Asexual and sexual reproduction

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1 Asexual and sexual reproduction
B8 Reproduction Asexual and sexual reproduction

2 Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction
The process resulting in the production of genetically identical offspring from one parent. Bacteria, fungi and some plants reproduce asexually. Sexual reproduction The process involving the fusion of haploid nuclei to form a diploid zygote and the production of genetically dissimilar offspring

3 Sexual reproduction in Humans
B8 Reproduction Sexual reproduction in Humans

4 Male reproductive system
Label the male reproductive system with the following organs: Testes, scrotum, sperm ducts, prostate gland, urethra, penis State the functions of each of the organs by completing the table provided. STRUCTURE FUNCTION Ducts connecting testes to urethra Testes Prostate Gland Places sperm in the vagina of the female Urethra Bag containing the testes Sperm duct Produce the sperm Around the urethra, secrete seminal fluids Penis Passes through the penis to release urine and semen Scrotum

5 Male reproductive system
bladder rectum sperm duct (vas deferens) prostrate gland urethra penis testis scrotum

6 Female reproductive system
Label the female reproductive system with the following organs: Ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix, vagina State the functions of each of the organs by completing the table provided. STRUCTURE FUNCTION Ring of muscle at the entrance to the uterus Oviducts Receives the penis during intercourse; birth canal Uterus Produces ova (eggs) and female hormones Cervix Where fertilisation occurs; transports ova to uterus Vagina Foetus develops in this muscular organ Ovaries

7 Female reproductive system
oviducts ovaries uterus cervix vagina Reproductive system

8 Male and female gametes
The human male gamete is called a sperm cell. The human female gamete is the ovum or egg cell. Sperm Ovum constantly produced 1 matures each month Both 200 – 500 million in one ejaculation Haploid nucleus -(1 set of single chromosomes) Always contain X chromosome Contain either X or Y chromosome immotile (moves via cilia) motile 110μm in diameter 50μm length

9 The menstrual cycle Uterine ling continues to thicken Annotate the handout using the information on the next few slides. DO NOT copy out all the notes

10 The menstrual cycle Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (period). This occurs, on average, every 28 days in women who have gone through puberty. Females are born with hundreds of immature egg cells in each ovary. Every month, one follicle (containing an ovum) will mature. This is controlled by hormones from the pituitary gland.

11 The menstrual cycle – the uterus
Day 1 of the 28 day cycle is the beginning of the period – the endometrium (lining of the uterus) is shed. After menstruation is complete, the endometrium thickens to prepare for the implantation of the zygote. If fertilisation occurs, the endometrium will remain thick to nourish the foetus. If no fertilisation occurs, the endometrium is shed again. All these changes are controlled by hormones.

12 The menstrual cycle – the ovaries
During the first half of the 28 day cycle, a follicle in one ovary will mature. On day 14, the ovum (egg) is released from the ovary and is moved down the oviduct. The follicle in the ovary continues to make hormones in preparation for implantation. The ovum will survive for 24h and must be fertilised in this time for pregnancy to occur If no fertilisation occurs, the ovum is shed in the next period and a new follicle develops. Ovulation

13 Fertilisation The fusion of a sperm cell and an ovum
Occurs in the oviduct following ovulation Only one sperm in the millions of sperm ejaculated will fertilise the egg The nucleus of the sperm joins to the nucleus of the egg, giving the zygote a full set of chromosomes Only 1 sperm can fertilise an egg fertilisation

14 Zygote development

15 Zygote development The foetus is about 3cm long
The zygote is the fertilised egg As the cell divides it is known as a blastocyst Once it embeds in the endometrium, it is called an embryo 8 weeks after conception: facial features internal organs the brain can signal muscle movement the heart is fully developed external sex organs begin to form The foetus is about 3cm long Fertilisation and early development

16 The amniotic sac and fluid
Placenta Umbilical cord Amniotic sac The amniotic sac is filled with the amniotic fluid The fluid supports the growing foetus and protects it from mechanical damage

17 The placenta Part of the embryo becomes the placenta The placenta is
embedded in the uterus The foetus is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord Blood vessels from the foetus pass close to vessels of the mother in the uterus Nutrients, gases and wastes are transported between the foetus and the mother The placenta has a large surface area

18 The umbilical cord joins the foetus to the placenta
Carbon dioxide Urea Oxygen Glucose Water Ions and vitamins Amino acids The umbilical cord joins the foetus to the placenta The cord contains an artery and a vein to carry foetal blood to the placenta and back

19 Breast feeding Breast feeding There is a lot of controversy as to whether a mother should breast feed, and for how long. There are a number of benefits to choosing breast feeding compared to bottle feeding with formula: Establishes close bond between mother and baby Baby has added immunity against infection Breast milk contains antibodies for diseases the mother has already had Reduce rate of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) Less allergies (e.g. skin conditions and asthma) in baby Child less likely to be overweight later Helps woman’s uterus to shrink after birth Helps woman to lose weight gained during pregnancy. Can act as a birth control for the first 6 months Convenient Free

20 HIV – Human immunodeficiency virus
Infection with this virus can lead to AIDS – Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HIV attacks the white blood cells (lymphocytes), weakening the immune system The body no longer produces enough antibodies against infections so it is harder to become well again A person with AIDS often dies of diseases that a healthy person could fight off

21 The spread of HIV Transmitted in blood or semen:
Preventing HIV Transmitted in blood or semen: Unprotected sexual intercourse Hypodermic needles Unborn babies At birth Breast feeding Blood transfusions HIV cannot be cured. Its spread must be prevented: Use condoms during sexual intercourse Do not reuse needles Donated blood is screened before use in blood transfusions

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