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Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction (Place) – (Date) Session 6.1: Integrating Protection into Disaster Risk Reduction.

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Presentation on theme: "Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction (Place) – (Date) Session 6.1: Integrating Protection into Disaster Risk Reduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Protection and Disaster Risk Reduction (Place) – (Date) Session 6.1: Integrating Protection into Disaster Risk Reduction

2  Protection throughout the disaster phases  Components of disaster preparedness  Assessing the context and challenges  National frameworks and local coordination Overview

3  Disaster preparedness  Disaster response  Situations of prolonged displacement and/or relocation  Early recovery/reconstruction Disaster Phases

4  Reducing disaster risks through systematic efforts to analyze and manage the causal factors of disasters  Hyogo Framework for Action  International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Disaster Risk Reduction

5 Preparedness components  Public awareness of hazards  Communication of early warnings  Emergency plans at community level  Mapping of hazards, vulnerabilities

6 Shifting focus From response to hazard risk management o Starting with the community o Adopting a whole-of-government approach o Developing National Action Plans From external intervention to national capacity building o Training programmes o Transfer of knowledge and skills

7 Human Rights and Disaster Preparedness Protection of Life, Security, Physical Integrity and Dignity Protection of Rights related to Basic Necessities of Life Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Protection of Civil and Political Rights Security National Disaster Management Plans Early Warning Information and Training Contingency and Response Plans Risk Assessments Land, Housing and Property Reconstruction Compensation Finances Documentation Tracing Complaints Mechanisms

8  Frequency and trends of disasters  Disaster types  Magnitude  Vulnerabilities  Resources Assessing the Local Context

9 Potential Challenges  Remote locations  Cultural and linguistic diversity  Damaged infrastructure  Lack of baseline data  Response capacity overwhelmed  Poor linkages between government structures  Influx of international assistance

10 Increased Vulnerability  Climate change - increase in extreme weather events  Uncontrolled urban development  Growing environmental degradation  Loss of traditional adaptation practices

11 National Level Frameworks: Relevant Laws Relevant Policies Disaster Risk Reduction and Response Plans Coordination with Regional and Local Actors Disaster response: National laws and policies

12 National Province/Region Local  Regular and emergency organization  Emergency response plans  Supplies reserve & delivery system  Disaster mitigation  Education and awareness programmes Disaster response: National to local coordination

13 Thank you! Questions and Feedback

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