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 Define and differentiate between different types of conflict.  Analyze causes of conflict.  Explain how a conflict can escalate or de- escalate.

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Presentation on theme: " Define and differentiate between different types of conflict.  Analyze causes of conflict.  Explain how a conflict can escalate or de- escalate."— Presentation transcript:


2  Define and differentiate between different types of conflict.  Analyze causes of conflict.  Explain how a conflict can escalate or de- escalate.

3  What is CONFLICT?  Struggle between incompatible persons, ideas, or interests.

4  Examples of conflicts we’ve discussed or you are aware of:  Place these in categories based on participants.

5  Intrapersonal Conflict  Single person whose 2 or more goals, beliefs, or actions can’t be reconciled or achieved simultaneously.  Wanting to ace a test tomorrow and go to a movie with friends tonight.

6  Interpersonal Conflict  Two or more individuals whose goals, beliefs, or actions can’t be reconciled or achieved simultaneously.  Two people both claim a piece of property as their own.

7  Intragroup Conflict  Occurs between the members of a single group.  Protestant Reformation, Primary Elections

8  Intergroup Conflict  Occurs between two or more distinct groups of individuals.  Sunni and Shi’ite Muslims, Bloods and Crips

9  International Conflict  Occurs between two or more nations.  WWI, WWII

10  Global Conflict  Occurs when human goals, actions, or beliefs cannot be reconciled but individuals involved do not necessarily belong to distinct groups or nations.  Global Warming, AIDS

11  Come up with another example for each of the 6 types of conflict.

12  Philosopher Benedict de Baruch Spinoza once said that people go to war for five basic reasons – fear, greed, tribal hatreds, jealousy, and love of power. On the basis of your own knowledge of history and current events, do you agree? Would you add any other reasons to the list? Support your response with facts.

13  Resources  Demand > Supply  Territory  Politics  Ideology  Alliances  Independence  Values  Religion  Ethnicity/ Tribalism

14  How might flexibility, compromise, and a respect for the needs and views of others lead people to avoid wars?  How might these qualities help individuals avoid personal conflicts in their own lives?

15  Majority vs. Consensus Decision  Activity: Choose one of the following categories and as a group identify one thing you can live with, one thing you can live without  Candy, TV Show, Magazine, Sport, Band/Song, Drink (Non-Alcoholic),

16  When did discussion get tense or when did conflict escalate in your groups?  Handout “Escalation/De-escalation of Conflict”

17  Erdenheim & Enfield fighting over a Slushy machine…who resolves?  Pro-Choice and Pro-Life activists…who resolves?  US accusing Iran of restarting nuclear facilities to manufacture weapons…who resolves?

18  Is peaceful resolution of international and global conflict possible?

19  Choose a conflict on the continent of Africa that you wish to research in greater detail.  Is it a recent or current conflict?  Is it relevant/significant?  Can I analyze the conflict for causes, points of view of combatants, and possible solutions?

20  Somalia  Ivory Coast  Rwanda  Sierra Leone  Sudan  Darfur (Sudan)  Mozambique  Burundi  Blood Diamonds (Angola & Liberia)  Cell phones & civil war in the DRC  Piracy (Somalia)

21  “Conflict Resolution Techniques” and Guided Reading Questions for next week (Tuesday).

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