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Speaking about British schools ПО УМК Enjoy English-6

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1 Speaking about British schools ПО УМК Enjoy English-6
Автор презентации : Ягодарова Ангелина Николаевна учитель английского языка высшeй категории МБОУ «Мари-Турекская средняя общеобразовательная школа» 2013

2 British schools

3 Hello everybody, Hello everybody, Hello everybody, It's so nice to see you today!

4 It is time for school to start.
We'll do reading, Math and Art. We'll all learn to be so smart.

5 Подготовка к восприятию текста Упр. 53 Стр
Подготовка к восприятию текста Упр. 53 Стр Cловарная работа по теме «Школа» Группа работает устно, а учитель/ученик записывает на доске .Желательно, чтобы запись соответствовала плану упр.53(см.слайд 7) слайды 8,9 также направлены на снятие трудностей при аудировании текста. Rules слайд 1 появляется

6 School Primary secondary
teachers students read write play learn attend Wear Uniform trousers shirt jumper Clubs library

7 School school year starts finishes Summer Holidays last
Primary secondary teachers students read write play learn attend school year starts finishes Summer Holidays last Foreign language Wear Uniform trousers shirt jumper Clubs library

8 Subjects English, Russian ,Literature Mathematics, Science, IT, History, Geography, French, Art, Drama, Music, PE

9 Do you study History. Literature. Geography. Drama
Do you study History? Literature? Geography? Drama? What is your favourite subject? What is the easiest subject for you? What holidays do you have?

10 Дальнейшая работа Слушают текст. Выполняют задание Заполняют таблицу. Проверка по ключу на следующем слайде

11 Answers 1 .Starts in September, finishes in July Christmas , Easter, Summer holidays Summer holidays last six weeks black trousers, a white shirt, a blue jumper, black shoes. The girls wear skirts French

12 Maths lesson -We study for three terms. The summer holidays last for about six weeks. We have a two-week holiday at Christmas and a two- week holiday at Easter. Each term has one- week break. 6 10 11 13

13 Schools School starts in September Holidays 2+2 + 6 +1+1+1 = 13
British Russian School starts in September Holidays = 13 Summer holidays: 6 weeks School uniform Foreign Language School starts in September Holidays =16 Summer holidays : 12 weeks School uniform Foreign Language

14 3) what you can do if you want
Работа в группах Распределить на доске карточки по темам упр. 56 под общим заголовком Follow school rules 1) what you have to do 2)what you can’t do at school 3) what you can do if you want

15 Have a lunch Join a school club 1)You have to do at school:
Follow school rules 1)You have to do at school: Answer teachers’ questions Learn poems by heart 2)You can do at school (if you want) Do a project Have a lunch Join a school club

16 After school activities
Some students have Joined a school music club. They will sing a song

17 ex.57 ex.58 Чтение текста.Read the conversation. Guess Nikita’s and Olivia’s questions Listen to Nikita’s and Olivia’s questions and check if you were right.

18 Cлайды № 19-22 для подготовки к домашнему заданию

19 1 Art 3 History 2 Science Game
In this lessons, students study what has happened in the past 1 Art 2 Science 3 History

20 1Geography 2 Art 3Mathematics Game
In this lessons, students study how to draw and paint 1Geography 2 Art 3Mathematics

21 Small talk -What is your school like? My school is new What clubs and sports facilities has your school got? The school has got a big gym and a sports field.

22 Homework 21.What subjects do you study at school?
What is your favorite subject? What do you do in your favorite subjeсt? 22 b. You have 10 minutes to do this task. Any questions- Could I …. There are some new words in this task. use a dictionary

23 Match join school uniform wear learn a project do a dictionary use
follow school uniform a project a dictionary school rules a school club a foreign language Aиииииииииииииииии

24 join wear learn do use follow -a school club a school uniform a foreign language a project a dictionary -school rules

25 You can use a dictionary. Good luck!
Homework p.38 ex.21 ab 22 a (b. повышенной сложности) You can use a dictionary. Good luck!

26 индивидуальные задания cлайды 27-30 работа по обучающей компьютерной программе для 6-го класса

27 When does the school year start?
We go to school every day except weekends, national holidays, and school holidays. We study … September until July. And then we have the summer holidays. from

28 Alice, could you tell me a few things about your school
Alice, could you tell me a few things about your school? Do you and Jim study in the same school? Yes, we study at a secondary school … London. in

29 What… do you study at school?
Lots of subjects: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science, IT, History, Geography, French, Art, Drama, Music and P.E. subjects

30 Technology In this lesson boys study how to work with different instruments and girls learn how to cook.

31 Ресурсы интернета тематическое и поурочное планирование 6 класс тексты аудиозаписей

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