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Strategic Management of Human Capital FY04 Implementing Projects Risk Management Agency FY 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Management of Human Capital FY04 Implementing Projects Risk Management Agency FY 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Management of Human Capital FY04 Implementing Projects Risk Management Agency FY 2004

2 2 Strategic Management of Human Capital Strategic Management of Human Capital - Goals AGENCY Strategic Plan - Mission and Goals Workforce Planning & Deployment Strategic Alignment Leadership & Knowledge Management Results - Oriented Performance Culture Talent IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS Accountability

3 3 Strategic Management of Human Capital Strategic Alignment - Agency human capital strategy is aligned with mission, goals, and organizational objectives and integrated into its strategic plans, performance plans, and budgets. GOAL 1  Include Human Capital elements in RMA Strategic Plan and FY06 Budget Performance, e.g.,  Reduce time to fill vacancies, enhance diversity, close skills gaps  Meet with Human Capital Council quarterly to review progress of projects  Include Human Capital elements in RMA Strategic Plan and FY06 Budget Performance, e.g.,  Reduce time to fill vacancies, enhance diversity, close skills gaps  Meet with Human Capital Council quarterly to review progress of projects IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS

4 4 Strategic Management of Human Capital WORKFORCE PLANNING and DEPLOYMENT - Agency is citizen-centered, delayered and mission-focused, and leverages e-Government and competitive sourcing. GOAL 2  Support IT reorganization  Support 1010  Support IT reorganization  Support 1010 IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS

5 5 Strategic Management of Human Capital LEADERSHIP and KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Agency leaders and managers effectively manage people, ensure continuity of leadership, and sustain a learning environment that drives continuous improvement in performance. GOAL 3  Examine need for general Supervisor Training Program, i.e., New Supervisor Training Program or need for more ‘tailored’ programs.  Consider/examine leadership training programs to ensure a ’back-up pools’  Continue HR service visits to customers, e.g., supporting Speed In Business  Examine need for general Supervisor Training Program, i.e., New Supervisor Training Program or need for more ‘tailored’ programs.  Consider/examine leadership training programs to ensure a ’back-up pools’  Continue HR service visits to customers, e.g., supporting Speed In Business IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS

6 6 Strategic Management of Human Capital RESULTS-ORIENTED PERFORMANCE CULTURE - Agency has a diverse, results- oriented, high performance workforce, and has a performance management system that differentiates between high and low performance, and links individual/team/unit performance to organizational goals and desired results. GOAL 4  Link specific Strategic Plan goals and indicators to 100% of SES and Managers (GS-14 and above) to Individual Performance Plans by July 2004  Link 60+% of workforce's Individual Performance Plans to Agency Strategic Plan goals and indicators by July 2005  Implement HR Client Satisfaction Survey; and develop and implement action plans based survey results  Review RMA Honesty & Integrity (ethics) practices/perceptions and make recommendations, e.g., awareness training, etc.  Encourage leaders to review the FY 2002 Federal Human Capital Survey (OPM) results and provide recommendations, for example:  Only 28% of RMA employees claim that leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce (Leadership)  Only 24% of RMA employees claim that the organization's awards program provides them with an incentive to do their best (Performance Culture)  Link specific Strategic Plan goals and indicators to 100% of SES and Managers (GS-14 and above) to Individual Performance Plans by July 2004  Link 60+% of workforce's Individual Performance Plans to Agency Strategic Plan goals and indicators by July 2005  Implement HR Client Satisfaction Survey; and develop and implement action plans based survey results  Review RMA Honesty & Integrity (ethics) practices/perceptions and make recommendations, e.g., awareness training, etc.  Encourage leaders to review the FY 2002 Federal Human Capital Survey (OPM) results and provide recommendations, for example:  Only 28% of RMA employees claim that leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce (Leadership)  Only 24% of RMA employees claim that the organization's awards program provides them with an incentive to do their best (Performance Culture) IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS

7 7 Strategic Management of Human Capital TALENT - Agency has closed most mission-critical skills, knowledge and competency gaps/deficiencies, and has made meaningful progress toward closing all. GOAL 5  Review Workforce Analysis to identify major trends and to drive Recruitment, Retention, Training and Diversity Strategies  Maximize use of Career Intern Program, Co-op Program, etc.  Implement Quick Hire and evaluate use of Quick Class  Provide more web-based training  Implement Exit Interview and Placement Follow-up systems  Assess cost/benefit of Pay Banding, Pay Flexibilities, e.g., demonstration projects  Review Workforce Analysis to identify major trends and to drive Recruitment, Retention, Training and Diversity Strategies  Maximize use of Career Intern Program, Co-op Program, etc.  Implement Quick Hire and evaluate use of Quick Class  Provide more web-based training  Implement Exit Interview and Placement Follow-up systems  Assess cost/benefit of Pay Banding, Pay Flexibilities, e.g., demonstration projects IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS

8 8 Strategic Management of Human Capital ACCOUNTABILITY - Agency human capital decisions are guided by a data-driven results-oriented planning and accountability system. GOAL 6  Provide quarterly performance reports and analysis of pertinent HR metrics, e.g., exit interview summary, time to fill vacancy, HR service level, quality of new hire, etc.  Ensure effective and efficient HR processes  Provide quarterly performance reports and analysis of pertinent HR metrics, e.g., exit interview summary, time to fill vacancy, HR service level, quality of new hire, etc.  Ensure effective and efficient HR processes IMPLEMENTING PROJECTS

9 9 Strategic Management of Human Capital Planning the Future

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