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Framework for the future Shaping an inspiring & implementable post- 2015 framework Lisa Wise.

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Presentation on theme: "Framework for the future Shaping an inspiring & implementable post- 2015 framework Lisa Wise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Framework for the future Shaping an inspiring & implementable post- 2015 framework Lisa Wise

2 We could be the generation… Proposition: an end to dimensions of extreme poverty by 2030. Supported by Save the Children research: Getting to Zero –Poverty reduction could accelerate if income inequality is reduced and governance indicators improve.  We need a bold, ambitious and inspiring post- 2015 framework to galvanise action.

3 What would such a framework look like? Build on the strength of the MDGs: –Focused, concise, outcome-oriented. Recognise the need for trade-offs and difficult decisions. Fill critical gaps and address weaknesses of the MDGs. Harness synergies between goal areas.

4 Capturing the breadth of experience and expertise from across Save the Children. –Members, Global Initiatives, country offices. Drawing on inputs from UN thematic and civil society consultations, High Level Panel, SDSN, Global Compact, Beyond 2015. Feeding in outcomes from children’s consultations. Internal process

5 Framework for the future

6 Key elements of the framework 1) Zero goals to end extreme poverty End hunger Eradicate preventable newborn, child and maternal deaths All children go to school and learn All children have access to safe water and sanitation 2) GOALS TO FILL GAPS IN THE MDGS Child protection and violence against children A transformative approach to gender equality A standalone governance goal

7 Key elements of the framework 3) INTEGRATING THE ECONOMIC, SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL DIMENSIONS OF DEVELOPMENT Standalone goals on sustainable energy, disaster resilience, healthy environment and climate change. Integrating environmental sustainability targets into human development goals. Target links to harness synergies. 4) Balancing Universality & ownership All goals and targets are universal, and all governments have responsibilities to fulfil them. Exact thresholds of success may vary from country to country.

8 Key elements of the framework 5) EMBEDDING EQUITY IN EVERY FIBRE OF THE FRAMEWORK No child must be left behind under the new framework No target met unless met for all. Interim equity ‘stepping stone’ targets to reduce gaps between the most and least advantaged groups in society. Plus: Specific targets to tackle critical, cross-cutting dimensions of inequality (e.g. income inequality and gender inequality). Targets to incentivise policies that reduce inequalities (e.g. social protection floors, universal health coverage, universal education).

9 Global partnerships goal Participatory accountability mechanism A data revolution to track progress and bolster accountability. DELIVERY AND ACTION

10 We could be the generation… How likely is success? Open Working Group proposal: 17 goals, 169 targets. –Is it implementable, will it focus action? –What will UN Secretary General recommend? Process for negotiation still unclear. Key fault lines: –Means of implementation and FFD –Governance, peace and stability –Climate change

11 The challenge: Inspiring action to get to zero

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