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TRAINING ADAPTATIONS Presented by Mohammad Kraizem.

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1 TRAINING ADAPTATIONS Presented by Mohammad Kraizem

2 O BJECTIVES  Describe and analyze physiological responses to anaerobic training  Describe and analyze physiological responses to aerobic training  Recognize the causes, signs, symptoms, and effects of overtraining and detraining

3 T HERE ARE 2 TYPES OF P HYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO EXERCISE :  1. Immediate short-term responses (acute responses) – last for the duration of the exercise and a short time afterwards.  2. Long-term responses (chronic adaptations) – the body adapts over time to an exercise program. Known as the training effect and will last until training ceases.  Upon cessation, de-training (reversibility) will occur- revert back to pre-conditioned state.

4 CHRONIC TRAINING ADAPTATIONS  These depend on:  The type of training undertaken. Aerobic training – 6-12 weeks at systems and tissue level.  The frequency, duration and intensity of the training.  The individual’s capacity and hereditary factors.

5 SAID PRINCIPLE - S PECIFIC, A DAPTATION, I MPOSED, D EMANDS  “the particular activity we are involved in will encourage our bodies to adapt in specific ways to meet that activity’s specific demands.  Adaptation- long term physiological change in response to training loads that allows the body to meet new demands.

6 CHRONIC ADAPTATIONS TO AEROBIC/ENDURANCE TRAINING  A). CARDIOVASCULAR ADAPTATIONS TO AEROBIC TRAINING :  designed to bring about more efficient delivery of o2 to the working muscle.  CV adaptations are good b/c they decrease risk of developing CV disease and other health related issues.  -best developed through continuous, Fartlek and longer interval type training.

7 F ARTLEK  which means "speed play" in Swedish, is a training method that blends continuous training with interval training.  The variable intensity and continuous nature of the exercise places stress on both the aerobic and anaerobic systems.  It differs from traditional interval training in that it is unstructured; intensity and/or speed varies, as the athlete wishes.  Most fartlek sessions last a minimum of 45 minutes and can vary from aerobic walking to anaerobic sprinting. Fartlek training is generally associated with running, but can include almost any kind of exercise.

8 A DAPTATIONS INCLUDE : 1.Cardiac Hypertrophy; like skeletal muscle the heart will hypertrophy if exercised (enlarge). Left ventricle chamber will enlarge in volume and thus significantly increase SV (stroke volume). Aerobic. 2.Increase capillarisation of heart; develops an increased coronary blood supply.  Exercise or training regularly over an extended period of time (3 times per week for 6- 8 weeks) leads to the development of long-term or chronic adaptations to training.  Evidence of these adaptations can occur at various stages Once achieved, these adaptations are retrained unless training ceases. Upon cessation, the body will gradually revert to its pre-training condition (de-training).

9 C APILLARISATION  Capillarisation is a muscle growing process where the blood vessels surrounding a muscle fiber (cell) increase in number.  It results from performing high reps during workout as well as aerobic exercise.  Capillarisation can help with the recovery process of the muscles as greater blood flows to muscles imply more oxygen and nutrients can travel to the muscles.

10 U NLIKE ACUTE RESPONSES TO EXERCISES, CHRONIC ADAPTATIONS TO TRAINING VARY GREATLY AND ARE DEPENDANT UPON :  Type and method of training undertaken – aerobic vs anaerobic training. Chronic responses are very specific to the type of training performed.  The frequency, duration and intensity of the training undertaken – the greater these things, the more pronounced the adaptations  The individual’s capacities and hereditary factors (genetic make-up)


12  Minimum period is 6 weeks  More evident over 12 weeks  Adaptations occur at both tissue and system levels.

13 C ARDIORESPIRATORY A DAPTATIONS TO A EROBIC ( ENDURANCE ) T RAINING  Chronic cardio-respiratory adaptations are primarily designed for more efficient delivery of larger quantities of oxygen to working muscles.  They decrease cardiovascular disease (CVD)and other health-related illnesses.  Cardio-respiratory adaptations are best developed through continuous, fartlek and longer interval type training.

14 C ARDIOVASCULAR A DAPTATIONS : Cardiac hypertrophy (increased ventricular volume):  Enlargement of the heart muscle itself  Increase in size and volume of the ventricular chambers, particularly the left ventricle occurs.  Significantly increases stroke volume

15 I NCREASED CAPILLARISATION OF THE HEART MUSCLE :  Increase in capillarisation of the heart muscle itself (Increase in capillary density and blood flow to the heart muscle)  Increased supply of blood and oxygen allows the heart to beat more strongly and efficiently during rest and exercise  Coronary protective benefit (therefore decreased risk of heart attack)

16 I NCREASED STROKE VOLUME OF THE HEART :  Heart ejects a greater volume of blood with each beat Stroke volume is greater at rest, during sub- max and max workloads for a trained athlete compared to an untrained person  Eg. Average stroke volume at rest:  Untrained male - 70-80millilitres/beat,  Trained male endurance athlete - 100millilitres/beat or more.

17 D URING MAXIMAL EXERCISE :  Untrained person – 110 millilitres/beat  Trained person – 130 millilitres/beat  Elite endurance athletes – 190 millilitres/beat  Trained and untrained females have lower stroke volumes than their male counterparts under all exercise conditions, mainly due to a smaller heart size

18 L OWER RESTING HEART RATE :  The amount of oxygen required by an individual at rest does not alter as a result of their training status.  At rest, it takes about 5 litres of blood per minute (cardiac output) to circulate around the body to supply the required amount of oxygen to the body cells  Cardiac output (Q) is equal to stroke volume (SV) multiplied by heart rate (HR).

19  Q = SV x HR  However, if an individual has developed a greater stroke volume, the heart does not have to beat as frequently to supply the required blood flow  Eg.  Before training:  Q = SV x HR  5L/min = 70 mL/beat x 71 beats/min  After training:  Q = SV x HR  5L/min = 100 mL/beat x 50 beats/min  This is why resting heart rate is a useful indicator of aerobic fitness.

20  Lower resting heart rate – greater level of aerobic fitness  · Elite – 35bpm (marathon runners, triathletes, distance swimmers)  · Average adult male – 70bpm


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