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Research In Emerging Technologies Social Technologies Pecha Kucha Presentation MSc Digital Media: Audio Production Vlachou Antonia.

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Presentation on theme: "Research In Emerging Technologies Social Technologies Pecha Kucha Presentation MSc Digital Media: Audio Production Vlachou Antonia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research In Emerging Technologies Social Technologies Pecha Kucha Presentation MSc Digital Media: Audio Production Vlachou Antonia

2 Utilised Platforms Before Emerging Technologies Twitter (Personal Acc) Facebook (Personal Acc) Professional Website LinkedIn Professional Google Plus Soundcloud Professional You Tube Channel Vimeo Channel Skype My Space Instagram

3 Updated Profiles After Emerging Technologies Twitter (Personal Acc) Twitter Professional Acc Facebook (Personal Acc) Professional Website LinkedIn Professional Google Plus Soundcloud Professional You Tube Channel Vimeo Channel About.Me Professional Acc Wordpress Blog Skype My Space Instagram

4 Updated Profiles Twitter Professional Twitter reflects my chosen industry All posts are entirely in english Direct link to Wordpress Direct link to ToniaVL Nickname

5 Updated and New Profiles LinkedIn Professional Linkedin updated to reflect the present Full name Same pic as twitter 6 new conn. 14% views

6 Updated and New Profiles LinkedIn Endorsements Old connections are notified about updates and endorse

7 Updated and New Profiles Website Updated my portfolio Included with this year university project Full name Same avatar as Twitter and LinkedIn

8 Updated and New Profiles Website Updated my education Updated industry experience Same background as LinkedIn

9 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress Same name as Twitter Linked to Twitter, LinkedIn and widget Professional News of the industry Post every 2-3 days

10 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress Example Post: Detailed market research on Black friday plug-in sales and freebies

11 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress About Me section RIGHT:, calendar, twitter, blogs I like, blogstats widget LEFT: Description, Wordpress follow, blogroll, recent posts, search, categories, archives sections

12 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress Clean easy to access tidy posts Media inserted in every post Sources at post end Tags Categories

13 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress stats Daily visitors 106 in total 39 days No comments 1 like :D

14 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress stats

15 Updated and New Profiles Wordpress stats Twitter attracts views Blog connection attracts views (thanx!)

16 Updated and New Profiles Widget Directed from Wordpress Info about Me Direct links to my profiles

17 Updated and New Profiles Widget Direct links to my work Direct link to personal website Direct to portfolio

18 Profiles Views Pie Twitter 35.4% Wordpress 62% LinkedIn 2.5%

19 After Emerging Technologies No Name conflicts first 6 results My Photo as 1 st in images Maintain activity Update all my profiles Tweet more Future

20 THE END Thank you all!

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