First HR e-Seva A unique project by NCR HR SOLUTIONS Simple, Transparent & Trusted.

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Presentation on theme: "First HR e-Seva A unique project by NCR HR SOLUTIONS Simple, Transparent & Trusted."— Presentation transcript:

1 First HR e-Seva A unique project by NCR HR SOLUTIONS Simple, Transparent & Trusted

2 Building a National Level Call Centre for Employee of Private Sector Organizations Mission Simple, Transparent & Trusted This is basically a TEESS (Technologically Enhanced Employee Self Service) which is built upon your existing systems.


4 First HR e-Seva Outsource your employees enquires to a professionally managed call centre which operates 24x7 and save on your productive men hours and cost by almost 75% !!! Simple, Transparent & Trusted

5 First HR e-Seva If you have 1000 employees, then Interaction between your employees and your personnel department is costing you more than Rs. 50,000 per month!!! Simple, Transparent & Trusted

6 First HR e-Seva Here is how: Hours Loss = 100 Persons (10% of total manpower) x ½ Hours x 26 days = 1300 Hours per month = 1300 Hours x 30 Rupees =39,000 Rupees per month Plus Cost of your HR staff handling these employees’ enquiries! [Note : Absenteeism in NCR is around 10% which means 10% of total manpower visit your Personnel Department on daily basis.] Simple, Transparent & Trusted

7 First HR e-Seva It costs organization not only money but also loss of productivity…… And…..discipline tooo. Simple, Transparent & Trusted

8 First HR e-Seva SrToolsFrequency 1 Toll Free Telephone : 1800-102-xxxxx Unlimited. 24x7 2 Pull Information Miss call telephone (Employees can get information related to their employment on their registered mobile through SMS by giving just a miss call to our specified telephone number) Unlimited. 24x7 3 Transactional Information : whenever an employee is absent or is on leave, a SMS is sent to his/her mobile On Absence or on Leave 4 Information Broadcast : Just before payroll processing SMS about employees month’s attendance is sent to all employees Once in a moth to all employees TOOLS Simple, Transparent & Trusted

9 First HR e-Seva Sr.Benefits 1Reduced HR Operational Cost 2Reduced Absenteeism and better discipline 3Rectified HR Process 4Always Updated attendance & payroll records of employees 5Increased credential of employees personal records through mobile verification 6Unbiased employees care 7Increased Productivity due to Saving on productive men hours 8More Satisfied Employees 9Better Industrial Relation 10Better branding of your organization Benefits Simple, Transparent & Trusted

10 First HR e-Seva MODALITIES: 1.Client’s HR department update Mobile Numbers of all employees in employees master in system. 2. Client’s HR department will send an Excel File containing employees information on daily basis which is uploaded on our website, from where relevant SMS could be sent or employees can pull their information or our Employees Care Executives share information while interacting with our client’s employees on our toll free telephone number. Simple, Transparent & Trusted

11 First HR e-Seva OUR COST IS @ Rs. 10 only per employee per month (our input cost is approximately Rs. 8 per employee per month) APPROXIMATELY RS. 10,000 ONLY PER MONTH FOR 1,000 EMPLOYEES (MINIMUM COMMITTED NUMBER) AND WE USE MODERN TOOLS LIKE TOLL FREE PHONE, WEB, SMS Simple, Transparent & Trusted

12 First HR e-Seva Other Delivery Based Services of NCR HR SOLUTIONS: 1.HR/Compliance Audit 2.HR/Compliance Consultancy 3.Outsourcing Time Office & Payroll functions with penalty clauses 4.HR interventions i.Climate Survey ii.Writing Job Description iii.Defining KRA iv.Performance Management Simple, Transparent & Trusted

13 First HR e-Seva We mean only visible impacts……. ……nothing else. THANKS Contact - 9899747624 Simple, Transparent & Trusted

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