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The International Communist Movement.

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1 The International Communist Movement



4 The Comintern Anthem, written in 1928 by German Communist Hanns Eisler Factories, rise! Workers, close ranks! March, march, march to the battle! Check your sights, load your guns! March to the battle for your cause, worker! The fire of Leninism is lighting our path, It is mobilizing the world for an assault on capital! Two classes are locked in the final battle. Our slogan is: Worldwide Soviet Union! Comrades in prisons, in cold cells, You are with us, even though you are not marching with us now. We do not fear white fascist terror. The bonfire of rebellion will envelop all countries! The Comintern calls on us to form our ranks of steel. Let’s raise the banner of Soviets, our Red Flag! We are troops of the Red Front, And we will not retreat from our path!

5 Allegory of the 3d International: Palekh miniature by Ivan Golikov, 1927

6 World War I and the Russian Revolution triggered off a Global Civil War At issue: crisis and transformation of the global system A long series of intense political struggles within states and between states. Main groups of actors:  political forces seeking revolutionary changes, oriented towards socialism (the Global Left),  forces aiming to destroy the Global Left and save capitalism through abolishing liberal democracy (the Global Right), and  forces seeking to save capitalism through social and political reforms which would undercut the Global Left (the Global Centre)

7 "Schützengraben" by Otto Dix 1918,

8 The Global Left:  The Soviet Union, regarded as the base of world revolution;  A network of communist parties organized in the Comintern;  National liberation movements in the Global South, seeking the overthrow of Western empires – and regarding the USSR as a key ally

9 Attempted revolutions in Europe in the wake of World War I Germany, Nov. 1918 – June 1919 Hungary, March – June 1919 Bulgaria Finland Italy

10 The 1918-19 revolution in Germany NTjCj3Ogas&feature=related NTjCj3Ogas&feature=related







17 The Bavarian Soviet Republic bWluZ81WMIE&feature=related bWluZ81WMIE&feature=related

18 The Hungarian Soviet Republic 0up2OQSttQU 0up2OQSttQU

19 The Soviet-Polish war of 1919-1921: nationalism vs. export of revolution

20 Poland’s independence is recognized by the Soviet Government in 1918; at the time, Poland is occupied by German and Austro-Hungarian forces After World War I, Poland becomes fully independent under a national government Western powers decide to use Poland as the key bastion in Eastern European “sanitary cordon” to contain Soviet Russia What should be Poland’s borders? Western powers: territories inhabited by ethnic Poles Poland: restoration of the Polish borders of 1772 (incorporating Ukrainian, Belarusian and Lithuanian lands) Poland’s calculation: Russia is wrecked by Civil War, the West is on Poland’s side

21 Key battleground: disputed territories of Ukraine and Belarus Ukraine is in a civil war, split between Ukrainian Soviets, Ukrainian nationalists and the Greens; actions of White forces a major factor In 1919, Poland interferes in these struggles against supporters of the Soviets Summer 1920 – full-fledged war between the Red Army and the Polish Army

22 Polish cavalry attack

23 52}52}. Polish Government information document prepared for Polish Army officers, March 1920: “The Head of State and the Government of Poland are seeking unconditional weakening of Russia… At the present time, the Polish Government intends to support the Ukrainian national movement in order to create an independent Ukrainian state and thereby substantially weaken Russia which would lose its richest territory in terms of grain and mineral resources. The key goal in creating an independent Ukraine is to build a barrier between Poland and Russia and to assure the transfer of Ukraine under Polish influence which would enable Poland’s economic and political expansion.”* *Михутина И.В. Некоторые проблемы истории польско-советской войны 1919—1920 гг. // Версаль и новая Восточная Европа. M., 1996, С. 165

24 “Locked within its 16 th century borders, cut off from the Black and Baltic Seas, deprived of its lands and mineral resources of the South and Southeast, Russia might well become a second-rate power incapable of presenting serious danger to Poland’s restored independence. Meanwhile, Poland as the biggest and strongest of the new states, might easily secure for itself a sphere of influence spreading from Finland to the Caucasus.” Jozef Pilsudski, Provisional Commander of the Second Polish Republic

25 Pilsudski in Minsk, Belarus

26 Poland’s shifting borders, 1918-1922

27 Polish war propaganda poster: “Kill the Bolshevik!”

28 Soviet war propaganda poster: “How the Lords’ adventure will end”

29 To the West! Soviet Communist Party daily Pravda, May 9, 1920 To the West, workers and peasants! Fight against the bourgeoisie and landowners, For the world revolution, For freedom of all peoples! Soldiers of workers’ revolution! Look westwards. It is in the West that the fate of the world revolution is decided. We will march over the corpse of White Poland to light the world fire. On our bayonets we will bring happiness and peace To the workers of the world. To the West! To decisive battles, to thunderous victories!

