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Presentation on theme: "INTRODUCTION TO PLANT CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFYING CLASS 1 PLSC 1 Class Unit 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Concept Map! Vocab:

3 Essential Question  How are plants named and classified ?

4 Warm-Up  Take 1 minute to write down as many animals as you can name  Take 1 minute to write down as many plants as you can name  Class Discussion: As we go around the room put a check by names that have already been read.

5 Videos  Intro to Classifying Living Things

6 Objectives  Describe the system used for naming and classifying plants.

7 Nomenclature  Definition : The system of naming things  Goal: To have specific labeling system to help with identification

8 Where did it start?  Aristotle  Classified animals based on similarities into Genera

9 K P C O F G S  Kingdom - King  Phylum - Phillip  Class - Came  Order - Over  Family - For  Genus - Good  Species - Spaghetti  Activity: Each table come up with your own memory sentence ! You have 3 minutes. Write them on the board to share with the class.

10 5 Kingdoms and Descriptions  Prokaryota  Protista  Fungi  Plantae  Animalia  Most plants that we will be discussing will be in the Kingdom Plantae  Unicellular and colonial  Unicellular protozoans  Haploid and dikaryotic (binucleate) cells, multicellular, generally heterotrophic  Haplo-diploid life cycles, mostly autotrophic  Multicellular animals, without cell walls and without photosynthetic pigment


12 What do you notice?  What do you notice about how animals are grouped together and named?  Are they grouped by similarities or differences?

13 Naming Plants  Plants are labeled by similarities  What do scientists look for? Flowering pattern Stem structures Leaf structures Life cycles Genetic similarities  All plants belong to the Kingdom Plantae

14 Taxonomy  Definition: The science of naming  Each plant is categorized with 7 names  We normally only use the last 2 this is called  Binomial nomenclature A 2 name system of identification

15 Binomial Nomenclature  Developed by Carolus Linnaeus  1707- 1778  Botanist, Physician, Zoologist

16 What does it look like?  Always use the last 2 “names” to label plants  **Keep in mind this is scientific classification!! **  Genus name is always capitalized  Species name is always lower case  Example: Liriodendron tulipifera

17 Latin Example: Phytolacca americana  Phytolacca: Plant with red milk, sap  Americana: Of the Americas  Common Name: Pokeweed, Red Ink Plant

18 Naming Continued…  Genus is a group of plants with similar characteristics  Species are plants that can mate together freely in the wild  Common names are used to help non-scientists classify and remember plants

19 Common Name: Yellow Tulip Poplar Scientific Name: Liriodendron tulipifera

20 Class Activity: Practice with Nomenclature  Use the internet to ID 10 plants.  8 plants should have the Scientific Name, and Common Name  2 plants should have the entire K F C O F G S and Common Name  The plants must be found in Delaware/North Eastern US

21 Class Activity-Library Wed 1:30-2:30  PlantUnit2Wrksht1  Complete the worksheet provided. Use COMPLETE sentences and CORRECT punctuation.  Write legibly (so others can read what you write!)

22 Closing  Word Wall:  Taxonomy, Binomial Nomenclature  Exit Question  Into what types of groups are plants classified?  Next Class  Explore major plant groups


24 Warm Up Can you name any of these?

25 Life Science Plants Video

26 Essential Question  What are some ways that we can group plants together?

27 Objectives  Identify the major groups of plants

28 Bryophytes  Classified in the Phylum Bryophyta  Non Vascular  No conducting tissue  Examples  Mosses and liverworts  Where do you find them?  They live in damp places  All other plants are in the Phylum Tracheophyta

29 Bryophyte

30 Ferns  Reproduce by spores  Dependent on water to for their sperm to swim during reproduction  No true leaves!  Fronds have a double purpose Food production ( photosynthesis) Spore formation  Fronds unfold from the center of the plant. New fronds are called fiddleheads

31 Fern

32 Gymnosperm  Plants that reproduce with “naked” seeds on scales  Use CONES to reproduce  Called a Conifer They do not drop their leaves  Leaves are modified into needles

33 Gymnosperm

34 Coniferous vs. Deciduous  Coniferous: Do not drop their “leaves”/needles in winter  Deciduous: Drop their leaves in winter. Leaves change color

35 Angiosperms  Seeds develop in a fruiting body  All angiosperms reproduce with flowers  Two Types

36 Monocots and Dicots  Monocots: single cotyledon, flower parts in multiple of 3’s, parallel veins  Dicots: 2 cotyledons, flower parts in multiples of 4 or 5, netted veins, stems in a ring pattern

37 Make a VEN diagram (Separate sheet of paper)

38 Scavenger Hunt!  Find the most common monocot on school grounds  Find the most common dicot on school grounds  Find a plant with a “naked seed”  Find a fruiting body  Find an angiosperm  Find a gymnosperm  Find a coniferous leaf  Find 3 deciduous leaves  You have from 8:35-8:55 Back in the classroom by 9am

39 Outside Activity  Each student will have clippers.  Each student will collect 4 specimens outside  Each student will make rubbings of 3 plants  Each student will identify the all plant specimens as monocot or dicot  You will be responsible for explaining your answers.


41 WARM UP  Divide your plants into the groups discussed last class. Separate them by table. Use your notes to help you.  Separate them into Monocots, Dicots, Conifers, and other groups we talked about yesterday in class. Only use four.  Be prepared to support you answer!!

