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Aims To ensure that parents, students and teachers understand the pathways for students from the Science GCSE reforms. To inform parents of important.

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2 Aims To ensure that parents, students and teachers understand the pathways for students from the Science GCSE reforms. To inform parents of important times within each Science pathway. To explain the requirements and implications of each science pathway.

3 Science Pathways


5 Biology 1 Biology 2 Biology 3 CA GCSE: Biology Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2 Chemistry 3 CA GCSE: Chemistry Physics 1 Physics 2 Physics 3 CA GCSE: Physics The Triple Science route

6 Biology 1 Biology 2 CA GCSE: Add Science GCSE: Science AChemistry 1 Chemistry 2 Physics 1 Physics 2 The Double Science route

7 Biology 1 Biology 2 Biology 3 CA GCSE: Add Science GCSE: Science A GCSE: Biology Chemistry 1 Chemistry 2 Chemistry 3 CA GCSE: Chemistry Physics 1 Physics 2 Physics 3 CA GCSE: Physics All the Science routes

8 Biology 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% of the exam Structured questions Including one longer response question assessing “Quality of Written Communication” in a science context Chemistry 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% of the exam Structured questions Including one longer response question assessing “Quality of Written Communication” in a science context Physics 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% of the exam Structured questions Including one longer response question assessing Quality of Written Communication in a science context Controlled Assessment Investigative Skills Assignment – 2 written assessments plus one or two lessons for practical work and data processing 50 marks – 25% GCSE: Science A Studied during Year 10 ISAs to be completed by May 2015 or May 2016 This particular ISA can only be used with this exam

9 Biology 2 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions including at least one question assessing “Quality of Written Communication” in a science context Chemistry 2 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions including at least one question assessing “Quality of Written Communication in a science context Physics 2 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions including at least one question assessing “Quality of Written Communication in a science context Controlled Assessment Investigative Skills Assignment – 2 written assessments plus one or two lessons for practical work and data processing 50 marks – 25% GCSE: Additional Science Studies commence towards the end of Year 10 Examined in June 2016 The ISA will be in February 2016

10 Biology 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured questions Including one longer response question assessing “Quality of Written Communication” in a science context Biology 2 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions including at least one question assessing “Quality of Written Communication” in a science context Biology 3 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions including at least one question assessing “Quality of Written Communication” in a science context Controlled Assessment Investigative Skills Assignment – 2 written assessments plus one or two lessons for practical work and data processing 50 marks – 25% GCSE: Biology All three papers to be sat in June, 2016 The ISA will be in February, 2016

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