30 From statement of the 2nd Congress of the Comintern, summer 1920: “Brothers in the Red Army, know: your war against Polish lords is the most just war history has ever known. You are fighting not only for the interests of Soviet Russia, but also for the interests of the entire working humanity, for the Communist International. The Red Army today is one of the main forces of world history. Time is coming when an International Red Army will be created.” The idea is to establish a Soviet government in Poland and move on to Germany to help German Communists

31 Julian Marchlewski, Polish- Russian Communist, head of Provisional Revolutionary Committee, set up by the Soviets to replace the Pilsudski government in Poland

32 Mikhail Tukhachevsky, commander of Red Army forces in Poland in 1920, a Polish aristocrat by origin, advocate of spreading revolution by military force

33 Iosif Stalin as member of the Military Council of the Western Front, 1920: skeptical about export of revolution to Poland and Germany

34 Soviet cavalry attack

35 “Hey, Poles, to bayonets!” Polish war propaganda poster

36 Poles defeating Soviet forces near Warsaw, a Polish painting

37 Soviet POWs in the Soviet-Polish war of 1920

38 The Communist International was founded in March 1919 by 52 representatives of 34 Bolshevik-type parties 21 Conditions adopted at the 2 nd Congress in 1920: tern/2nd-congress/ch07.htm tern/2nd-congress/ch07.htm Major communist parties: In Europe: Germany, France, Italy In Asia: China, Vietnam

39 Design of the membership card of the Communist Party of Italy

40 Antonio Gramsci, leader of Italian Communists

41 Ernst Thalmann, German Communist Party

42 Dolores Ibarruri, Spanish Communist Party

43 Mao Zedong, Chinese Communist Party

44 The Global Right Various right-wing forces, shattered by World War I and the Russian Revolution On the defensive, trying to adapt to the new situation  Conservatives adrift The rise of Radical Right – fascism  Combining nationalist, militarist, socialist and antidemocratic ideas The new word: “totalitarianism” (Mussolini) Fascism allows the Right to go on the offensive But until the 1930s, the offensives are of local, not global, significance

45 Freikorps, German right-wing militia Vf3kh61tsIc Vf3kh61tsIc

46 Mussolini addresses a Fascist Party crowd: http://www.y watch?v=NGi Q2- oIRpw&featu re=related

47 Italian Fascists march on Rome, 1922:

48 Hitler’s rise to power MHvQ3apI6xU&feature=related MHvQ3apI6xU&feature=related

49 The march of dictators 1922: Italy, Spain 1923: Turkey 1926: Poland, Lithuania, Portugal 1929: Yugoslavia 1933: Germany 1934: Latvia, Bulgaria 1936: Hungary, Greece 1939: Spain again 1940: Romania

50 The cause of World revolution and Soviet politics Socialism in One Country Peaceful Cosexistence International Solidarity Trying to control foreign revolutions

51 The Global Center Liberals, reform-minded socialists, labour and other social movements struggling for democratization and social reforms The 1920s as a period of uncertainty Emergence of a liberal world order instead of a world revolution?  Stabilization of global capitalism, revival of globalized markets  Disarmament, League of Nations  Peaceful coexistence between the West and the Soviet Union

52 January 20, 1933: Franklin D. Roosevelt is inaugurated as US President:

53 From Roosevelt’s inaugural address, January 20, 1933: “Rulers of the exchange of mankind's goods have failed through their own stubbornness and their own incompetence, have admitted their failure, and have abdicated. Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court of public opinion, rejected by the hearts and minds of men. True they have tried, but their efforts have been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Faced by failure of credit they have proposed only the lending of more money. Stripped of the lure of profit by which to induce our people to follow their false leadership, they have resorted to exhortations, pleading tearfully for restored confidence....The money changers have fled from their high seats in the temple of our civilization. We may now restore that temple to the ancient truths. The measure of the restoration lies in the extent to which we apply social values more noble than mere monetary profit”.

54 1929 The start of the Great Depression Capitalism shattered, class conflicts on the rise everywhere Revival of the ideas of world revolution The Global Left goes on the offensive Radicalization of right-wing forces Political polarization Retreat of liberal democracy In international relations – growing anarchy, return to traditional power politics

55 Red Front Battle Union demonstration, led by Ernst Thalmann, Germany, 1927


57 1933 Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany The Nazis destroy German democracy, crush the Left, build a totalitarian state, prepare for wars of aggression


59 1936-39 The Spanish Civil War: Spain as an arena of a crucial battle between the Global Left and the Global Right

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