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Getting Healthy Biggest Bang for the Buck! Dr Alan Cranton DC, ND.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Healthy Biggest Bang for the Buck! Dr Alan Cranton DC, ND."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Healthy Biggest Bang for the Buck! Dr Alan Cranton DC, ND

2 If an Organization is only as strong as its weakest link, then what happens if an Executive Director is Sick, on disability, in hospital with a stroke or heart attack, cancers………

3 So, how do you support yourself, in order to support others, in your organization, your family etc.

4 Who is totally responsible for your health?

5 Knowledge is power! Get the knowledge, ask questions Do some research How many books on health have you read recently?

6 Set some health goals Make them reasonable Make a commitment to achieve them TAKE MASSIVE ACTION Ask for help if you are faltering

7 Your Innate Intelligence

8 Genetics/Epigenetic Your Genes are not your destiny, all 25,000 of them Epigenetics allows you to predetermine your life How?



11 Eat and Live to reduce Inflammation Put out the FLAMES Read my Anti inflammatory diet on my website under Resources

12 Movement is Life Inactivity is Death Ease into it and make it FUN

13 10 pm to midnight Early to bed, Early to rise, makes you ….Healthy Quality and quantity Brain function and Memory Melatonin and light Effects of not sleeping enough? Poor memory and concentration Heightened stress levels Weight gain and pre-diabetes Weakened immune system Accelerated Aging Advanced tumor growth Increased risk of Dying from any disease

14 Normalize insulin Reduce leptins Fresh, organic, local, raw, juice, ferment, sprout Contain Structured Water “Highest quality foods Helps every Disease” and crowds out –ve foods Low caloric, Low glycemic, Hypoallergenic, Alkaline

15 Inflammation, bloated, belly fat, Insulin resistance and diabetes Books “Wheat belly” “Grain Brain”

16 Blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes, cholesterol HFC’s. pop, beverages, juices, Artificial sweeteners are Worse! Stevia

17 Corn and vegetable oils are the worst and cheapest Trans-fatty acids,deep fried and oxidized GMO’s, pesticide and herbicide residues on cheap product Organic Butter is in vogue again EVO – Extra virgin olive oil Coconut oil - the jury is still out

18 Eat Right 4 Your Type Intermittent Fasting – The IF Diet The Low G.I. Diet Caveman Diet, Paleo Diet

19 “Effortless Healing” by Joseph Mercola “Eat Right 4 Your Type” by Peter D’Adamo “ The Wellness Prevention Paradigm” by Dr James Chestnut “Wheat Belly” “Grain Brain” by David Perlmutter, MD

20 Questions?

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