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Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff. Menstrual Cycle  A series of hormonal changes that help to prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy.  Menarche: First.

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Presentation on theme: "Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff. Menstrual Cycle  A series of hormonal changes that help to prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy.  Menarche: First."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anatomy & Physiology Mrs. Halkuff

2 Menstrual Cycle  A series of hormonal changes that help to prepare a woman’s body for pregnancy.  Menarche: First female period that usually occurs around age 12.  A cycle can range from 21-45 days, with 28-32 days being the average.  Consists of 2 cycles:  Ovarian Cycle  Uterine Cycle

3 Ovarian Cycle  Involves changes in the ovaries  Can be divided into 2 phases:  Follicular Phase (Days 1-13)  First day of menstruation until ovulation.  Egg growth/maturation is occurring in the ovaries.  Luteal Phase (Days 14-28)  From ovulation until menstruation begins.

4 Uterine Cycle  Involves changes in the uterus.  Occurs together with the Ovarian Cycle.  Can be divided into 2 phases:  Proliferative Phase (Days 5-14)  Occurs after menstruation but before ovulation  Endometrium rapidly grows in thickness  Secretory Phase (Days 14-28)  Occurs at ovulation if fertilization does not occur.  Egg & endometrium begin to break down.

5 Ovulation  During the first half of the menstrual cycle, as many as 20 egg follicles begin to grow in the ovaries due to Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH).  Half way through the cycle, there is a spike in the Luteinizing Hormone (LH) which signals the release of the most mature egg from the ovary. This is referred to as ovulation.  The remaining egg follicles undergo atresia, or cell degeneration.  If more than one egg follicle grows to maturity, they can also be released from ovary increasing the chance of fraternal twins or triplets.


7 How Conception Occurs  Fertilization occurs when a sperm and egg unite in the fallopian tube, creating new life.  The female egg can only be fertilized for 12-24 hours after being released.  An average 300 million sperm are released in one ejaculation, however only 10,000 will reach the uterus due to the harsh acidic environment of the vagina.  Most sperm only survive for 12-24 in the vagina with a maximum of about 72 hours.  This environment is necessary to deplete a fatty covering on the sperm that will then allow the sperm to fuse with the egg.

8 Sperm Anatomy

9 Sperm Physiology  To fertilize an egg, sperm must undergo a 3- step modification process. 1. Capacitation: Secretions in the female reproductive tract modify the sperm’s membrane to allow it to fertilize the egg. 2. Hyperactivation: They become better, more efficient swimmers. 3. Acrosome Reaction: The acrosome creates an enzyme reaction with the egg’s zona pellucida, weakening it and allowing entry.

10 Fertilization  Once a sperm(X or Y) has penetrated the egg (X), a chemical reaction takes place within the egg making it impossible for another sperm to enter.  Almost immediately the nuclei of the sperm and egg fuse to produce a diploid zygote containing genetic material from both mother and father.  The sex of the fetus is determined at this point.  If an X sperm meets the X egg = girl (XX)  If a Y sperm meets the X egg = boy (XY)


12 Implantation  The fertilized egg will make its way to the uterus where it will implant.  It takes roughly 7 days for the fertilized egg (blastocyst) to travel and implant.  Occasionally a fertilized, dividing egg will attach to the lining of the fallopian tube. This is called an ectopic pregnancy.  This type of pregnancy must be terminated for the safety of the mother. The fallopian tube is not elastic and the growing blastocyst will rupture the tube.


14 Pregnancy  A typical pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks (280 days)  These 40 weeks are broken up into trimesters:  1 st Trimester: Weeks 1-14  2 nd Trimester: Weeks 14-27  3 rd Trimester: Weeks 27-40

15 Embryonic Development  Fertilized egg is called an embryo until 8 weeks after fertilization.

16 Fetal Development  From weeks 10-40, the baby is termed a fetus.

17 Birth (Parturition)  3 Stages 1. Shortening/dilation of cervix 2. Descent/birth of infant 3. Delivery of placenta

18 Labor Stage 1: Effacement & Dilation  As baby moves down, cervix thins (effaces).  Given as a percentage (75% effaced).  Cervix begins to open (dilates).  Assigned a number 1-10

19 Labor Stage 2: Fetal Expulsion  Cervix must be fully dilated to 10 cm.  Mother is pushing  Baby’s head is crowning  Baby has large head and shoulders and must maneuver out in a specific pattern of rotation:

20 Labor Stage 3: Umbilical Cord Clamped & Placenta Expulsion  Typically the umbilical cord is clamped & cut in the first 3 minutes of birth.  The placenta is delivered 15-30 minutes after birth.

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