Uses of The. Singular or pluralTypes of articlesArticlesNouns BothThe = definite article a/an = indefinite articles ( an= a e u I o) The – a – anCountable.

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Presentation on theme: "Uses of The. Singular or pluralTypes of articlesArticlesNouns BothThe = definite article a/an = indefinite articles ( an= a e u I o) The – a – anCountable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Uses of The

2 Singular or pluralTypes of articlesArticlesNouns BothThe = definite article a/an = indefinite articles ( an= a e u I o) The – a – anCountable nouns Only singularThe = definite article TheUncountable nouns

3 - We use the+ a singular countable noun to talk about a type of plant, animal.. etc. The rose is my favorite flower. The giraffe is the tallest of all animals. - In these examples, “the” doesn’t mean one particular thing. The rose = roses in general. Note that we can also use a plural noun without “the”. For example: roses are my favorite flowers.

4 - We use “the” + a singular countable noun when we talk about a type of machine, an invention etc. When was the telephone invented? The bicycle is an excellent mean of transport. We also use the for musical instruments: Can you play the guitar? The piano is my favorite instrument.

5 The + adjective: We use the with some adjectives ( without a noun). The meaning is always plural. For example: the rich.. Here we mean rich people in general. Do you think the rich should pay more taxes?

6 We use “the” especially with these adjectives: The rich الأغنياء – الأثرياء The old كبار السن The blind الأكفّاء – المكفوفين The sick المرضى The disabled ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة The injured الجرحى The poor الفقراء The young الشباب The deaf الصم The dead الموتى The unemployed العاطلون عن العمل

7 The man over there is collecting money for the blind. Why doesn’t the government do more to help the unemployed? So, these expressions are always plural. You cannot say “ a blind” or “an unemployed”. You have to say a blind man, an unemployed woman …

8 The + nationality words: You can use the with some nationality adjectives when you mean “the people of the country” The French are famous for their food ( French people) Why do the English think they are so wonderful?

9 You can use the in this way with these nationality words: the British – the Welsh – the Spanish – the Dutch – the English – the Irish – the French – The swiss Also with nationality words ending in ese ( the Japanese, the Chinese..)

10 With other nationalities you have to use a plural noun ending in –s: (the) Russians (the) Italians (the) Arabs (the) Scots (the) Turks

11 Plural and Uncountable Nouns with and without the We don’t use “the” before a noun when we mean something in general: - I love flowers. ( flowers in general, not a particular group of flowers) - Doctors are paid more than teachers. Unit 74

12 We say most people/ most dogs… ( not “the most”) Most people like George.

13 We say “ the..” when we mean something in particular: I like your garden. The flowers are beautiful (not flowers are) Unit 74.

14 The difference between “something in general” and “something in particular” is not always very clear. I like working with people ( people in general) I like working with people who are lively ( not all people but people who are lively is still a general idea) I like the people I work with ( particular group of people)

15 Do you like apples? ( in general) Do you like red apples? ( not all apples but red apples in general) Do you like the apples we had with our meal last night ( particular apples)

16 - Someone goes to hospital or is in hospital if he is ill or injured. We are not thinking of a particular hospital but we are thinking of the idea of hospital. - Jack had an accident a few days ago. He had to go to hospital. He is still in hospital now. Jill went to the hospital to visit him. She is at the hospital now.

17 Prison School University College Church We say: a criminal goes to prison ( not the prison). a child goes to school. a student goes to university/ college. We don’t use “the” when we are thinking of the idea of these places and what they are used for: After I leave school, I want to go to university ( as a student)

18 Why aren’t the children at school today? ( pupils) Mrs kelly goes to church every Sunday. ( for a religious service) Ken’s brother is in prison for robbery. ( he is a prisoner) We say “in prison” but usually “at school/university/college” “in/at church”

19 Mr Kelly went to the school to meet his daughter’s teacher ( he didn’t go as a pupil) Excuse me, where is the university please? ( a particular building) The workmen went to the church to repair the roof ( not for a religious service) Ken went to the prison to visit his brother ( he went as a visitor)

20 Bed Work Home We say: go to bed/ be in bed ( not the bed) It’s time to go to bed now. Is Tom still in bed? We say: go to work/ be at work/ start work/ finish work ( not the work) Why isn’t Ann at work today? What time do you finish work?

21 Go home/ come home/ be at home / stay at home ( not the home) Come on! Let’s go home. Will you be at home tomorrow? There’s no preposition with go/come/ arrive home ( not “to home”)

22 Revision Fill in the blanks with the or nothing: __ elephant is my favorite animal. The Who invented__ car? The Braille is invented for __ blind. The

23 Joan is sick. He is at __ hospital now. -- All __ bicycles have wheels. -- __ Italians are famous of their creativity. The or – She went to__ school for many years. -- Don’t jump on __ bed. the I like __ baseball. --

24 Paul is in __ prison now to visit his brother. the I liked __ music of that movie. the Kids go to __ bed at 8:00 -- __ college I go to is highly specialized. The I want to go __ home right now. --

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