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Ruth Garay & Melissa Hernandez Operations Analysts Office of the Registrar University of Nevada, Las Vegas Transfer 101.

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Presentation on theme: "Ruth Garay & Melissa Hernandez Operations Analysts Office of the Registrar University of Nevada, Las Vegas Transfer 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ruth Garay & Melissa Hernandez Operations Analysts Office of the Registrar University of Nevada, Las Vegas Transfer 101

2 Transfer Articulation TWO Types:  New Student Transfer—first time UNLV  Advanced Standing—current UNLV students ONE Process:  “Fetch” and “Post” courses to a “Model” on student’s account

3 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Students MUST submit all previous education to the Admissions office.

4 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed The Admissions office inputs information from transcripts into this area of People Soft.

5 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Daily lists alert us to student records with pending transfer credit. Submitted to Registrar

6 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Analysts create a “model” for each college, indicating their start term. 2014 (year without the zero)+ digit for month of term start (2142: Spring 14, 2148: Fall 14) Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1

7 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Information is “fetched” from External Ed onto the model—during this process existing transfer rules are applied. Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2

8 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Any transfer course without an existing rule to be applied is manually equated. Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2Articulation—Part 3

9 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Repeat codes are applied to multiple attempts of the same course—pre and post articulation. Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2Articulation—Part 3 Articulation—Part 4

10 Transfer Articulation Receive Transcript(s) Recorded in External Ed Submitted to Registrar Articulation—Part 1 Articulation—Part 2Articulation—Part 3 Articulation—Part 4 Post Credit Once all credit is articulated, the model is “posted” and now visible on the student center.

11 Transfer Evaluation TES: Transfer Evaluation System  After credits have been articulated, students can request a “re- evaluation” of specific courses  This request is initiated with an Academic Advising Counselor and accomplished through TES, a web-based system

12 Transfer Evaluation Process (in TES):  Counselor selects the course in question from the outside institution  Counselor identifies UNLV course that it is believed to equate to  Counselor submits these courses to appropriate department/individual for review  The request is approved/denied or requires more information.

13 Transfer Evaluation APPROVALS:  “This student only”: The student for which the request was initiated will be updated to reflect the new approved equivalent.  “For ALL Students”: A RULE will be built for this course so that any future students who may transfer it in will receive the same approved equivalent.

14 Transfer Evaluation Denials:  A RULE will be built to ensure that the course is brought in as a general elective for its subject area (ex: ENGLD/ENGUD)  Each rule built based upon a denial will include a note indicating the scenario that was denied, by whom, and a date.

15 Transfer Evaluation Requires Further Information:  In some instances, students need to obtain more information on a course for a decision to be made  More detailed course description, course syllabus, etc  Dependent on what is received, and approval or denial will be assigned

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