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AHSGE Section 3. Terms Section 3.1 Colony – an area under the control of a distant country The Spanish Century – a 100 year period that began after 1492.

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Presentation on theme: "AHSGE Section 3. Terms Section 3.1 Colony – an area under the control of a distant country The Spanish Century – a 100 year period that began after 1492."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHSGE Section 3

2 Terms Section 3.1 Colony – an area under the control of a distant country The Spanish Century – a 100 year period that began after 1492 in which Spain was the dominant power in the New World America – name given to the New World Conquistadors – Spanish adventurers and conquerors in the New World St. Augustine – fort built by the Spanish in Florida to protect shipping and colonies in the Caribbean

3 The Spanish Century The Spanish crown authorized for Columbus to establish a colony. He colonized Hispaniola, present day Haiti Wasn’t successful German map maker named the New World “America” Columbus wasn’t famous Amerigo Vespucci was famous

4 Conquistadors Motivation was God, Glory, & Gold Ponce de Leon – searched for a fountain of youth in Florida De Soto – explored the southeastern section of North America from Florida to Texas Coronado – explored the southwest Cabrillo – explored the west coast as far north as Oregon

5 St. Augustine As gold & silver began to flow out of the colonies to the Spanish treasury, other European nations began to want what Spain had. Spain built a fort at St. Augustine, Florida to protect their ships in the Caribbean. First permanent European settlement in U.S.

6 Terms Section 3.2 Northwest Passage – a sea route around the top of North America to the Far East Samuel de Champlain – French explorer who founded the colony of Quebec on the St. Lawrence River Robert LaSalle – French explorer who followed the Mississippi River to its mouth and claimed the land drained be the river for France Louisiana – land in the Mississippi River basin claimed by France Iroquois – large group of Native Americans in the North Jesuits – catholic missionaries from France to the North American Indians Huguenots – French Protestants who were forbidden to emigrate to French colonies in North America

7 France in the New World The first goal of other European nations was to find a northern route around the Americas to the Far East. Samuel de Champlain started the colony of Quebec on the St. Lawrence River. Became fur traders Weren’t interested in land Robert LaSalle followed the MS River and claimed the land for the French.

8 Terms Section 3.3 Netherlands – another name for Holland Henry Hudson – Dutch explorer who sailed down the Hudson River New Netherlands – Dutch colony in the Hudson River Valley Dutch East India Company – company that sponsored the Dutch colonies in America New York City – name given to New Amsterdam when the British took over the colony New Amsterdam – a city in the Dutch colony of New Netherlands Cultural diversity – many different kinds of people with their own customs and languages

9 The Dutch in North America Netherlands depended on trade for survival Built the largest merchant fleet in Europe Dutch established trading posts on Manhattan Island & in the Hudson River Valley Offered large tracts of land to anyone who would hire & transport 50 people to live on the land. Rules weren’t very strict b/c the goal was to get as many people in the colony as possible. English would eventually take over the Neterlands

10 Terms Section 3.4 Sea dogs – English pirates that attacked Spanish ships The lost colony – colony planted on Roanoke Island in 1587 that disappeared before supplies arrived Joint-Stock Company – a company that issued stock to raise money for the its business ventures Jamestown – first permanent English settlement in North America Captain John Smith – military officer who helped the Jamestown colony survive the first few years Tobacco – crop grown by the Virginia colony to earn profits for the company Indentured Servants – people who worked for 5-7 years in exchange for passage to the colony

11 Terms Section 3.4 House of Burgesses – the first representative body in the English colonies Anglican church – the church of England that replaced the Catholic church Separatists – Protestants who wanted to separate from the Anglican church b/c it was “too Catholic” Mayflower Compact – agreement by members of the Plymouth colony to abide be the laws they made

12 The English in America England found great wealth in raiding Spanish ships Wanted to have a base in the colonies to attack the Spanish from. Desire for an American base was what lead to the first attempts at English colonies in North America. First English colony in America was planted on Roanoke Island. Colony failed b/c supply ships were delayed by the Spanish. Called the lost colony b/c nobody knows what happened to any of the colonists

13 Jamestown England established Jamestown. Early years were a disaster Built fort in swampy area, mosquitoes proved deadly to colonists Colonists not used to physical labor Didn’t find gold but did develop a pure kind of tobacco that proved golden. Required labor & land Took land from Indians Imported indentured servants for labor

14 Jamestown To attract more people to the colony, company began giving land to settlers. Gave settlers a voice in running the colony by setting up the House of Burgesses. First ship of women and indentured servants arrived in 1619.

15 Plymouth Colony Separated from the Anglican church Called Pilgrims Came aboard the Mayflower Drew up the Mayflower Compact calling for equal treatment and laws Local Indians helped separatists to grow food giving rise to the modern holiday “Thanksgiving”

16 Terms Section 3.5 Indigenous – people who are native or original to an area Native Americans – people who were already in the Americas when Europeans arrived Indians – name given to the indigenous people that Columbus encountered in the Caribbean Destabilization – terms that means to weaken a society or people Nomads – people who wander from place to place with no permanent home

17 Native Americans Columbus’ encounter w/ Native Americans marked the beginning of the end of Indian tribes. European diseases destroyed native populations Spanish introduced horses Became a symbol of wealth & power

18 Reasons for the Destabilization of Native American Societies Harsh treatment Military conquests Forced labor European diseases

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