Blog, Post, & Tweet Your Way to Riches with. WHO IS THIS GIRL, ANYWAY? Part I.

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Presentation on theme: "Blog, Post, & Tweet Your Way to Riches with. WHO IS THIS GIRL, ANYWAY? Part I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blog, Post, & Tweet Your Way to Riches with




5 Amazing Statistics Nearly 2.5 billion people in the world use the Internet (almost all of these people have email addresses). About half of the people who use the Internet also have a Facebook account. About 500 million Facebookers are active users. 50% of them access Facebook from a smartphone. Over 225 million people are on Twitter. Over 300 million people are on Linkedin. About 50 million people are on Pinterest (as of 2013 --- this number has surely grown). ~75% of all mobile phone users in the US have smartphones.

6 Sources: Comscore, Expanded Ramblings, Internet World Stats, Pew Internet, Pinterest Insider Comscore Expanded Ramblings Internet World Stats Pew Internet Pinterest Insider


8 It’s more important to ROCK at one social network than be on all of them. If you try too many at once, you will drive yourself crazy.


10 It’s all about content. 500 million new tweets are tweeted every day. More than 30 billion pieces of unique content are shared on Facebook every day. There are over 42.6 million blog posts published every single day. 144.8 billion emails are sent every day.* Sources: KISSMetrics, Mashable* (2012), Twitter Blog, WordPress KISSMetrics Mashable Twitter Blog WordPress

11 Cat videos have one of the highest likelihoods of going viral on the internet. If you add up the numbers for the top 5-performing cat posts since 2011 vs. the top 5-performing dog posts, cats are at 2,655,412 – almost 2 million more views than the top dogs, who could only muster a measly 700,729 views between them. Source: Buzzfeed Buzzfeed

12 Good Content = Engagement = $$$ Viral cat videos teach us the value of surprising our audience and making them laugh. Social Media is mainly micro-blogging (short postings) about your business and the stories you can tell. The way you post on each channel is different, but the content (stories) are oftentimes the same.

13 Social Media Ground Rules Do NOT paste a press release into a post. Assume no one likes to read. Do NOT get too- promotional. One of the best things about sharing your blogs on your social channels is that is a not- overtly-promotional way to get people interested in you. Use consistent brand imaging across all of these channels.

14 Remember this. Liz Tip: Facebook is a tool to engage with the people who already know you. Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, & Instagram are tools to help you meet new people. Review the worksheet I gave you.


16 OK Liz – riddle me this. This can seem like a waste of time (and it CAN be a waste of time) if there is no purpose or call to action that you’re trying to put forth… 1. DRIVE TRAFFIC 2. BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST

17 Email List Building Liz Tip: Email marketing is the SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO IN ONLINE MARKETING. Your email list is your only asset in an online business. Your list is MUCH easier to convert into customers than Facebook fans.

18 Email Still Totally Matters You don’t have to email them weekly, but at least once per month is still effective. Encourage sign ups in person & on your website by offering an incentive (also known as an opt-in gift). Appeal to the skimmers – bulleted lists, short chunks of text, bold headlines. Make the design clean + easy to read.

19 Savvy + Strategic Subject Lines Don’t use any of these words as they can put you in someone’s SPAM filter… – Free, Discount, Savings, Offer Keep it 50 characters or less Use names of something familiar, such as a local town (causes a higher open rate) Liz Tip: This should be equal parts: relevant, eye-catching, and alluring.

20 OK, Let’s Talk Facebook. Create a branded Facebook Page. – Include your newsletter sign up Engage! – Reply to your fans’ posts – Ask them questions to prompt discussion – Post photos/videos (it’s OK to have fun!) – Use it as a place to post news Liz Tip: If you aren’t sure which social network to start using, Facebook is a great place to start.


22 Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram all have something in common…

23 3 Steps to Getting Lots of Followers Find those similar to you. – An easy way to do this is browse your current list of followers. Click one of them to see their profile. Then, click to see their list of followers. Do they follow more people than they have followers? – If yes, go to step 3. – If no, forget about ‘em! Have they tweeted/posted in the past 24 hours? – If yes, follow this person. – If no, forget about ‘em!

24 Pinterest 72% women ages 24 to 54 The “news feed” is made up of captioned images, the most provocative type of content we can post anywhere. Great place for behind-the-scenes photos of you and your staff or photos of your products – similar to Instagram. When you click a pin, it drives traffic to the source. This means what you pin should be on your website. – Perfect if you have an online storefront! – You should also consider having an image gallery.


26 Instagram Photo-sharing application on your smartphone. After you create your profile, start following and interacting with other users. Pictures of products, events, customers, clients, anything related to the brand. Tag your photos with hashtags to attract attention. Link your Instagram profile to your website.


28 Blogging: What Do I Write? Write what your audience wants to hear– not what you want to hear. – Stories – Upcoming events – Photos of you and/or your customers – Fun stuff that appeals to everyone Pumpkin bread recipe (*yum*) Free local event listings Anything else you can think of! Liz Tip: If your blog is your homepage, people will spend more time on your website.

29 Blog Posts Don’t write an essay. Aim for 500 words or less. Spread out juicy tidbits. Bullet points are MORE than OK – they’re a great way to make the content digestible.

30 Walkthrough Break! Q&A

31 HOW & WHEN TO MANAGE ONLINE PRIVACY Next Presentation… June 9, 2014 at 6:30pm

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