Imperial College Web Review 2002 1 Imperial College.... An audience-focused realignment of our web strategy with our College strategy, our market, technology.

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1 Imperial College Web Review 2002 1 Imperial College.... An audience-focused realignment of our web strategy with our College strategy, our market, technology advances and legal requirements. Web Review Panel June 19 th 2002

2 Imperial College Web Review 2002 2 Web Review Panel – June 19 th 2002 Purpose of Meeting  To endorse the Web Review Recommendations  To understand the progress on the short term actions since the last meeting  To secure endorsement of the longer term actions and plans  Discussion  Demonstrations Timing 20 mins. 10 mins. 20 mins 30 mins

3 Imperial College Web Review 2002 3 Recommendations: 14 Themes as agreed at last meeting  A world-class, well-designed, sustainable web presence  Governance policy and management responsibility for web presence  A resourced programme to establish and sustain that web presence  Clearly defined goals for College internet and intranet  Address audiences of importance to College, Faculties, Departments  Good design and brand to support world class presence  College guidelines on best practice for web presence  Content managers with editorial responsibility  Devolved responsibility for content provision (distributed authoring)  A logical, easily-usable and adhered-to navigational model for the entire college web presence  Introduction of an effective, comprehensive search engine  Managed web infrastructure including agreed standards for hardware, software, authoring tools and templates  Multi-media capability, including web broadcasting and conferencing  Web interface to e-business systems

4 Imperial College Web Review 2002 4 Recommendations: 14 Themes distilled to 4 Topics for Action  The 14 themes were distilled into recommendations in 4 “Topics for Action”  Policy / Design and Brand, Navigational Model Templates and Guidelines  Governance / Responsibilities / Resourcing  Development of the Web Presence (Internet, Intranet and Extranet  Implementation of a Managed Web Infrastructure  These recommendations were discussed and further developed with the Faculty Administrators

5 Imperial College Web Review 2002 5 Recommendations – Policy, Design and Brand, Navigational Model, Templates and Guidelines  The structure of the College web presence will be:  A College Internet to deliver market facing, revenue generating information and applications for external audiences, (e.g. prospective students and families, charity bodies and investors, careers advisors, journalists, funding bodies, development partners, academics elsewhere)  The Main College Presence  Faculty Presence  Departmental Presence  Research Group Presence  Personal Pages  A College Intranet to deliver communications, services, business processes and productivity improvement opportunities to internal audience groups  A College Extranet to allow authorised external and internal access to functionality for alumni, research partners, student pre-entry, public bodies, suppliers, partners etc.

6 Imperial College Web Review 2002 6  Our web presence will align with the College strategy and branding, meeting the requirements of our key audience groups in communicating:  Imperial College as an organisation  The teaching programmes and research of the College  External and internal facing core business processes  Ancilliary services  Develop toolkits, templates and guidelines – so that Content Managers can focus their efforts on creating innovative content and need not concern themselves with:  presentation, branding and style considerations  statutory accessibility requirements  Define and implement a Content Architecture and a Common Navigational Model which allows all types of users to find what they want easily Recommendations – Policy, Design and Brand, Navigational Model, Templates and Guidelines

7 Imperial College Web Review 2002 7 Recommendations – Governance/Responsibilities/Resourcing  All Organisational Units with a web presence should designate Web Officers, (Content Managers and Web Managers) with responsibility for implementation and operation of that web presence, as an integral part of their job role and accountabilities  Establish a tiered governance model:  A “Web Presence Management Team” who will transform the College web presence - managing the delivery of the internet, intranet and extranet web presence. Membership to include Faculty Champions, Administration, Service Department, ICT and External Relations representatives  Similar Management Teams at Faculty/Departmental level  Project teams established as projects require  A Web Technology Advisory Group to endorse technology and software choices

8 Imperial College Web Review 2002 8  Transition our Internet web presence, to the new content architecture, common navigational model and rebranded “look and feel”  Faculties, Departments and other Organisational Units to develop migration plans to minimise non-value add activity  Migrate current / develop new content for a College wide  Intranet - targeted at internal audience groups  Extranet - for access by authorised internal and external groups  Implement new “revenue generating” opportunities e.g:  Research  Student and staff recruitment improvements  Ancilliary services  Alumni applications  Improved exposure of College “spin-outs” and consulting  Make College science more accessible to the general public Recommendations – Development of the Web Presence (Internet / Intranet / Extranet)

9 Imperial College Web Review 2002 9  Select, pilot and implement a Content Management System to support preparation, authorisation and publishing of web content by Content Managers  Improve the current College search engine, investigate and evaluate cost effective replacements  Evaluate and implement a managed web infrastructure, (including central web hosting) which still enables devolved ownership of content Recommendations – Technology Selection and Implementation of a Managed Web Infrastructure

10 Imperial College Web Review 2002 10 Progress on Short Term Actions  Short term actions completed or in progress:  Structure of College Web Presence defined (in guidelines)  Interim guidelines, navigation model and templates in development and consultations in progress  Format of the College URL recommended and paper published  Web governance policy and management process proposed (in guidelines)  Web Presence development for Faculty of Physical Sciences, Engineering sites etc. in progress  Research information improvements in progress (demonstration)  Migration of Admin content to INTRINSIC and the main College site  Interim improvement of College search engine (demonstration)  Central web server farm established and sites migrated onto it

11 Imperial College Web Review 2002 11 Format of the URL - recommendations  Many web servers registered in College internet domain space, e.g:  (Central College site) (Faculty of Medicine) (Department of Mathematics)  Most organisations have a single root URL, e.g:   Proposed that the College moves to a single root URL:  (main College site)  (research across the whole College)  (top of Faculty of Medicine site)  (Dept of Materials ) etc. With an alias  Benefits are enhanced corporate view, easier for users, helps navigation, improves visibility in search engines, enhances security, cuts costs  Implement as a two stage process

12 Imperial College Web Review 2002 12 Additional Actions Initiated  Guidelines for “Associate” websites developed (paper available)  Guidelines developed on Web Site accessibility to meet the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act  Pilot trial Content Management System initiated with the Faculty of Medicine

13 Imperial College Web Review 2002 13 Key Actions – with the Web Management Team  Tools: Complete and update guidelines and templates and convert to a web site format (Q3)  Governance: Brief Heads of Faculties, appoint Faculty Champions, members of the Web Management Team and Faculty Teams (July)  Resources: Faculties and Departments appoint Web Managers and Content Managers and develop migration plans (Q3 and 4)  Internet Presence Transition: Implement rebranding, new content architecture and navigational model on Main College Faculty and Departmental sites (Staged implementation, Q3 through end 2003)  Intranet/Extranet: Complete requirements analysis, customer focus groups, design and implement, linking in Service, INTRINSIC, Faculty, Teaching, Student content (Staged imp. - Q3 to end 2003  New Development: Design and develop new revenue generating applications, in line with business cases through 2002/03

14 Imperial College Web Review 2002 14 Key Actions – with the Technology Advisory Group  Managed Infrastructure: Agree technology choice and operational requirements and implement (Q4)  Content Management System: Evaluate pilot results, complete evaluation of alternatives and implement (2003)  Central Hosting: Migrate sites to central hosting (Q1/03)

15 Imperial College Web Review 2002 15 Demonstrations  Templates  Research information improvements  Search engine improvements

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