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Ms. Towne’s 6 th Grade Class. HHe was born on February 22, 1732 IIn Wakefield, Virginia  He has false (fake) teeth. People believe they were made.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Towne’s 6 th Grade Class. HHe was born on February 22, 1732 IIn Wakefield, Virginia  He has false (fake) teeth. People believe they were made."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Towne’s 6 th Grade Class


3 HHe was born on February 22, 1732 IIn Wakefield, Virginia  He has false (fake) teeth. People believe they were made of wood, but they were really made of ivory-the tusk of an elephant GGeorge Washington’s father died when he was eleven and he went to live with his brother.

4  He did not attend college but went right into the military  The Continental Congress put him as Commander in Chief of the army.

5  On January 6, 1759 George Washington married Martha Custis.  They lived in Mount Vernon.  She had two kids (Jackie and Patsy) and George Washington became their step-father. smer/leahy/revolution/martha_washingt on.jpg

6  George Washington was elected the First President of the United States at the age of 57.  John Adams was his Vice President  He is known as “The Father of Our Country”  He served two terms-a term is four years.  1789-1797

7 George Washington received more votes then anyone else.

8  He did not live in the White House. In fact, he was the only President that never did.  There were 13 states when he became president  Over his presidency 5 more states were added.

9 George Washington Crossword-CLICK HERE

10  If you want to learn more about George Washington…  Education World ® - George Washington Lives! Education World ® - George Washington Lives!  George Washington George Washington  George Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and GardensGeorge Washington's Mount Vernon Estate and Gardens

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