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History homework project Ghana: from British rule to independence Name________Form___ History teacher__________________ Hand in date___________.

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1 History homework project Ghana: from British rule to independence Name________Form___ History teacher__________________ Hand in date___________

2 Ghana web-quest Use Google to find the answers to the following questions. Hint: do not type the whole question – just type the key words. 1. Circle the three countries that border (are next to) Ghana. HINT: Use a map to help you find the answer to this question Morocco Burkina Faso Uganda Benin Togo Cote d’Ivoire Senegal 2. Give the names of three ethnic groups (types of people) in Ghana __________________ _______________________ ___________________ 3. What was the name of the empire that ruled Ghana before the Europeans arrived? Circle the correct answer Ashanti Roman Bugandan Egyptian Zulu 4. Which country did the first Europeans to arrive in Ghana come from? ________________________ 5. What goods did Europeans want to buy or take from Ghana? Circle three answers Carpets gold wool ivory fish slaves oranges 6. What year did the British conquer (take control of) Ghana? ____________________. When did it get independence (freedom)? ___________ 7. What did the British call Ghana before 1957? ____________________ 8. Underline the true statements No one in Ghana tried to stop the British taking over The British had to fight many groups of people to gain control of Ghana The British used traditional chiefs to help them rule The British did not listen to the traditional chiefs’ advice

3 Source analysis: British rule in the Gold Coast Source E: Sir Garnett Wolseley 1874 SOURCE A Map of the Gold Coast (Ghana) 1896 SOURCE B Flag of the Gold Coast before independence SOURCE C Flag of the Ghana after independence (1957) SOURCE D, stamp, 1957

4 Looking at the sources on the previous page, answer these questions Look closely at source A According to the map, what country controlled Togoland? ______________________ Give the name of one of the castles on the coast _________________________ Thinking challenge: Why would maps like this have helped the British to control the area? __________________________________________________________________ Look at source B What animal can you see on the flag? _____________________________________ Thinking challenge: why would this animal have been important to the British in Ghana? ______________________________________________________ Look at source C Why do you think the people of Ghana chose to change their flag in 1957? ___________________________________________________________________________ Look at source D Why was this stamp made? _______________________________________ Who is the woman on the stamp? _____________________________________ According to the stamp, what is the exact date that Ghana became independent (free) from Britain? ______________________ Look at source E Thinking challenge: why might the British government have sent this man to Ghana? (Look at what he is wearing and carrying for clues)___________________________________________________________________________

5 Kwame Nkrumah Read this short biography and then answer the following questions Kwame Nkrumah was born in Ghana in 1909, the son of a goldsmith. When he grew up he worked as a teacher, before studying law. As a student he spent time in both America and Britain. While in London he became passionate about decolonialisation (the idea that countries ruled by European empires should have the right to govern themselves). He founded a group called the West African National Secretariat, which campaigned for Ghana, and other African countries, to be independent. In 1947, Nkrumah was asked to become head of The United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), a Ghanaian party that campaigned for independence. He accepted, and sailed back to Ghana. However, the British authorities believed that the UGCC was causing trouble, and Nkrumah was put in prison. In spite of this, his party won in the elections and Nkrumah was released. Facing protests, the British prepared to leave Ghana. In 1957 Nkrumah became the leader of a free Ghana. However, this situation ended in 1966 when he was overthrown (kicked out of power) by opponents in Ghana. Some people in Ghana had thought that Nkrumah had taken too much power for himself and had been too harsh with people who disagreed with him. He had made himself ‘president for life’. In fact, he died in Romania in 1971, having been unable to return to Ghana. In which two countries outside of Ghana did Nkrumah study? _______________________________ _________________________ What is meant by decolonialisation? _________________________________________________________________ What group did Nkrumah form when he was a student? ___________________________________________ What did this group campaign for? ___________________________________________ In which year did he become leader of Ghana? _________________________________ Why did some people criticise the way he ran Ghana _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

6 Design a stamp The government of Ghana has asked you to design a stamp to commemorate the life and work of Kwame Nkrumah. Think carefully about what you need to include, and use what you have learnt from the rest of your project.

7 Summing up: Go to either 1 Make a wordsearch based on 10 key words from this project 2 Thinking challenge: make a cross-word based on what you have learnt about the history of Ghana. You will be required to think of your own questions. When you have finished making your puzzle, print it out and stick it in this box

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