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Spanish Ms. Smith Take out a sheet of paper Copy each rule word for word.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Ms. Smith Take out a sheet of paper Copy each rule word for word."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Ms. Smith Take out a sheet of paper Copy each rule word for word.

2 Rule #1  Enter class calmly and quietly, go immediately to assigned seat. Sit at a 90 degree angle feet on floor, facing front.

3 Rule #2  Be in your seat and ready to work when the bell rings. If you are not in your seat when the bell rings you are tardy.  3 tardies = After School Detention (ASD)

4 Rule #3  Show respect at all times towards self, others, and staff.  verbal and non-verbal communication  body language  tone of voice

5 Rule #4 There is no talking in my class except to address the academic issue at hand.

6 Rule #5 No food, gum, drink, candy, makeup, mirrors, electronic devices or any distractions allowed. Items will be confiscated, picked up after school.

7 Rule #6  Be prepared with all materials. Never interrupt me to ask to sharpen your pencil, get paper or throw away trash.

8 Rule #7  Raise your hand to get permission to speak. Never leave your seat without first raising your hand and ask for permission.

9 Rule #8  If you need to use the restroom you may do so but have your planner ready no exceptions. Never interrupt me while I am teaching to ask to go to the bathroom.

10 Rule #9  I do not argue with students. If you are told to move your seat or given any other direction you are to do so immediately without complaint.

11 Rule #10  When the bell rings stay in your seat until dismissed.  Clean trash around your desk  Throw away on your way out

12 Consequences for rule violations:  Warning  After School Detention (ASD)  Parent Phone Call  Written up, referred to the office *If you do not report to ASD parent will be contacted and receive an office referral (write-up).

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