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Workforce Planning Stacie Porter, HR Consultant

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Presentation on theme: "Workforce Planning Stacie Porter, HR Consultant"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workforce Planning Stacie Porter, HR Consultant
Workforce and Succession Planning Team, HR Strategy

2 Agenda The Federal Context What is Workforce Planning
Federal Regulation: 5 CFR 250 and GPRA-MA 2010 Requirements What is Workforce Planning OPM Workforce Planning Model Agency Examples Implementation Wrap-up and Questions

3 HR Maturation Process HR Business Partners

4 Former HCAAF Model Workforce Planning

5 The Human Capital Framework (HCF)
ORGANIZATION Strategic Operational Employee ENVIRONMENT FEEDBACK Strategic Planning & Alignment Retain Recruit Develop Hire Workforce Planning Talent Management Program Activities & Process Owners Program Milestones & Measures Performance Culture Evaluation

6 Human Capital Framework
STRATEGIC PLANNING AND ALIGNMENT Agency Strategic Planning Strategic Human Capital Planning HR as a Strategic Partner Annual Performance Planning Best Practices Knowledge Sharing Organizational Development Change Management PERFORMANCE CULTURE Continuous Learning Performance Management Diversity and Inclusion Engaged Employees Collaboration Labor/Management Partnership Work-Life EVALUATE Business Analytics Data Driven Decision Making TALENT MANAGEMENT Workforce Planning Employee Development Leadership Development Retention Knowledge Management 2

7 Improving Agency Performance
Revising GPRA-MA & 5 CFR 250 Improving Data Driven Reporting Deploying HR Stat

8 Revising 5 CFR 250 and GPRA-MA
Establishes Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals. Requires agencies to incorporate HC goals into strategic plans. Requires agencies to incorporate HC management in agency performance plans. Requires HC performance reporting by Agencies.

9 Improving Data Driven Reporting
Type of Goals Timing Reviews Federal Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals Every 4 years Quarterly by OMB Director/PIC Strategic Goals and Objectives Annual by agencies and OMB Agency Priority Goals (APGs) Also referred to as “performance goals.” Every 2 years Quarterly by agency COO/PIO

10 OPM Oversight Community of Practice Mentoring
Deploying HR Stat OPM Oversight Community of Practice Mentoring Start-Up Refine & Improve Perform and Evaluate

11 Introduction to Workforce Planning

12 What is WFSP? Right People Right Place Right Time

13 OPM Mandate U.S.C requires agencies set a standard for integrating its HR strategies into their budget and performance plans…the agency holds managers and human resources officers accountable for efficient and effective human resources management in support of the agency’s mission in accordance with merit system principles.

14 Beyond Compliance Compliance Effectiveness

15 Benefits to Effective Strategic Workforce Planning
Shape the workforce culture Build talent pipelines to ensure workforce continuity Forecast staffing shortfalls and plan accordingly Concentrate resources on the talent development process Implement strategic recruitment initiatives

16 Repercussions of Ineffective Strategic Workforce Planning
Risk of critical positions being vacant Poor use of training and development dollars Inability to respond to crisis situations or mission changes Line-level talent vacuum Derailment of agency strategic plan Decreased engagement and productivity in the workforce

17 Workforce Planning Model

18 Workforce Planning Model
Phase 1: Identify Agency Goals (Strategic Alignment) Ensure the workforce planning initiatives point to workforce requirements and the organization’s mission and goals Gather relevant information (qualitative and quantitative) to inform strategic priorities Available Tools: Workforce Data and Trend Analysis, SWOT Analysis, Scenario Planning

19 Workforce Planning Model
Supply Analysis Gathering competency proficiency ratings and staffing counts on the current workforce Demand Analysis Identification of future required competency proficiency levels and projected staffing demands Phase 2: Supply and Demand Available Tools: Competency Gap Assessment,

20 Competency Modeling

21 Workforce Planning Model
Integration and comparison of supply and demand analyses to determine potential workforce quantity (staffing, diversity) or quality (competency) gaps Identification of further analyses to explore extent of gaps (e.g., training needs analysis, workload analysis, organizational assessment) Phase 3: Identify Workforce Gaps

22 What Can Happen if Gaps Are Not Addressed?
Increased employee turnover Misallocation of training and development funds Poor productivity Unnecessary hiring Employee and supervisor frustration Negative customer assumptions

23 Workforce Planning Model
Prioritize gaps and identify solutions Develop talent management plan with appropriate action plan, metrics , and timeframes in alignment with GPRA-MA Identification of desired outcomes and standards of success, and measures of success Establish an evaluation plan Phase 4: Develop and Implement Strategies to Close Gaps

24 Strategies to Close Gaps
Staffing Operational change Recruit and Retain Talent Succession Planning Outsourcing Organizational change Competency Gaps Knowledge/skills transfer Training courses or programs Developmental opportunities Performance management Career development resources

25 Agency Example: Career Paths (Additional Document)

26 Agency Example: Succession Matrix
Best Practice High-Impact, Low-Cost Implementation Succession Planning Example

27 Workforce Planning Model
Identification of desired outcomes and standards of success Identification of measures of success Establishment of an evaluation plan Assistance in developing or managing the workforce planning evaluation measures Establishment of mechanisms for continuous program evaluation and improvement Evaluation of workforce planning activities as compared to the Human Capital Framework (HCF) Communicate findings and recommendations Phase 5: Evaluate Workforce Planning Strategies

28 Workforce Planning Benchmark Organization
DoD – Secretary Under the Air Force for Acquisition Career Development Conducted Workforce Analyses to include SWOT analyses and Scenario Planning Conducted competency and gap analysis Built staff acquisition, development, and retention programs for the Electronic Systems Center Structured interviews Multiple hurdle approach to hiring Recruiting and branding strategies and materials

29 Workforce Planning Benchmark Organization
FDA - Office of Regulatory Affairs Succession planning and retention initiative Identified mission critical occupations FDA-wide workforce analysis Environmental scanning Competency modeling and gap analysis Expanded employment brand Career path plans and “job fit” programs

30 Implementation Best Practices
Set a vision and generate buy-in Identify a team of people committed to program development and long-term vision Make a plan (w/metrics) and communicate that plan Align strategies with both short-term and long-term organizational priorities Find what matters most Identify high-impact, low-cost solutions

31 Implementation (con’d)
Integrate into business planning cycle Include Change Management and Communication Plans Build systems to sustain the process Start Somewhere Ensure Leadership Support Allocate Resources Keep it Simple Smarty

32 Questions?

33 Thank You For more information contact: Stacie Porter
Workforce and Succession Planning HR Strategy & Evaluation Solutions

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