Helpful information about transitioning successfully to AHS Registration requirements and planning process January 2015.

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1 Helpful information about transitioning successfully to AHS Registration requirements and planning process January 2015

2 2019 Graduates 4 credits of Language Arts 3 credits of Mathematics 3 credits of Science 4 credits of Social Studies 1 credit of Physical Education.5 credit of Health 1 credit of Creative or Performing Arts 7.5 credits of Electives

3  9 th Grade MATTERS….  This is the beginning of your class ranking and GPA. A poor start in 9 th grade will greatly impact future eligibility for:  National Honor Society (invited with a GPA of 3.6)  PSEO/Concurrent Classes (GPA first looked at end of 9 th )  Distinction GPA3.6-3.899 (no rounding)  High Distinction GPA 3.9 and above  Eligibility for extra-curricular involvement  Get involved (Scarlett Cord recognition at graduation with 160 hours of community service)  You will continue to explore career and college goals

4  Electives are classes that allow you to explore various interests and other life skill areas.  Agriculture: Intro, Ag Leadership, Plant Science, Animal Science, Small Animals, Landscaping (FFA)  Art: drawing, painting, sculpture, photography (Art Club) (Austinian-yearbook)  Business: Intro. to Business&Marketing, Marketing and Sales, Accounting, Mentorship, Work Based Learning (DECA)  CATE: Career and Technical Education-woodworking, construction, metals, graphics, small engines (Skills USA)  FACS: Family and Consumer Science-Explorations, Foods, WWYC, Careers, Life Skills, Interior Design (Youth Leadership)

5  Music: Austinaires (mixed) and Choralaires (girls only)—must be in choir, audition; Vocal Jazz  Science: Anatomy & Physiology, Principles of Technology (Robotics) (Science Olympiad) (Math League)  Social Studies: Criminal Justice, Sociology, Psychology, At Issue: Modern World Events (Diversity Club/GSA) (Student Council)

6  Students taking AP classes are eligible to take AP testing in May. If scoring well enough, colleges may allow students to skip introductory level classes. Usually have 200 students elect to take these tests, primarily as juniors and seniors.  AHS offers: AP Biology, AP US History 1&2, AP English Literature, AP Human Geography, AP Government; AP Calculus and AP Stats

7  College Courses ◦ Taken at AHS or Riverland Community College ◦ Junior and/or Senior year  Qualifying GPA (first based off GPA’s at end of 9 th and 10 th grades) ◦ Top 1/3 of Junior class (or score in 70% or above on PLAN test) ◦ Top 1/2 of class Senior class  Accuplacer Test must be taken and achieve cut scores  PSEO classes and grades become a part of your college transcript so consider wisely.  WE PAY FOR YOUR COLLEGE CLASSES while you finishing earning your high school credits.

8  Concurrent classes are held onsite at AHS. We offer them as language arts and social studies options junior and/or senior year. ◦ RCC Humanities and RCC Freshman English (Junior year) ◦ RCC Fundamentals of Speech ◦ RCC Economics and RCC American Government (Senior year)  PSEO classes are held at Riverland Community College. Schedules are created by RCC staff in coordination with students high school credit needs.





13  Typical 9 th grade plan… A world language (Spanish or French) is NOT needed for high school graduation, but is highly recommended if wanting to pursue a 4 year school. (usually 2-3 years of the same language desired). Elective (2)

14  I want to take 2 musics and a world language (or vice versa). ◦ Typically this can be done, need to understand that health and PE will need to be taken at some time. Most often completed through summer school, or else add classes later on in their high school career. ◦ Credit for Learning is another option. Caution advised—it is not as easy as it sounds.



17 Grade 10 Semester 1Semester 2 Language Arts 10 Or Pre-AP Language Arts 10 Language Arts 10 Or Pre-AP Language Arts 10 Geometry or Algebra IIGeometry or Algebra II. Biology or Pre-AP Biology or Pre-AP Chemistry US History I or AP US History I and Geography Elective (3) Do not be afraid to take rigorous classes, as they will help prepare you for post-secondary education and look good to future college. They will also help prepare you for your ACT. Start investigating options for post-secondary education. Using NAVIANCE is a great tool.



20 If considering a four year college or university,, plan to take your ACT in April or June of your junior year. You may take ACT again early in your senior year if needed.



23 Electives are a great way to explore potential career interests. Senior year provides additional opportunities such as Mentorship and OJT/Work Seminar, as well as being a student aide.



26  When you earn a grade/credit for a course, this grade counts toward your GPA GPA = 2.193

27  Must Pass Courses to Graduate ◦ Credits are given for each course passed  Must Follow Attendance Guidelines to Graduate  Must take MCA III’s and ACT to Graduate  Passing Grades + Attendance + testing = Graduation

28  Correlates directly with earning credit ◦ If you don’t attend, may lose credit even if you are passing the class  AHS utilizes a different process ◦ Must Rely on documentation  Written notes for absences from parent/guardian  Notes from medical appointments  Admit Slips for students  Teachers and students working together

29  Tardies ◦ Lunch Detention  Eat in a separate auditorium  Write an Essay – mailed to parents  Unexcused Absences ◦ Interventions with Teachers, Administration, Truancy through Correctional Services (Court)  Excused Absences ◦ Meeting with Administration if exceed 9 Entire Policy located in Student Handbook

30  10 th – MCA III Reading  10 th – MCA III Science  11 th – MCA III Math  All juniors MUST take the ACT. This will be given in April at AHS.

31  Academic Supports  Behavior Expectation ◦ Act Respectfully, Act Responsibly, Act Safely  Post-Secondary Readiness  Career Focus

32  Counselors – academic  Counselors – social and chemical  Success Coach  Teachers  Peers  Administration

33  Team’s Philosophy ◦ Teachers will make a suggestion/invite – parents will be contacted ◦ If falling behind, great way to get catch up! ◦ In student’s best interest to attend ◦ Not meant as a punishment

34  Expectations  Listening  Language  Respect  Supplies  Promptness  Responsibility Establish an environment that supports all students ability to succeed

35  Respectful, responsible and safe behavior is expected on behalf of everyone at AHS  Utilize the Students Rights and Responsibilities Manual as a guideline for behavior and consequences ◦ Different level of consequence ◦ Similar expectations ◦ More freedoms if applicable

36  Co-curricular activities ◦ Sports ◦ Clubs  Art, Youth Leadership, Ping Pong, Debate, Go Green, etc.  Scarlett Cord—40 hours of community service per year (160 total) earns a Scarlett Cord to be worn at commencement.

37  College Applications  Job Applications  Letters of Recommendation  Car Insurance


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