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The Papal Reform Movement. Background: The Roman Empire and After The Institution of the Papacy – Matthew 16:18-19 – Gelasian doctrine: two swords The.

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Presentation on theme: "The Papal Reform Movement. Background: The Roman Empire and After The Institution of the Papacy – Matthew 16:18-19 – Gelasian doctrine: two swords The."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Papal Reform Movement

2 Background: The Roman Empire and After The Institution of the Papacy – Matthew 16:18-19 – Gelasian doctrine: two swords The Institution of Kingship – Imperial (divine) – Germanic (Charlemagne) The status of the 10 th century church – Papacy – Countryside: “core bishops” and abbots Donation of Constantine

3 Early Efforts at Reform Peace of God – Document 1: Rodulfus Glaber Description of the Peace and Truce of God – Document 2: Bishops of the Auvergne Canons of the Council of Le Puy – What is the focus of these documents? How are church buildings, lands, and personnel set apart? Cluny – Document 3: William of Aquitaine Foundation Charter of the Monastery of Cluny 910 – How does William perceive his own role? Why might he be doing this? – What is being given away? – What do the prohibitions tell us about the typical fate of monastic lands?

4 Steps to Reform Synod of Sutri (Document 13) – Chaos in the succession of the papacy: “In this year (1046) a great uprising occurred in Rome and a huge crowd deposed the pope” – Henry III takes the office of patricius Leo IX (1049-1054): Reforming pope – Instituted the College of Cardinals Papal Election Decree (Document 15) 1059

5 Prelude to Investiture Controversy Contrast: East Francia (“Germany”), West Francia (“France”), Italy – West Francia: Feudal estates as described in Hugh of Lusignan document – Ottonian Empire: importance of bishops Early reformers: – Document 5: Peter Damian A Letter to Bishop Cunibert of Turin 1064 Representation of sexuality Representation of women – Document 8: Pope Gregory VII A Letter to Adela, Countess of Flanders What is at stake in concerns about the sacraments? – Document 9: Humber of Silva Candida On Simony Why might sacraments performed by such people be invalid? – Document 10: Peter Damian On Simony

6 Gregory VII vs. Henry IV Questions: – Why does Backman think the reform of the church was of such vital importance? – What problems besieged the church in the 9th and 10th centuries? – What was the role of forged documents in the church's efforts at constructing an identity? – What were the three major issues for reformers, and why were they important? – What was at stake for Henry IV in the conflict with Gregory VII? What was at stake for the pope? – What were the political implications for Henry of his excommunication? – Who do you think came out the winner in the episode at Canossa? – How does Rosenwein regard the outcome of this reform movement? Terms: – Dictatus Papae – Simony – Canossa – Concordat of Worms

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