Management & Leadership Leadership In Practice Salman Ahmed Awan Ahsan Raza Sawan.

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Presentation on theme: "Management & Leadership Leadership In Practice Salman Ahmed Awan Ahsan Raza Sawan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Management & Leadership Leadership In Practice Salman Ahmed Awan Ahsan Raza Sawan

2 What is Leadership Traits Tasks Different Leadership Styles What is Middle Management Role of Middle Management Organizational Structure Six Leadership Styles

3 What is leadership? 1.Process of social influence 2.One person 3.Enlist the aid and support of others 4.Accomplishment of a common task

4 Management 1.Act of getting people together 2.To accomplish Goals 3.Using available resources 4.Efficiently and effectively Managers do efficiency, leaders create change

5 The U.S. Army's Eleven Leadership Principles 1.Proficiency 2.Self-improvement 3.Know your soldiers 4.Keep your soldiers informed 5.Set the example 6.Task 7.Train 8.Decisions 9.Sense of responsibility 10.Delegation according to capabilities 11.Actions

6 Some Traits from Research Building Excellence Character Trust Beliefs Values Skills Honest Competent Forward-looking

7 Some Traits from Research Inspiring Intelligent Fair-minded Broad-minded Courageous Imaginative Drive Flexible

8 Leadership and Management Tasks

9 Leadership styles 1. Subordinate participation Authoritarian Democratic Directive Permissive 2. Task/production v relation/people –oriented 3. Transactional v Transformational

10 Authoritarian Leadership Autocratic Leaders No coordination with rest of the group Clear division between the leader and the followers Takes less time “bossing people around” Should be rarely used

11 Democratic Leadership Participative leadership Sign of strength that your employees will respect – Encourage Employees – Develop plans with employees Leaders encourages the decision making from different perspectives – Consultative: process of consultation before decisions are taken – Persuasive: Leader takes decision and seeks to persuade others that the decision is correct

12 Democratic Leadership – It may help motivation and involvement – Workers feel ownership of the firm and its ideas – Improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the business – Can delay decision making

13 Directive Leadership Giving directions and guidance Schedules and time lines Unstructured Task Inexperienced follower High control

14 Permissive Leadership “hands-off” leadership Very little leadership pressure Expected to solve its own problems and accomplish goals Can result in confusion and lack of productivity if members are not organized Common in young professionals

15 Combination Directive Democrat: – Makes decisions participatively; closely supervises subordinates. Directive Authoritarian: – Makes decisions unilaterally; closely supervises subordinates. Permissive Democrat: – Makes decisions participatively; gives subordinates latitude in carrying out their work. Permissive Authoritarian: – Makes decisions unilaterally; gives subordinates latitude in carrying out their work

16 TASK/PRODUCTION VS. RELATION/PEOPLE –ORIENTED Task-oriented style – Leader helps subordinates figure out what is expected of them – Manages the daily activities of a group toward accomplishing a task – Referred to as transactional leadership People-oriented style – More supportive role in providing a positive work environment – Workers can maximize their productivity – Referred to as participative leadership

17 Transactional ‘Transaction’ Similar to authoritarian leadership Primary Characteristics Includes – Certainty – Clear Direction – Personal oversight – Perceptions of “just” treatment

18 Transformational Charisma The power to captivate and energize a following “The art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspirations” Primary Characteristics – Risk Taking – Goal Articulation – High expectations – Emphasis on collective identity – Self assertion and vision

19 Coaching- a new form of leadership Involves the executive in long-term professional development and mentoring of employees. Leaders who score high on the socialized-power motive prefer it under low-stress conditions Leaders who create high clarity often rely heavily on the visionary, participative, and coaching styles Appropriated when follower are more responsible, experienced and agreeable. Provides encouragement and inspiration to help motivate the followers. Facing the Giants.flv

20 What is middle management? Middle management is a layer of management in an organization whose primary job responsibility is to monitor activities of subordinates while reporting to upper management. Top Level Middle Level First Level

21 THE ROLE OF THE MIDDLE MANAGER?  Identification of candidates for management positions  Appointment of new managers  Introduction of new managers  Management development, in particular coaching of managers  Motivation of managers  Termination of unsatisfactory management

22 Can All Middle Managers Be Saved?  It will preserve its investment in these long-term employees.  It will be utilizing these valuable resources to build the company's future, at the same time demonstrating to its employees and stockholders that it is open to new ideas.  It will be sending a clear and important message to all of its employees and stockholders that it is concerned not only with cutting current costs, but in creating a real, exciting, and profitable future as well.


24 What motives drive leadership behavior?  Socialized power means the leader’s strength comes from empowering people. Studies show that great charismatic leaders are highly motivated by socialized power.  Personalized power means that, the leader draws strength from controlling others and making them feel weak. Personalized power is often associated with the exploitation of subordinates.

25 The Six Leadership Styles DirectiveVisionaryAffiliativeDemocraticPacesettingCoaching The style in a phrase “Do what I tell you.” “Come with me.” “People come first.” “What do you think?” “Do as I do, now” “Try this.” Underlying emotional intelligence competencies self- control Self- confidence Empathy, building relationships, Team leadership drive to achieve self- awareness When the style works best to kick start a turn around when a clear direction is needed to motivate people in stressful circumstances To build buy-in or consensus To get quick results form a motivated team To help an employee improve performanc e Overall impact on climate Negative Most strongly positive Positive NegativePositive

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