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On your desk… Pencil Science Notebook. Branches of Science There are 2 Parts of Science 1.Asking Questions 2.Finding Answers.

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Presentation on theme: "On your desk… Pencil Science Notebook. Branches of Science There are 2 Parts of Science 1.Asking Questions 2.Finding Answers."— Presentation transcript:

1 On your desk… Pencil Science Notebook

2 Branches of Science There are 2 Parts of Science 1.Asking Questions 2.Finding Answers

3 Science All we know about the universe and how we get that knowledge. Asking questions and answering in order to satisfy curiosity about the natural world.

4 Technology and Scientists Technology The application of knowledge, tools, and materials to solve practical problems Scientists The person who asks the questions and finds the answers. Professional scientists are trained in certain techniques and methods.

5 3 Branches of Science Earth Science Life Science Physical Science

6 Earth Science- the study of the planet Geology- the study of the rock surface of the earth and the earth’s interior. Meteorology- the study of the earth’s atmosphere. Includes studying, weather & climates.

7 Earth Science Oceanography- studies the earth’s oceans Astronomy- study of the universe beyond earth.

8 Life Science- The study of living things or biology Marine Biologist- studies life in the oceans. Botanist- biologist who study plants Zoologist- studies animals

9 Life Science Entomology- the study of insects Ecology- the study of the environment and its effect on plants and animals. Genetics- the study of heredity All careers in health care and medicine

10 Physical Science- the study of both matter & energy Chemistry- the study of all forms of matter and its interactions. Physics- the study of energy, its changes and its relationship to matter.

11 Sports Illustrated Adventure 1.Read the assigned section 2.Identify the branch of science 3.Summarize what the scientist does 4.Describe what you found interesting about their job

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