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Start Let’s a r i o t s ur hing eading.

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1 Start Let’s a r i o t s ur hing eading

2 riot requirements Read 3 books each grading period.
One of the books you will sticky note on your own and write a summary in class. For all three books you will need to post on your student blog once a week what you are currently reading and your thoughts (see attached sentence starters.) You will be assigned your required buddy each week.

3 genre requirements Types of book you will write the summary over: 1st Grading Period: Any type of Fiction 2nd Grading Period: A Different type of Fiction 3rd Grading Period: 2 Nonfiction 4th Grading Period: Biography or Autobiography The two other free choice books that read per grading period need to be of different genres so that you have filled in the matrix below by the end of the school year. 3 of the genres you will get to read more than once. For Example the 1st Grading Period I will read and write a book report summary over a Fantasy book, and my other two free choice books I will read and fill out the blog template with I will use Realistic Fiction and Biography. Fantasy Title: Historical Fiction Mystery/ Adventure Realistic Poetry Science Non-fiction Biography Auto- biography

4 blogging requirements
One entry each week on what you are currently reading. Entry requirements: Title Author Genre Use correct grammar and spelling Must use standard English. Do not use jargon or slang. 2 Paragraph Minimum First paragraph Share your opinion and feelings about something important that happened in the book since your last entry Support opinions and feelings by giving specific examples from the text and include page number(s) Support opinions and feelings by relating to personal experiences and explain how that connection helps you better understand the book Second paragraph Read through the Reading Response Ideas handout. Choose one Response Idea and write a meaningful paragraph that answers the question. Support your response by giving specific examples from the text and include page number(s) One comment each week on buddy’s blog (minimum) Make your comment worth reading. Be positive, interested, and encouraging. If you disagree, be polite about it. Be nice. Re-read your comment before you hit submit –THINK BEFORE YOU SEND! Aim for correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Don’t use chat or texting language like lol, i, u, or thx No “Hi! Visit my blog! Bye!” comments. Be thoughtful. Keep your privacy: no personal or identifying information about you, your family, your teacher, or your friends. Don’t give out names, school, phone numbers, user names, addresses, or places and dates you can be found, etc.

5 summary requirements For grading periods 1 and 2 you will complete a book report summary in class over a Fiction book. For grading period 3 you will complete a compare and contrast paper over 2 NonFiction books. For grading period 4 you will complete a compare and contrast paper over 2 Biographies (or 1 Biography and 1 Autobiography) Book report summary: As you read your book, you will use sticky notes to summarize the story. Make sure to take sticky notes over the setting, main characters and their roles, and all major events. Hint: at the end of a chapter summarize any major events AND changes in setting or characters You will turn in your sticky notes on the date assigned. You will be given a graphic organizer to complete a writing web for your writing. You will be given book report summary requirements for fiction and non-fiction reports. You will be given 60 minutes to type your book report in class. You will not be allowed to complete your summaries at home. When typing the summary at school, you will use your graphic organizer, sticky notes, and book while at the computer to assist you in writing your summary. Choosing a book You MUST commit to a book at least 3 weeks prior to the sticky note due date. You need to have your book approved by your teacher. Your selected book must be a chapter book at your reading level. You are expected to have your book in class to read during DEAR time. Along with reading the book, you will also need to take sticky notes on each chapter as you read it. Please select a new book that has not been read to you or by you. Rubric The class will create a sticky note rubric at the beginning of the year. This rubric will be used each grading period to assess sticky notes. A book report summary rubric is attached to the RIOT packet.

6 due dates We will be typing the summaries in class
**These are tentative dates. We might need to be flexible. Sticky notes turn in on: 1st Grading Period: September 20th 2nd Grading Period: December 1st 3rd Grading Period: February 23rd 4th Grading Period: May 4th We will be typing the summaries in class Book Report Summary Books need to be decided and told to your teacher by: 1st Grading Period: August 30th 2nd Grading Period: November 10th 3rd Grading Period: February 2nd 4th Grading Period: April 13th

7 reading response ideas
Tell about what happened in the story. Which character from your book would make a good friend? Why? Ask questions about things that confuse you or that you wonder about. Describe your feelings about what you read. Who is the most important person in your book? Why? Describe your feelings about the characters or what you read. I wonder what this means… Copy down a quote from a character and tell why you think it’s meaningful. Describe your favorite part. The character I most admire is…because… Make a prediction about what will happen next or what you’ll read next. Would you change something that happened in your book? How? Tell how you would react if you were one of the characters in the story. Describe a part that surprised you. Why do you think the author wrote this book? Does the author use any strong, descriptive words in the story (similes, metaphors, etc.)? Give examples. Write a letter to the author or a character. Describe the personality of one of the characters in your book. If you could rewrite the title of the book what would it be? Why? I didn’t really understand the part when… I did not like when ……happened because…. What connections have you made in this book? Draw a sketch of a visual image you have in your mind from the book. Write 3 of the most important events or facts in your book so far and explain why they are important. How is one of the characters like you? Is this an easy, just right, or challenging book for you? How can you tell? How many stars would you give this book if you had to rate it? Why? 

