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Foreign Aid and Africa How does Foreign Aid affect the economic growth of African Nations? James Mumma.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreign Aid and Africa How does Foreign Aid affect the economic growth of African Nations? James Mumma."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreign Aid and Africa How does Foreign Aid affect the economic growth of African Nations? James Mumma

2 Selection Process Selection question Case Studies: – Post-Socialist Reformers Tanzania and Ethiopia – Successful Reformers Uganda and Ghana – Non-Reformer Democratic Republic of the Congo

3 Performance Question Do countries receiving aid experience economic growth or recession? If they in fact experience growth is it the result of the aid or other circumstances? What attributes of the receiving country make the aid successful?

4 Methodology GDP per Capita to analyze growth rate of economy Penn World Tables to gather economic data, World Democracy Audit to rate liberties Compare case studies to see how different classifications affect growth rates with aid

5 Data Country Aid level as of 1997 ($ per capita) World Democracy Audit overall Ranking Political RightsCivil Liberties Press FreedomCorruption Ghana31.435123354 Tanzania29.682436774 Uganda26.388547588 Ethiopia15.11245571110 Democratic Republic of the Congo4.99365124122

6 Data

7 Conclusions Corruption theory Further Research – Data reaching farther back Obstacles – Sick patient theory

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