42 Essential Question  What is the difference between biennial, perennial, and annual plant life cycles?

43 Warm Up  Name any annual, biennial, and perennial plants that you know

44 SENIORS ONLY! BE DONE BY THE END OF ANNOUCEMENTS Give to Ms. W  Get out a sheet of paper and nominate 1 boy and 1 girl for each of the following:  Best Car  Worst Car  Best Dressed  Best Eyes  Best Instrumentalist  Best Looking  Best Smile  Class Clown  Most Athletic  Most likely to be:  A Celebrity  On Facebook  Stay Friends  Work at AHS  Most school spirited  Most Unique style

45 Annual Plant Life Cycle  Plants which grow from a seed, then flower, then produce seeds in one season.  After flowering the plant will DIE  It only lives for 1 season  Normally herbaceous  No woody stem

46 Biennial Life Cycle  Plants which live for two years, then flower and die.  Only flower in second season of life  Examples: Carrots, Foxgloves, Queen Anne’s Lace

47 Perennial Life Cycle  Plants which live for three or more years.  Often flower for a short time every year  Hold some energy for reserves for next season  Herbaceous and Woody stems

48 Herbaceous

49 Woody

50 Video : Review  United Streaming  Life Science: How plants grow  Worksheet with questions. Please answer them. They are due at the end of class.

51 Class Activity: When finished @ station grab a green book and finish the summary  Table 1 Review Quiz 1  DUE TODAY IN THE BIN AT THE END OF CLASS  Area 2: Microscopes  Follow the directions in “Section 1”  Table 3: Rubbing of your plant  Write if it is a monocot or dicot Write the characteristics that make you think this  Table 4: Pg 50 Self Eval Questions  DUE TODAY (Whatever you have done. Should be done at least 10 or more!)

52 TURN INTO THE BIN  Your Review Worksheet on Plant Classification  Whatever you have done of the self evaluation  Plant Rubbing  Chairs up and Clean up everything


54 Essential Question  What are the functions of a plant’s roots?

55 Warm-Up  Which one is not a root?

56 Plant Health  Relies on the ROOTS  Constantly growing to remain healthy  That’s why plant’s need space in their pot!  Without space plants become root bound

57 Root bound plant

58 On your Table  Answer the following question about your plant  Is it root bound?  If YES How do you know? What does it look like?  If NO How do you know? What does it look like?

59 Roots: What’s the job?  A. The roots must absorb all of the water and minerals that a plant needs to live.  B. The root must anchor the plant to the ground and support the above ground part of the plant.  C. The roots store food that has been made through photosynthesis.  This food can be used later when a plant needs it to grow or survive.

60 Root Anatomy ROOT: Absorbs nutrients, minerals, and salts. Stores food. Passage of nutrients PRIMARY ROOT: Anchors plant. Known as tap root SECONDARY ROOT: Collects and transports nutrients up and down ROOT CAP: Protect the root as it pushes through the soil. Protects the apical meristem from damage.

61 Root Anatomy: A closer look

62 Roots  When seeds germinate, roots are the first to emerge.  Roots are covered with cells  Called the epidermis Increased surface area= increased food  Epidermis cells grow long and form root hairs

63 Roots: Two Types  Tap Root System: Primary roots and secondary roots  Fibrous / Adventurous Root System: Primary root grows, then dies. Multiple roots take its place

64 Healthy Roots Unhealthy Roots  Fresh smell, white in color, grow throughout pot

65 Activities  Video  United Streaming – How Plants Grow  Lab Rotation  Station 1 – Review Quiz 2 (It is on the back of your sheet from yesterday)  Station 2- Microscopes Complete the section of the worksheet about ROOTS  Station 3- Design a root. Draw a picture of the root labeling the important parts and describing what they do  Station 4- Continue to work on pg 50 review

66 Root Section in your Packet @ 40x Mag. Root System

67 DUE TODAY-In the Bin  Review Quiz 1 and 2  Both Sides Completed no notes  Root Drawing  Be sure to label the parts and explain what their job is!!  Self Evaluation Questions ALL are due on Friday at the end of class


69 Essential Question  What are the functions of the stem?

70 Warm Up  Do you recognize these stems?

71 Stems : What’s the Job?  Support the leaves in correct position to collect sunlight  Move water, minerals, and manufactured food through plant  Green stems practice photosynthesis and produce food  Store food

72 Stem: External Anatomy  Apical/Terminal Bud- growth occurs from here. Adds length to the plant

73 Stem: External Anatomy  Node: Where the leaf attaches to the stem  Internode: The area between leaves  Lateral Bud: Located next to the leaf attachment to stem

74 Stem: External Anatomy  Bud Scale: Protects developing bud  Leaf Scar: Left behind by fallen leaves

75 Stem: External Anatomy  Lenticels: Openings on bark where gases are exchanged

76 Activities:  Outside:  External Stem Anatomy Search Use vocabulary from class and identify vocabulary in the outside forest.  Inside: Lab Rotation  Station 1: Review Quiz about Stems  Station 2: Microscopes : Section about STEMS  Station 3: Draw a stem, label the parts, and what they do  Station 4: Finish your Self Eval on pg 50

77 DUE TODAY!!!!!  COMPLETED Lab Packet  Review Worksheet on Stems  Drawing of stems with parts labeled and defined  Axillary Bud, Stem, Leaf, internode, Node, Apical bud, Bud Scale, Leaf Scar

78 Test Review  Annual, Perennial, Angiosperm, Gymnosperm, Monocot, Dicot, Apical Meristem, Root hair, Root Cap, Epidermis, Biennial, Lenticels  What are the parts of the root and their function?  What are the parts of the stem and their function?  What are the types of root systems?  Who put animals/plants into genera?  How do scientists group plants?  What are the signs of healthy roots? Compare/Contrast Monocot and Dicot Characteristics


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