads.( Elizabeth Roberts)

6  Pat with Royer, were doing 2-3 year and now we rarely do them. Not getting enough ROI.  Steve with Quad, we feel exactly the same way. We don’t go to tradeshows anymore. Unless you did something specific there’s not much of an ROI  Randy with Dekalb, we did the tradeshows and targeted markets. ROI was limited, so we do different approach going to designs shows.  David at Royer, do direct email marketing, visit end product and then approach companies about helping out with the manufacturing of it.  Pat, doing more direct sales calls and meeting customers face to face.  Steve, anyone had success with direct mail campaigns?  Pat, used to do very well with direct mail, but the last years we’ve moved away from it.  Email is faster, cheaper and has a stronger open rate/ ROI Issue/Question: Making the most out of tradeshows; Determining where to put advertising dollars? (Rebecca Farrell)

7 Issue: Social media in a B2B environment; Recruiting effective sales people. (Steve Erickson)  Pat with Royer, haven’t seen too much data as far as ROI but we are moving more and more into this area.  David with Royer, the link on website and in emails to social media/ facebook. The number of times facebook is visited through website it improves SEO positioning.  Randy with Dekalb, we are in the infancy of our approach, but we started with LinkedIn. Target approach based on how we manufacturer and our processes.  Randy, mainly reach out to customers through calls and emails  Really concentrated on current customers to grow the business rather than cold calls

8 Issue: Creative email marketing campaign ideas. (Jeff Baker)

9 Issue: Finding the right potential prospects for the types of resin we commonly use. (Manny Arriaga)

10 Additional Questions?:  Randy, using a service like Leadlander, how do you avoid stalking approach? Difficult to qualify leads  Christy with Royer, made sales calls from leads off website. We’ve had difficulty knowing who exactly it is who visited the site. Hard to narrow the IP address with a person.  David you can at least know the company that visited the site and then maybe research using other avenues to find contacts.  David, anyone had success with LinkedIn?  Randy, Dekalb created a structural foam group through LinkedIn with current and prospective customers. We use a marketing firm to assist with the management of LinkedIn.

11 Register now to get Early Bird Pricing ($100 off!) for the 2013 Benchmarking Conference Oct. 17-18! www.benchmarkingconference.com

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