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Lesson Plan: “This Bird Can Blog” Kathryn Bregel Vanessa Cuzner Tanya Seely.

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2 Lesson Plan: “This Bird Can Blog” Kathryn Bregel Vanessa Cuzner Tanya Seely

3 Source: See more at: lp/techlp055.shtml#sthash.tWzVyVhY.dpuf lp/techlp055.shtml#sthash.tWzVyVhY.dpuf

4 Subject Area(s): Original Language Arts  Writing  Technology Modified Social Studies Science Health Math  The purpose was for the students to write about concepts and activities that happened during class as a way to review and cement learning.

5 Grade Level: Original Grade 3-5 Modified Grade 2-8

6 Brief Description: Students assume the persona of a real or imagined classroom pet and write a blog describing daily activities in the classroom.

7 Objectives: Original Students will:  summarize classroom activities through descriptive writing.  submit written work on a timely basis.  write under the persona of a real or imagined pet. Modified Students will:  summarize classroom activities through descriptive writing.  access and post to a blog and make at least two comments to other blog posts.  write under the persona of a real or imagined pet.

8 Resources: Original Computer(s) software projector Modified Computers Internet access Blog usernames and passwords

9 Introduction: APK Original Begin this lesson by asking students to explain what a diary or journal is. Point out that either can be used to highlight what happens in their lives. Next, show students a sample day from the Studio Four News blog. They'll see one or more paragraphs written by fourth graders describing what went on in their class that day. Modifications Share some books that are written in diary format such as Diary of a Spider dent_kids_like_blogs.html dent_kids_like_blogs.html

10 Learning Activity: Day 1-3 Original Ask students to imagine that they are going to write a blog entry for yesterday's class. What would they include? Write appropriate ideas on a blackboard, whiteboard, or teacher computer (with a projector or TV monitor attached). Modification Use the teacher’s computer projected on the smart board. Show them directly in the blog.

11 Learning Activity: Day 1-3 Original Tell students that what you have written could be written as a blog entry. Explain that their blog is going to be written by a classroom pet. If you have a classroom pet - then great! If not, create an imaginary pet. Or, use a school mascot write the blog. Ask students to imagine how that pet or mascot would have written the blog entry. Modification

12 Learning Activity: Day 1-3 Original Students silently write today's entry from the viewpoint of the animal you've selected. Collect each student's work and make sure that each understands the assignment: to write about the day's events from the point of view of the classroom pet or mascot. Modified Show students how to blog and post comments. Have students post an entry directly into the blog. (This would require class set of computers or a trip to the computer lab.

13 Learning Activity: Day 4-6 Original When you're satisfied that students understand how to write the entries, it's time to show them how to use the blog. Modification Ensure that you know how to use the blog before the lesson. (Assess TechPack) Plan lessons to show students how to blog. teacherchallenge.edublogs. org teacherchallenge.edublogs. org

14 Learning Activity: Day 7 Original Have each student type the day's entry into a word processing program. Then you copy and paste their entries into Blogger. That ensures that you'll see each entry before posting and that students don't have access to your logged in account. Modification Students would post to an actual blog. * teacherchallenge.edublogs. org teacherchallenge.edublogs. org The power of the blog is that it gives you a real audience and lets you receive comments and feedback from others.

15 Learning Activity: Original Decide how often you want students to post entries -- once a week is a good start, and then assign students to a given week. Modification This works well with only a few computers. Students could be assigned to post more frequently. Students would also be required to post comments weekly. Provide access to computer(s) during early morning or other transition times.

16 Learning Activity: Original Be sure to show the blog in class, either on a projector/TV monitor or on a classroom computer. Student will want to see what their classmates have written. Modification Let the students check online from home or during the day at school. (more authentic) Get the students to post their blog or comments during bell work or first thing in the morning.

