April 2014 8 th Grade. Monday, April 7, 2014 LT: I can set up the format for my CBA and begin writing my first draft. Write your LT in your planner. Please.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2014 8 th Grade. Monday, April 7, 2014 LT: I can set up the format for my CBA and begin writing my first draft. Write your LT in your planner. Please."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2014 8 th Grade

2 Monday, April 7, 2014 LT: I can set up the format for my CBA and begin writing my first draft. Write your LT in your planner. Please take out your pre-write (House or other format) These are due TODAY! Wait for the bell… instructions will come shortly.

3 Tuesday, April 8, 2014 LT: I can set up the format for my CBA and begin writing my first draft. Write your LT in your planner. Please take out your pre-write (House or other format) These are due TODAY! For real this time! Grab a computer and turn it on… but do NOTHING ELSE.

4 Log in to WinHome

5 Wednesday, April 9, 2014 LT: I can write the rough draft of my CBA using my outline as a guide. Write your LT in your planner. Grab a computer [if you’re ready for typing] and continue work on your CBA rough draft. When you finish it, turn it in on Edmodo (let Ms. Hall know if you need help) This is a VOICE LEVEL 1 work time… meaning I should really not hear you. The absolute last day for rough draft is TODAY (it must be turned in prior to class tomorrow) NO personal headphones/music will be allowed today.

6 Wednesday, April 9, 2014 LT: I can edit a peer’s rough draft. Write your LT in your planner. Continue where you left off on your CBA. Come to the front of the room if you have already done this and it is complete. When you finish your rough draft, turn it in on Edmodo and join us in the front of the room. This is a VOICE LEVEL 1 work time… meaning I should really not hear you. The absolute last day for rough draft is TODAY (it must be turned in prior to class tomorrow) NO personal headphones/music will be allowed today.

7 Monday, April 14, 2014 LT: I can make adjustments and finalize my CBA paper. Write your LT in your planner. Continue where you left off on your CBA. This is a VOICE LEVEL 1 work time… meaning I should really not hear you [unless you are helping others/bouncing ideas off others QUIETLY.] You MUST have your paper edited and edit another person’s paper. If you have not done this, meet Ms. Hall near her desk!!! Tomorrow is the LAST in-class work day!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 Tuesday, April 15, 2014 LT: I can finish my CBA by compiling my bibliography. Write your LT in your planner. Get your computer and open your CBA file (FINISHED OR NOT) Be at a VOICE LEVEL 0 when the bell rings. You MUST have your paper edited and edit another person’s paper. If you have not done this, meet with Ms. Hall TODAY is the LAST in-class work day!

9 Wednesday, April 16, 2014 LT: I can take a pre-test to show what I know about economics. Write your LT in your planner. Clear your desk of EVERYTHING. Please be in your assigned seat and silent at the bell so we can get started immediately.


11 Thursday, April 17, 2014 LT: I can complete a bank register to show understanding of financial institutions and debit cards. Write your LT in your planner. Clear your desk of EVERYTHING except your JA Finance Park Textbook and last night’s homework. Please be in your assigned seat and silent at the bell so we can get started immediately.

12 Friday, April 18, 2014 LT: I can define important personal economic terms. Write your LT in your planner. Open up to your HW and compare your answers with the people around you. Please be in your assigned seat and silent at the bell so we can get started immediately.

13 Groups of 3 (ish) Open to page 37 of your book. Your group will be assigned 1 of those words. Your job is to make a poster with the definition, an example, a sentence, and a picture.

14 Tuesday, April 22, 2014 LT: I can determine the pros and cons of credit card use. Write your LT in your planner. Get out a new sheet of paper and fold it in half “hot dog” ways. Please be in your assigned seat and silent at the bell so we can get started immediately.

15 Tuesday, April 22, 2014 LT: I can PYF! Write your LT in your planner. Get your JA Book Please be in your assigned seat and silent at the bell so we can get started immediately.

16 Tuesday, April 29, 2014 LT: I can write questions to the test. Write your LT in your planner. Please be in your assigned seat and silent at the bell so we can get started immediately.

17 Savings Calculations Let’s do some MATH!

18 What is PEMDAS? ParenthesesExponentsMultiplicationDivisionAdditionSubtraction

19 The Equation M=P(1+i)n m=final amount p=principal i=interest rate n=time in years

20 Your task: Write 10 questions to the Unit 1 Test 5 multiple choice 4 short answer 1 long answer

21 Mon 4/30/14 LT: I can show what I know about Unit 1 Write your LT in your planner. You may flip through your JA book to “study” information on Unit 1. We will be going to the Annex to take your Unit 1 Test!

22 Thurs 5/1/14 LT: I can begin to understand taxes. Write your LT in your planner. Silently work on the following activity when the bell rings: Open to page 46 in your JA book. Please check the boxes you think are correct for each tax… is the tax REAL or FAKE? When you’re finished, please set up new Cornell Notes with the topic “TAXES.”

23 What are taxes? Funds ($) that local, state, and federal gov’t collect to pay their bills.

24 Who pays taxes? People who hold a job, buy things, or own property. EVERYONE.

25 How do I pay taxes? Sales tax Automatically included in the total price collected at a store or on a bill. Income tax Automatically withheld by employer Set aside to be paid to IRS File a form and either pay more if still owed or receive a refund if we paid too much.

26 How am I affected by taxes? Additional cost on things Take-home pay is reduced Property is taxed Utilities taxed Used for “free” gov’t services Roads, schools, police and fire, military, Social Security, parks, etc.

27 Why do I care? If you plan to work and ever buy property or make major purposes, you will pay taxes!! Need to understand how take home pay is affected. Must be able to calculate net monthly income to know how much you’ll have left after taxes.



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