8 fiction summary rubric
CATEGORY 6 7 8 9 Setting The student did not include a setting. Description of setting is too brief Description of setting is lacking and no visual image is created. The setting is missing either a clear description of the place or the time period. The setting clearly paints a vivid picture of the location and time period. Characters The characters are not described. They are either listed or missing altogether. The characters and their roles in the story are not clearly identified and described. Begins to get confusing. A few characters and their roles in the story are identified and described. More information could be needed. Major characters and their roles in the story are clearly identified and described. Beginning There is not a clear understanding of the beginning of the summary. The beginning events are either lacking in creativity or provide too little or too much information. The author does not identify the main points at the beginning. The beginning events are identified and summarized. The summary begins in a catchy way. The events are clearly thought out and summarized concisely. Middle There is not a clear understanding of the middle of the summary. The main points of the middle are identified and summarized with too little or too much information. The main points of the middle are identified and summarized but do not seem to flow well. The main points of the middle are clearly identified and summarized concisely. End There is no conclusion or end to the paper. The main points of the end are mostly identified and summarized. The author just stops writing. The main points of the end are identified and summarized. The author does not provide the reader with a satisfying close. The main points of the end are clearly identified and summarized. The author provides a fantastic conclusion to close the paper. Critique No critique was written in the summary. The review of the book does not state much of an opinion of the story. More effort is needed. The review of the book states the author’s opinion with at least 3-2 supporting reasons The review of the book clearly states the author’s opinion with at least supporting reasons. Grammar and Mechanics There are more than 10 grammatical or mechanical mistakes on the summary. There are grammatical or mechanical mistakes on the summary. There are 4-6 grammatical, spelling or mechanical mistakes on the summary. There are grammatical, spelling or mechanical mistakes on the summary. Comments:

9 nonfiction summary rubric
CATEGORY 6 7 8 9 Paragraph 1 There is not a clear understanding of the main idea of paragraph 1. The main points of paragraph 1 are either lacking in creativity or provide too little or too much information. The main points of paragraph 1 are identified and summarized loosely. The main points of paragraph 1 are clearly identified, though out, and summarized concisely. Paragraph 2 There is not a clear understanding of the main idea of paragraph 2. The main points of paragraph 2 are either lacking in creativity or provide too little or too much information. The main points of paragraph 2 are identified and summarized loosely. The main points of paragraph 2 are clearly identified, though out, and summarized concisely. Paragraph 3 There is not a clear understanding of the main idea of paragraph 3. The main points of paragraph 3 are either lacking in creativity or provide too little or too much information. The main points of paragraph 3 are identified and summarized loosely. The main points of paragraph 3 are clearly identified, though out, and summarized concisely. Paragraph 4 There is not a clear understanding of the main idea of paragraph 4. The main points of paragraph 4 are either lacking in creativity or provide too little or too much information. The main points of paragraph 4 are identified and summarized loosely. The main points of paragraph 4 are clearly identified, though out, and summarized concisely. Paragraph 5 There is not a clear understanding of the main idea of paragraph 5. The main points of paragraph 5 are either lacking in creativity or provide too little or too much information. The main points of paragraph 5 are identified and summarized loosely. The main points of paragraph 5 are clearly identified, though out, and summarized concisely. Critique The review of the book does or does not state the author’s opinion with 2 or less supporting reasons The review of the book states the author’s opinion with at least 3 supporting reasons The review of the book states the author’s opinion with at least 4 supporting reasons The review of the book clearly states the author’s opinion with at least 5 supporting reasons. Grammar and Mechanics There are more than 10 grammatical or mechanical mistakes on the summary. There are grammatical or mechanical mistakes on the summary. There are 4-6 grammatical, spelling or mechanical mistakes on the summary. There are grammatical, spelling or mechanical mistakes on the summary. Comments: ____________/ 63

10 Comments on other student blogs
blog rubric CATEGORY 6 8 10 Post Frequency 5 or fewer posts per grading period OR 3 or more weeks are missing a post 6-8 posts per grading period 9 posts total but 2 weeks are missing a post Minimum of one post a week on what you are currently reading. 9 posts per grading period Entry Requirements Each post is missing title, author, OR genre. Most posts include title, author, and genre. All posts include title, author, and genre. Grammar / Spelling There are grammatical or mechanical mistakes on the summary. Many posts include jargon, slang, or texting usage. There are 4-6 grammatical, spelling or mechanical mistakes on the summary. Some posts may include jargon, slang, or texting usage. There are grammatical, spelling or mechanical mistakes on the summary. No jargon, slang, or texting language used. Reflection / Analysis 1 paragraph or less per post that is missing reflection or analysis. 2 paragraphs per post with reflection or analysis. 2 paragraphs per post with meaningful reflection and critical analysis. Comments on other student blogs 5 or fewer meaningful comments per grading period 3 or more weeks are missing a comment 6-8 meaningful comments per grading period 9 comments total but 2 weeks are missing a comment Minimum of one Meaningful comment a week on your buddy’s blog. 9 comments per Comments: ____________/ 50

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