17 Learning Activity: Original You also might want to send home the URL so parents can see the blog. (Also send home a note assuring parents that safety and privacy issues have been addressed). Modification

18 Modifications: Original As the school year progresses, you might modify the assignment, adding a new classroom pet, or perhaps having students write as if they are aliens seeing a classroom for the first time. Do whatever you need to do to keep it engaging!! Modification Start with one common blog and then move toward using individual blogs for the students. The original blog can be continued as a weekly news feature to keep everyone updated on what is happening in the class. (Parents)

19 Assessment: Original Ability to submit post in a timely manner. Description of classroom events from the viewpoint of a pet or mascot. Use of school appropriate language and subject matter. Modification Quality of writing in the blog (rubric) Quality of comments in the blog (rubric) Content knowledge and understanding (checklist)

20 Special Considerations: Original In some classes, pairs of students writing together might be a good option, helping reluctant writers or English-language learners gain confidence with peer help. Modification

21 Nets Standards: Teacher: 1.Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity- a, b, c,(d) 2.Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments - a, b (c) 3.Model Digital-Age Work and Learning- no yes 4.Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility - a, b, c (d) 5.Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership- no yes

22 Nets Standards: Student 1.Creativity and Innovationa, b, c, 2.Communication and Collaboration a, b 3.Model Digital-Age Work and Learning-no 4.Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making a, b 5.Digital Citizenship-no yes 6.Technology Operations and Concepts-no yes

23 Special Considerations: Original By writing the blog from the pet's or mascot's viewpoint, you address a number of issues:  Concerns over students' online safety and privacy are lessened because no names are identified with the blog entries (all are signed by the animal).  Upper elementary students can learn about point of view.  The focus is shifted from the mundane (What's interesting about a vocab test?) to the unique (How would a lizard react to our latest science experiment?), engaging students and hopefully prompting substantive writing. Modification There are other ways to protect students’ identity within a blogging community. Do not share:  YAPPY o Your full name o Address o Phone number o Passwords o Your plans

24 Evaluation: Does the lesson plan integrate technology in order to enhance learning? Would we use the lesson plan in the current form?

25 Lesson Evaluation Evaluation Checklist-The Bird Can Blog Evaluation Checklist - Web Research Allows Students to Choose Classroom Pets (1).docx Evaluation Checklist - Web Research Allows Students to Choose Classroom Pets (1).docx

26 Summary Comments and Recommendations : Phase 1 Revisions: Improvements and Clarifications to Strengthen the Rationale: To push students further, instead of students just summarizing what they have learned, have them describe connections they have made to previous lessons or real life situations. If it is truly a review of what they have learned then they will need to do more than regurgitate the lesson.

27 Phase 2 Revisions: Improvements and Clarifications to Objectives and/or Assessments: The teacher should know what parts of the previous lesson or day she is hoping students have remembered. When assessing students, the teacher should be looking to see that they are including in the main parts of the lesson that he/she decided were crucial.

28 Phase 3 Revisions: Improvements and Clarifications to Pedagogy and/or Technology Uses: Using a website such a KidBlog, the student should be typing their reports right onto the blog. They are not truly blogging if they are simply typing in Microsoft Word. This way students will be able to comment and ask questions related to the posts their classmates have made.

29 Phase 4 revisions: Improvements and Clarifications to Classroom Preparation: Set up KidBlog prior to starting this lesson. Give each student a username and password that they can use to access the website. Ensure in the security setting that posts and comments have to be approved by the teacher before being visible on the blog – this will ensure everything posted is appropriate.

30 Phase 5 Revisions: Improvements and Clarifications to Field-testing Methods and /or Reports: Seek out other examples of diaries and blogs of this type to show students. The link to use at the beginning of the lesson is no longer accessible.

31 Overall Recommendation: By incorporating the modifications presented throughout the lesson, we would consider using this lesson plan. In order to effectively integrate technology into this lesson plan, the students need to post to an actual blog.

32 Lesson Plan Chapter 7 Lesson Plan (BLOG).docx

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