GCSE HOME ECONOMICS Child Development GCSE Subject Information This course is a must for anyone who knows they would like to work with children or for.

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1 GCSE HOME ECONOMICS Child Development GCSE Subject Information This course is a must for anyone who knows they would like to work with children or for those who simply want to learn about families, pregnancy and how a child develops –physically, socially, emotionally and intellectually up to the age of 5 years old. There are 6 main areas of study: Section 1 – Family and child Section 2 – Food and Health Section 3 – Pregnancy Section 4 – Physical Development Section 5 – Intellectual Development Section 6 – Social and Emotional Development Contact with young children is essential

2 SUMARY OF ASSESSMENT Child Development GCSE Subject Information Unit 1: Principles of Child Development (40%) Written Paper: 1 ½ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked, targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from all areas of the specification and will assess the quality of written communication Unit 2: Child Study (30%) Controlled Assessment 60 marks (60 UMS) One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC, to include investigation and production focussing on a child's development Duration: 15 hours to commence in the first half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Unit 3: Child focused Task (30%) Controlled Assessment 60 marks (60 UMS) One task to be selected from a bank of two tasks set by WJEC, to include researching, planning, making and evaluating. Duration: 15 hours to commence in the second half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated.

3 The required knowledge may be gained via the completion of work booklets, Role-play activities e.g. discuss with a friend the dangers of smoking during pregnancy; Games e.g. bingo, dominos, true or false statements; Watching videos e.g. Teenage Mums and Practical Work e.g. Prepare meals suitable for a pregnant woman. Outside speakers may also be used to deliver sensitive issues such as Morality, Family Planning and Abortion. SUGGESTED PATHWAY TRHOUGH SPECIFICATION YEAR 10 – Term 1 (approximately 30/35 lessons) In the main it is suggested that work is taken from core areas of study 3 and 4. At the end of term a basic introduction to the PIES, i.e.. Core areas 4, 5 and 6. This is in preparation for the start of Unit 2, controlled assessment in the January. Year 10 – Term 2 (approximately 30 lessons) Work this term should be taken form areas of study 4, 5 and 6 as these will support Unit 2, controlled task. Teaching will need to be interwoven with some of the 15 controlled hours that have to be spent on Unit 2 controlled task. Candidates will require time between the supervised sessions so that they can collect information and complete observations of their study. Child Development GCSE Subject Information

4 Year 10 – Term 3 (approximately 28 lessons) Work this term will focus on area of study 2 – Food and Health with the remaining Unit 2 controlled task hours. Year 11 – Term 1 (approximately 30/35 lessons) Work this term will focus on the first area of study – Family and Child. Unit 3 will need to be introduced and candidates should be given guidance as to method of completion in January. Year 11 – Term 2 (approximately 30 lessons) Work this term will complete topics from study area 1 and the candidates will complete Unit 3 controlled assessment, 15 hours. Remainder of lessons this term to complete topics, carry out revision and complete specimen examination papers. Progression routes to Further Study: As/A2 Health and Social Care A/As Psychology / Sociology Btec Caring courses Progression routes to Careers and Employment: Nursery Nurse, Playgroup Leader, Nanny, Teacher, Learning Support Assistant Paediatric Nurse Subject Combinations: Science – biological element, IT for producing coursework, Technology (textiles or resistant materials), Hospitality and Catering – for practical skills, controlled assessment and Nutrition. Child Development GCSE Subject Information

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