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Goals/Justifications for Corrections

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1 Goals/Justifications for Corrections
Deterrence General vs. Specific Contrast Effect Incapacitation Selective vs. General Rehabilitation/Reintegration Restorative Justice Retribution/Just Desert Non-utilitarian Goals/Justifications for Corrections

2 The History of Corrections
Importance Many issues/problems have been a part of corrections sine the earliest written records Many failed ideas get repeated Understand the current corrections landscape The History of Corrections

3 Earliest Written Legal Codes
Code of Hammurabi (1772 BC), Roman 12 Tables (450 BC) Emphasized retribution (lex talionis) Punishments ranged from fines to death Generally, crime was a private matter Exception = Hammurabi Different sanctions based on status Earliest Written Legal Codes

4 Feudal Society Europe 9th-15th Century AD Subordinates
Slaves, serfs, etc. dealt with by the lord of the manor  absolute authority Freedmen settle conflicts “personally” Revenge / vengeance + feuds Reconciliation (buy off revenge) Feudal Society

5 1st SHIFT: Private  Public
First “principalities” in 12th Century Shift from private to territorial lords Princes powerful enough to monopolize punishment and push back private vengence By 1500, government “corrections” overcomes traditions of private restitution and/or revenge Uneven and slow process Inquisitorial court system wins out over accusatorial system The “state” can prosecute the case without the victim Ex officio 1st SHIFT: Private  Public

6 Form of Early State Corrections
BRUTAL physical punishment / death Molten lead down the shirt, drawing and quartering, burning, etc. PUBLIC spectacle In part, an effort to demonstrate that the government has a monopoly on the “legitimate” use of violence Form of Early State Corrections

7 From public brutality to private (indoors) punishment
Eventually, corrections changes into the form we recognize today No more molten lead down the front of the shirt, but still corporal punishment Punishment becomes less “public” Why?? Spierenburg’s explanation? Transformation of sensibilities (Enlightenment) State no longer needs to prove itself From public brutality to private (indoors) punishment

8 From Medieval Europe to Colonial America
England Corporal, Capital Transportation Pre-Prisons Galley Slavery Prison Hulks Debtor’s Prisons Houses of Corrections John Howard as first major “prison reformer” From Medieval Europe to Colonial America

9 Colonial America (1600-1750) Nature of Society Nature of Punishment
Calvinist doctrine Crime not a “problem” (fact of life) Crimes/sins all treated similarly Control through family training/community cohesion Insiders vs. Outsiders Nature of Punishment Borrow heavily from England Corporal, Capital, Banishment Public Sparse use of prisons Colonial America ( )

10 Enlightenment and Change (1770s-1820)
Population boom and shift from agrarian to industrial economy Enlightenment Produces alarm/dismay but also optimism First “burst of enthusiasm” (deterrence) Reform the legal code  knife away from Brits Start with eliminating capital punishments for most crime Substitute prisons for corporal/capital punishment Enlightenment and Change (1770s-1820)

11 The Second Major Shift in Corrections
Prison displaces corporal/capital punishment as the primary form of corrections First wave of prison building ( ) Not yet “reform” model—the legal code (not prison) was to greatly reduce crime. More rational and certain than “British” legal code. “A repulsion from the gallows rather than any faith in the penitentiary spurred the late-18th Century construction” The Second Major Shift in Corrections

12 From deterrence to penance (1820-1850)
By 1820, the luster of the classical school (and associated reforms) fades No crime reduction, trouble with prisons Still, very optimistic (“impulse to reform”) The Invention of the Penitentiary A “PROPER” penitentiary will reform offenders PN vs. Auburn debate Reflects new understanding of cause of crime Prison “ideal” largely matched by practice Adequate funding, low crowding (Honeymoon) From deterrence to penance ( )

13 Pennsylvania Separate AND Silent model gets competition
Auburn (New York) Auburn Prison opens in 1818, adopts Walnut St. Jail (to become PN model) ideas in 1821 Not a good architectural fit, other problems… Reform through discipline/obedience, labor (inmates congregate to work, but lockstep, etc) Contract labor system Not much of a “Debate,” but Auburn Model wins out…..WHY? The Great Debate

14 Southern/Western Penology
Often neglected topic in corrections texts Corrections less centralized Justice dispensed at county level (not state) Prisons develop differently In South, race and the “Black codes” Economic differences Little $ to build prisons (civil war decimation) Different economy The “LEASE SYSTEM” Penal Farms Southern/Western Penology

15 By 1860, enthusiasm for penitentiaries wanes
Corruption, corporal punishment, crowding... Wardens give up on ideal and seek to maintain order Even Eastern Penitentiary gives up “separate” model in 1886 1870 National Prison Congress Leads to “Declaration of Principles” Reaffirm reform over punishment Indeterminate sentences Parole Separate institutions for females and juveniles The lockstep, rules of silence, isolation, etc = humiliating and unproductive Elmira as “test case” for new “Reformatory” The New Penology ( )

16 Progressive Era 1900-1960 Progressives = middle/upper class reformers
Great optimism + belief in government Sought to eradicate all sorts of social ills Crime? General reform (poverty reduction, fix slums) Embrace new penology Indeterminate sentences + parole boards/supervision Juvenile Justice System Probation Progressive Era

17 The Medical Model and “Rehabilitative Ideal”
By 1940s, social sciences gain prestige Psychiatry, psychology, sociology Rehabilitative Ideal (1940s-1960s) Causes of crime are unique (social, psychological) The goal of corrections is to identify and eliminate/correct these causes (rehabilitation) Treatment must be individualized Corrections workers and judges must be trusted with a great deal of discretion The Medical Model and “Rehabilitative Ideal”

18 1960s Corrections becomes professionalized
Rehab as unquestioned goal (in rhetoric at least) of Corrections system American Corrections Association (from American Prison Association) Correctional Facilities Standards for “correctional officers” All kinds of new Rx programs College education, group counseling, therapeutic milieu, behavior modification 1960s Corrections becomes professionalized

19 Progressives Radicals, Change... (1960s-1980)
Social Context of 1960s Contrast with “progressive optimism/faith” Many progressives turn more radical Labeling theory ascends  avoid “doing harm” Martinson Report  “nothing works” Liberals embrace the “JUSTICE MODEL” Conservatives have different take on ’60s Crime = symbol of all the “DISORDER” Solution = go back to classical school Progressives Radicals, Change... (1960s-1980)

20 Uneasy Alliance Conservatives and liberals agree on:
The need to limit sentencing discretion Conservatives = liberal judges Liberals = corrupt, racist judges/parole boards Solution = return to determinate sentencing, sentencing guidelines, etc Only difference is on length of sentences Liberals = do less harm, be fair (justice model) Conservatives = punishment WORKS! Uneasy Alliance

21 The Crime Control Era 1975-2000 Prison as Crime Prevention
Sentencing Guidelines/Policy Punishment Programs Boot Camps, “Shock Incarceration,” ISP, Scared Straight!, Chain Gangs, Sherriff Joe… Political Rhetoric Democrats Begin to Pile on the “get tough” bandwagon The Crime Control Era

22 What Era Now? Liberals Conservatives? New Trends
Rehabilitation Restorative Justice Conservatives? Problem Oriented Policing Zeal for prison has waned, less of political issue (terrorism, abortion, budget deficit, healthcare…) New Trends Evidence-Based Corrections Public Health Approach What Era Now?

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