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Ears- Dog ears are just like humans. They can get infected from the water. You can make a mixture of water and vinegar to clean their ears out with. Use.

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Presentation on theme: "Ears- Dog ears are just like humans. They can get infected from the water. You can make a mixture of water and vinegar to clean their ears out with. Use."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ears- Dog ears are just like humans. They can get infected from the water. You can make a mixture of water and vinegar to clean their ears out with. Use a cotton swab and a cotton ball dipped in the water and vinegar mixture to clean out their ears. Only clean as far in as you can see. Eyes- Some breeds tend to have a lot of eye problems like runny eyes or dry eyes, but goldens don’t usually suffer these problems. In spite of this, wiping your dogs eyes daily with a moist cloth will keep them shiny and healthy. You should weekly check for odd signs of discharge, redness, irritation or debris. Dental care- Dogs can get cavities just like us. Therefore you must brush their teeth. There is no need to brush daily but at least once a week. You do not need doggy tooth paste, However you should use it if you want clean shiny teeth. Do not use human paste because it could upset their stomach. Fur- You should brush and bathe your dog once a week. You need to brush their fur before their bath to get out all the knots. There is no need for conditioner but, if you want smooth and shiny fur then you should use it. Nails- You should keep dogs nails short to keep them healthy. If you cut their nails to short it will probably bleed. It will eventually stop but try not to cut them to short for dirt can get in through the skin and irritate it. If their nails are to long it can damage their foot pads.

3 If you go on a walk in the woods or a place with high grass or weeds then your puppy is bound to have ticks or other pests. You can get something called frontline or K9 Advantix at your local vet. Frontline or K9 Advantix is a pill that helps avoid pests and is something your puppy will like to eat. You can also get it in a type of liquid that is put in one place of their fur and it spreads itself.

4 -Crate training- -Puppies really don’t know what English words mean. So you can call go to crate anything even go to jail. Just make sure you use the same tone and words every time. You should put a treat in their cage and let them walk in and get it. If they are still teething you should put some chew toys in for them to chew on while you are gone. Really try not leave them in their cage for more then 4 hours. They will be very unhappy and they might be uncomfortable if they peed in their cage. Though as they get older you can slowly make their crate time longer because they’ll know better that going to the crate is not a punishment. They can also hold pee in longer. -Potty Training- -If puppies potty on the floor then tell them NO! And bring them outside right away to show them where to pee or poop. If you don’t see them do it and you find it later then you can’t yell at them because they won’t know what you are talking about. Also whenever they wine or bark even if you think they don’t have to go potty then you still take them out. This will teach them that when they have to go they wine or bark.

5 Walk Training You should train your dog to walk on the left side of you because that is the safest. However, if you are more comfortable training your puppy to walk on the right that is fine. It is a courtesy to clean up their poop with a plastic bag. Let them get used to their leash before taking them on long walks. They love to play with other dogs on walks and it is fine to let them play. However, it is not the best idea if your dog or the other dog hasn’t been neutered or spayed. If one dog growls at the other just pull your dog away because it probably means they don’t like each other. Heel is something you should also teach them. It means to walk with you. ( not way in front.)

6 Tricks- You can teach you dog any trick you want. You can use your hands to show them or just teach them words. It is very important to teach them come and sit but there are many other tricks you can teach them. If your golden retriever disobeys you on anything besides come and potty then your puppy will take it more as a punishment to be ignored then to hear a firm no! This is because golden retrievers love attention.

7 Feeding Chart: 3 lb dog1/4 cup daily 10 lb dog2/3 cup daily 20 lb dog1 cup daily 30 lb dog1 1/2 cups daily 40 lb dog1 3/4 cups daily 60 lb dog2 1/2 cups daily 80 lb dog 3 cups daily 100 lb dog3 1/2 cups daily Dog Body Condition Chart Thin Dog Ribs, lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones easily visible No palpable fat Obvious waist and abdominal tuck Prominent pelvic bones Underweight Dog Ribs easily palpable Minimal fat covering Waist is easily noted when viewed from above Abdominal tuck evident Ideal Dog Ribs palpable, but not visible Slight waist observed behind ribs when viewed from above Abdomen tucked up, flank fold present Overweight Dog Slight increase in fat over ribs, but still easily palpable Abdomen slightly rounded, flanks concave Flank folds hang down with moderate amount of fat— jiggle noted when walking Obese Dog Ribs and backbone not easily palpable under a heavy fat covering Abdomen rounded; waist barely visible to absent Prominent flank folds which sway from side to side when walking

8 Dogs can eat people food however, it is not the best for them if it has foods that are bad for them. The worst way to feed them people food is from the table. You should take the piece of food from the table (or wherever it is from) and feed it to them in a different room. If your dog is having a problem in going to the bathroom or not eating enough then your vet may recommend mixing something yummy into their dry dog food. If your puppy is not eating enough then you should mix canned food with their dry food. If it is a bathroom problem then mixing a bland diet rice or chicken with their food is great. Foods you shouldn’t feed your golden: Chocolate Fat Onions Grapes and raisins Spoiled food You can feed them a homemade diet but it is more work and twice as much work if they don’t like it.

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