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1.scientific method = approach taken to try to solve a problem, can include recognizing the problem, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing.

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Presentation on theme: "1.scientific method = approach taken to try to solve a problem, can include recognizing the problem, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.scientific method = approach taken to try to solve a problem, can include recognizing the problem, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing the data, and drawing conclusions. 2.scientific theory = a set of ideas that tie together many observations, and it must be based on ideas that have been tested and shown to be true over time based on empirical evidence. 3.scientific law = describes and predicts how some part of the natural world acts under certain conditions based on ideas that have been tested and proven true with empirical evidence. 4.research = determining what is already known about a topic 5.testable question = one that can be answered by designing and conducting an experiment. 6.variable = In experiments: a condition that is changed in order to find out the effect of that change. In mathematics: part of an equation that can have a different value. (Usually shown on the Y axis.) 7.independent variable = the factor in an experiment that the scientist changes to see the effect on the dependent variable. 8.dependent variable = The factor in the experiment that is measured (the data); the factor that is affected by the independent variable. (Usually shown on the Y axis.) 9.constant = variable that stays the same in an experiment 10.control group = the standard used for comparison in an experiment 11.experimental treatment group = the group that receives the independent variable treatment 12.hypothesis = prediction about a problem that can be tested using the scientific method 13.prediction = statement of what an investigator thinks will happen under certain conditions based on what they know from observations or research. 14.observation = evidence collected using one of the 5 senses: hearing, sight, sound, touch, taste 15.empirical evidence = measurable source of knowledge acquired by means of observation or experimentation 16.results = Explanation or interpretation of the data. May be in statement form, but is usually expressed in charts and graphs. = raw measurements and observations 18.Conclusion = the answer to the testable question or problem with supporting, empirical evidence. 19.experimental error = a difference between a computed, estimated, or measured value and the accepted true, specified, or theoretically correct value. 20.scientific model = simplified version of some part of the natural world that helps explain how the natural world functions. Project # __: Unit 1 Vocabulary Due: _________________ Directions: Tape this directions page and the vocabulary list in in your Lab Journal. Use the directions below as a rubric to complete your project: ____ 1 pt. /word Copy the words on your project pages. ____ 1 pt./ word Copy the definitions on your project pages. ____ 1 pt./ word Create a drawing to illustrate the word. ____ 1 pt. / word Color the drawing. ____ 1 pt. / word Use the word in a sentence. 5 points total/ word = 100 points for the total project. There will be a vocabulary test over these words after the project is due!

2 Project # ___: Unit 1 Scientific ProcessesName __________________________ Core 1 2 3 4 Score ____/ 100 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

4 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

5 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

6 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence. Project # ___: Unit 1 Scientific ProcessesName __________________________ Core 1 2 3 4 Score ____/ 100

7 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence.

8 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence.

9 Word = DefinitionIllustrationWord used in a sentence.

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