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BY SOPHIA FOUTSITZIS & KIM VAN MENXEL Obsessive-Compulsive disorder.

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Presentation on theme: "BY SOPHIA FOUTSITZIS & KIM VAN MENXEL Obsessive-Compulsive disorder."— Presentation transcript:

1 BY SOPHIA FOUTSITZIS & KIM VAN MENXEL Obsessive-Compulsive disorder

2 Maladaptivity Very precise  if one thing goes wrong, panic rises Dull  having to repeat the same thing everyday Wastes time  have to do it a certain amount of times

3 Unjustifiable behavior Fear  Illness  Ex. Washing your hands when you touch a doorknob  Death  Attached with superstition

4 Disturbing behavior Other people can be impatient Have to be very careful not to disrupt the ritual  If they don’t, panic and anxiety will rise or rapidly build up

5 Typicality People don’t usually have a certain way of doing things ever day, have unique schedules each day  OCD vs. Organized Not as paranoid, don’t repeat actions numerous times  Ex. Checking the locks of your doors 10 times a day, unlocking and locking them again

6 Symptoms Obsessive Compulsive Most common forms of OCD:  Obsession  Concerned with dirt, germs, or toxins  Something terrible happening (fire, death, illness)  Symmetry, order, or exactness  Compulsions  Excessive hand washing, bathing, tooth brushing, or grooming  Repeating rituals (in/out a door, up/down from a chair)  Checking doors, locks, appliances, car brakes, and homework

7 Causes Biological Factors  Heredity – inherit a predisposition to be anxious  Brain Function – frontal lobes (where decision making happens) are more active Learning Factors  Conditioning – learn to fear germs out of experiences  Observational Learning – if of parents are afraid of germs, you could turn out the same through observation  Reinforcement – when you do something that makes you feel better, you repeat the action (i.e. for OCD washing hands)

8 Therapy Psychological Theory  Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  PROS: Puts everything in a positive light and helps you to think through things Drug Therapy  Anti-anxiety drugs  PROS: treats anxiety and gives a euphoric effect  CONS: it only gives temporary relief and can’t be taken with CNS depressants (not necessarily a con)

9 Personal story eature=related eature=related

10 Website For younger audiences  ml?tracking=T_RelatedArticle ml?tracking=T_RelatedArticle For everyone  -0KsCFcEa6wod-SVTSw -0KsCFcEa6wod-SVTSw

11 Thank You

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