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Energy By Alaena Wind energy hydropower solar power Nuclear Power biomass geothermal Energy transformation Experiment 1Experiment 2 Conclusions credits.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy By Alaena Wind energy hydropower solar power Nuclear Power biomass geothermal Energy transformation Experiment 1Experiment 2 Conclusions credits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy By Alaena Wind energy hydropower solar power Nuclear Power biomass geothermal Energy transformation Experiment 1Experiment 2 Conclusions credits

2 Nuclear Comes from an atom called uranium The atom is split and produces energy 20% of US energy is from Nuclear Power It produces radioactive waste. There is a lot of it.

3 Hydropower It comes from water. Goes through a dam and turns a turbine that produces electricity. 3.3% of the US energy comes from hydro power It is renewable. Causes floods and creates problems for animal life.

4 Wind Wind is from the uneven heating of the earth. Wind can be changed to electricity from turbines. 3% of us electricity comes from wind power. Kills birds and takes up more land. It is renewable

5 Solar Comes from the sun. Goes through a solar panel which turns the heat into electricity 1% of US energy comes from Solar energy It is very expensive to capture solar energy in panels. It is renewable.

6 Geothermal It comes from inside the earth. Cold water is put down to heat section and steam rises that turns a turbine that creates electricity. 0.4 % of us electricity comes from geothermal energy. It is very dangerous and hard to collect. It is renewable.

7 Fossil fuels It comes from dead plants and animals that died millions of years ago. It is changed into electricity in a refinery. 81% of us electricity comes from fossil fuels. It is nonrenewable and takes millions of years to form. We have a lot of it.

8 Biomass Made out of natural waste. It is burned to create electricity. 4% of us energy comes biomass. Very few refineries Renewable

9 Energy transformation How any type of energy is changed into electricity.

10 Experiment 1

11 Experiment 2

12 Conclusions I found that all of the experiments were successful The solar power experiment took 3 tries before it worked. The wind power experiment did work the first time.

13 Credits _forms_of_energy-basics

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