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AMERICA SOLIDARITY Foundation Working to Globalize Solidarity En alianza con:

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1 AMERICA SOLIDARITY Foundation Working to Globalize Solidarity En alianza con:




5 Lima

6 VISION We want solidarity in a continent in constant search for peace and social justice. We want Solidarity in America, placing the human being at the center of development, sowing in volunteers a sense of professional commitment to the most excluded population in the continent. MISION We promote cooperation in solidarity among American nations, forming a regional volunteer base with highly professional and human quality, involved in projectos for social integration to improve the quality of life of persons living in situations of critical poverty in our region.

7 Overcoming poverty Supporting social projects Training for a world of solidarity Society with a Global Conscience Promoting continental Union America for America A project whose cause is one great meeting place

8 A dream that wants to grow on 9,50044,000 2011 2021 Beneficiaries per year Volunteers per year 80400 Countries reached 822

9 Overcoming poverty Supporting social projects Promoting continental Union America for America A project whose cause is a great meeting point Training for a world of solidarity Society with a Global Conscience

10 Profesionals for more solidarity in the world Young Professional Volunteers For the three months that have already gone by I can’t complain and I am not sorry for the time spent, since it has been awesome, motivating, and stimulating, as well as disappointing, frustrating and tiring. Also, hopefu, enfuriating and dark. What is depressing also strengthens you. I could go on, but I think it all boils down to everything that is necessary to share in order to achieve a more conscious and responsible life in relation to my surroundings. Cristóbal Kripper, Former Volunteer (Port au Prince, Haití)

11 Overcoming poverty Supporting Social Projects Training for a world of solidarity Society with a Global Conscience Promoting continental union America for America Un proyecto cuya causa es un gran punto de encuentro



14 I.- ALLIANCE WITH AGCI (Chilean Agency for International Cooperation): ENHANCE & COMPLEMENT COOPERATION 1.Improve quality of life and overcome poverty on the continent, making special use of country advantages 2.Generate links of brotherhood and understanding among the countries in the region, contributing to Regional Integration 3.Promote comprehensive technical cooperation models by way of joint work between publice services, businesses and NGOs 4.Train citizen-leaders for a global society, who are conscious and commited to regional cooperation responsibility

15 BeneficiariesEstimatedCoverage to date % of Coverage to date Direct Beneficiaries 24,98520,88884% Indirect Beneficiaries 64,56263,58098% Total Beneficiaries Planned for 89,54784,468 Beneficiaries Planned & Covered 2011

16 N°ProfessionTotal 1Lawyer3 2Agronomist2 3Anthropologist1 4Political Scientist4 5Social Communications2 6Ecotourism1 7Education14 8Nursing5 9Civil Industrial Engineering3 10Environmental Engineering3 11Business Engineering4 12Kinesiology & Rehabilitation2 13Matron1 14Medicine6 15Dentist2 16Psychology16 17Psycho-teaching1 18Sociology7 19Social Work8 Overall Total85 Professions among volunteers


18 Close Human Friendly Brings closeness and social commitment Leader Successful Quality It gives support and strength of a leader


20 Project Objective: Promote the development of comprehensive public policy for Early Childhood, based on creating educational Pilot Centers. Team: Local pedagogical team: trained in Chile Chilean State development workers: 2 teachers 6 America Solidarity Volunteers Lines of Action - America Solidarity Pedagogical, Health, Agricultural, Community Strategic Partners: Haiti: Ministry of Education Haiti, Early Childhood Centers Chile: AGCI, Integra, Junji International Orgs: IDB, America Solidarity II.- Example of Cooperation: Public / Social

21 Internationalization

22 Technical Cooperation Program South-South: “Access to development opportunities in poor communities based on the work of young professionals at the regional and national level” OVERCOMING POVERTY FOUNDATION AMERICA SOLIDARITY FOUNDATION

23 AN ALLIANCE FOR OUR CONTINENT OVERCOMING POVERTY FOUNDATION: Founded in 1995, it seeks to contribute to overcoming poverty promoting greater levels of equality and social integration, insuring Sustainable Human Development. Implements actions through: (i) Research and public policy proposals with a Rights approach (ii) Implements the Country Service Program in Chile, mobilizing over 400 young professionals every year

24 Link communities living in poverty & social vulnerability throughout the continent, with opportunities for development in their territory through actions by university professionals from different countries contributing to reducing the access gaps to effectively achieve results for family and community wellbeing GENERAL OBJECTIVE

25 Working in two directions to reduce the levels of INEQUALITY Increase the population’s conditions of access and effective achievements in the structure of Opportunities in society in these areas: Social, labor, productivity and environment Redistribute professional resources to the regions of the Latin American continent

26 ALIANCE TO IMPLEMENT THE INTERVENTION ALLIED INSTITUTIONS IN THE COUNTRY TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS development workers STRENGTHEN RESOURCES AND CAPITAL: HUMAN – SOCIAL – PHYSICAL – FINANCIAL PROTOCOLS & METHODS FOR INTERVENTION SERVICES COMMUNITIES INDIVIDUALS INCREASE OPPORTUNITIES: HEALTH – HOUSING – INCOME- EDUCATION – ENVIRONMENT - CULTURE FAMILIES 1- Contribute to the redistribution of professional capacities in the region to reduce physical, social and productive differences suffered by people living in poverty throughout the continent. FIELDS of action: Education, health, housing, work/business, culture, environment. Working models:

27 2- Generate a space for professional & personal development for young people interested in dedicating a year or two of their lives to work for “a continent with no poverty” Types of professionals sought: SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE Nº2 Professionals in the country itself South-South Development Workers North-South Development Workers

28 3- Promote regional integration based on solidarity through efforts to raise citizen awareness with regards to the issue of poverty and the ways to overcome it. SPECIFIC OBJETIVE Nº3 SPECIFIC OBJETIVE Nº4 4- Generate spaces for training, reflection, discussion and proposals for Development Cooperation and social policies at the level of Latin America based on the experience of young professionals and issue experts.

29 EXPECTED ACHIEVEMENTS Individuals, families, and communities with greater and improved access to the opportunities in their country. Contribute to training and fostering work-networks and value for Regional Integration: solidarity, and social responsibility. Decentralization of human resources – professionals in large cities and/or main countries of the region out to the less advanced: democratization & equal knowledge

30 1.Problems: Policies are often very complex: For local government For users Information not Always available Arbitrary situations possible 2.The invitation: Bring together the OAS member countries and RIPSO, to galvanize Social Protection efforts Implement directly: Planning, Training, Operation, Technical Accompaniment Generate a continental system for cooperation in solidarity The Challenge: Promote Social Protection Efforts on the Continent In Alliance with Countries and Civil Society

31 Structure of Opportunities

32 1.Generating a common regional identity in the American continent based on solidarity 2.Strengthening the capacity to respond in the wake of international catastrophe 3.Developing a South-South cooperation model in the region through Development Workers and Local Volunteers to support social protection policies and achieve the millenium goals 4.Generating a critical mass of Latin American citizens that are conscious of the region’s needs, and advocating the integration of American countries Importance for the Region

33 Déyé món, gen món (After this hill, there are more hills) Haitian Proverb


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