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Chapter 11 Chronic training adaptations

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1 Chapter 11 Chronic training adaptations


3 Chronic adaptations Chronic adaptations to training occur as a physiological response to the increased demands placed on the body They occur in the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems and lead to improved performance in an athlete

4 Chronic adaptations as a result of aerobic training
Aerobic training adaptations improve the efficiency of the aerobic energy system to provide energy to the working muscles by increasing the body’s ability to take up, transport and use more oxygen.

5 Cardiovascular adaptations: heart
The heart is like any muscle, it will respond to training by getting bigger and stronger. Add another column to explain how each of the heart adaptations increase performance

6 Cardiovascular adaptations: blood vessels
Increased capillarisation in muscles and heart, how does this increase performance? Decreased blood flow to working muscles at rest and sub maximal intensity, why does this occur?

7 Cardiovascular adaptations: blood
Increase in blood volume Increase in total amount of haemoglobin, what is a haemoglobin? How does it improve performance?

8 Respiratory adaptations
Copy down the table then research and write down how each adaptation contributes to improved aerobic performance

9 Muscular adaptations Copy down the table then research and write down how each muscular adaptation improves aerobic performance.

10 Chronic adaptations: anaerobic training
Anaerobic training effects are seen in the cardiovascular but mainly in the muscular system. Find and list the anaerobic cardiovascular adaptations, page 310

11 Anaerobic adaptations: muscular
Muscular anaerobic training adaptations occur in the muscle fibres, but mostly in the fast twitch fibres only.

12 Muscular hypertrophy

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