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By: Mahmood Sedaghatian  Anticipatory Set  Transformation Geometry  Project Description  Timeline  Resources  Grading  Technology Used  Learning.

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2 By: Mahmood Sedaghatian

3  Anticipatory Set  Transformation Geometry  Project Description  Timeline  Resources  Grading  Technology Used  Learning Activities  Higher Order Thinking

4 Computer animated images such as this dragon are created in a 3-dimentional coordinate plane, and then made to move by applying various transformations to the coordinates

5 A time lapse photo captures translations of different points of the truck


7 Grade Level: 7 th or 8 th Subject Area: Geometry Topics addressed: Dilations, Reflections, Rotations, and Transformations Web 2.0 Tools: National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM): Geometry 6-8 Length of Lesson: 7 days

8 Aim: To discover transformational geometry Objectives:  Determine what Dilations, Reflections, Rotations, and Transformations are  Demonstrate the ability to perform different transformations  Demonstrate the ability of using technology to present the assigned transformation project in power point presentation to the class

9 Purpose  Provide students with a way of understanding what transformational geometry is  Understand the difference between Dilations, Reflections, Rotations, and Translations  Have students learn on their own using technology  Practice the different math concepts

10 Task:  Students will be asked to use NVLM Geometry to learn and understand the difference between:  Dilatation  Reflection  Rotation  Translation  Students will practice using the rules given specific examples

11 Procedures:  Day 1 (40 minutes)  Students will be instructed to go to the computer lab. The computer lab needs to be equipped with either a blackboard or a Smart board  The instructor will begin the lesson by talking about what transformational geometry is (brief background) and introduce the first transformation: Dilatation  Students will be then given a worksheet to complete  HW – back of the worksheet has the HW assignment

12 Procedures (Continued)  The worksheet will instruct them to do the following:  Go to the following website: and click on “ Transformations – Dilation ”  On the website, there is an activity the students will complete  Students will answer the activity questions, come up with a definition, properties, general rules, and a symbol for what a dilation is  Students will complete the back of the worksheet for HW

13 Procedures:  Day 2  The lesson will start off with collecting the worksheet from the previous day and introduce the new transformations: Reflection and Rotation  Students will be then given a worksheet & HW to complete (similar to day 1) to complete  Day 3  The lesson will start off with collecting the worksheet from the previous day and introduce the new transformations: Translation  Students will be then given a worksheet & HW to complete (similar to day 1) to complete  Once finished with translation worksheet, students will either finish any worksheets they have not finished, or the Composition Activity (bonus points)

14 Procedures:  Days 4 & 5  Divide the class up into 4 groups. Each group will develop a power point presentation on 1 of the 4 assigned transformations featuring:  New vocabularies  The rules for the transformation  Properties of the transformation  Symbol of the transformation  Examples of the transformation in coordinate plane  Examples of the transformation in real life  Each group will get the worksheet for their transformation back graded.  These presentations should be very detailed and precise. They should feature organization, content, appearance, precision, and uniqueness.

15 Procedures:  Day 6 Students will get back all the worksheets graded Students will take/edit notes on all the transformations Each group will practice rehearsal of the power point presentations  Day 7  Students will deliver their presentation to the class  Teacher will grade the presentations  Students will take notes and comment on other groups’ presentation

16 Day 1  Introduction  Dilations Day 2  Reflections  Rotations Day 3  Translation  Online Activity Day 4 & 5  Develop a power point presentation of the assigned transformations Day 6  Finish the project and do rehearsal Day 7  Perform the power point presentation to the class

17 NVLM  Transformations  Dilations  Reflections  Rotations  Translations  Compositions Smart board Power Point Presentation Website Geometry Text Book Doc Stock

18 Students will be graded on the following: Individual:  The completion of each worksheet (10 points)  The daily HW assignments (10 points)  Daily Check-up (10 points) Group:  Team collaboration (10 points)  Power point presentation (60 points) based on the rubric: Rubric Grade Scales:  A+=97-100 A=94-96 A-=90-93  B+=87-89 B=84-86 B-= 80-83  C+=77-79 C=74-76 C-= 70-73  D+=67-69 D=64-66 D-=60-63  F= 59-0

19  National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM)  Web 2.0 Tool  Smart board  Power Point Presentation Software

20 Teacher Preparation  Reserve the computer lab for 7 days  Reserve the Smart board / projector  Copies of the worksheets  Grades:  Have each groups worksheet graded by day 4  Have all the worksheets graded by day 6  Have all the presentations evaluated by day 7 Student-centered Learning Activities  Students will learn each of the transformation (how they work) from the NVLM website  Students will apply the knowledge from the NVLM website to complete the Homework assignment each night.  Students will collaborate with each other to create a power point presentation and present to the class about each transformation (definitions, properties, general rules, symbols and examples)

21 Knowledge  Students will have to master transformational geometry and recall the information when making the power point presentation to the class. Comprehension  Students will have to understand what the different types of transformations are. They will also have to predict what will happen given a specific example. Application  Students will have to demonstrate the different transformations and show how to apply each transformation.

22 Analysis  Students will compare the different transformations to find the difference between them. They will also explain the different properties for each transformation. Synthesis  Students will need to draw conclusions to find the different rules on the different transformations. Evaluation  Students will assess and explain different examples to determine different transformations. Students will have to explain which transformation(s) was used that transformed the image.

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