Library Career Workshop More Questions than Answers Elizabeth D. Byrne Environmental Design Library 23 July 2008.

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1 Library Career Workshop More Questions than Answers Elizabeth D. Byrne Environmental Design Library 23 July 2008

2 Reading a Job Announcement Who, What, Where and Why Who is this institution that is hiring? What kind of position is it and for what qualifications are they asking? Where is the job located, geographically and within the institution? Why are they filling the position?

3 Who is the hiring institution? Snoop: Find out everything you can about them, their mission and goals; reputation; soundness; dress code, etc. Carefully review their website, annual report, or other publications Talk to anyone you know who works there, or knows someone who does

4 What kind of position is it? Where does it fit in the organization chart? e.g., in IT or research division? Public or technical service? Is it advanced, mid- or entry-level? Does the salary range correspond to the requirements? How does salary compare to peer institutions? Are the qualifications clearly stated or ambiguous? Are there opportunities for development, promotion?

5 Where is the job? Geographically Can you get to it on time and regularly? Accessible via public transportation? Easy or difficult compute? Can you afford to drive and park? Is it isolated (e.g. Richmond Field Station) and not near amenities, and if so, can you handle that?

6 Where is the job? Organizationally To whom would you report? To whom does your supervisor report? Distance from the top can be good or bad How complex is the organization? And how does that affect this position?

7 Why are they filling the job? Is it a new position? If an existing position, why did the previous employee leave? How many other positions are there identical to this one? Is it temporary or permanent?

8 What an Employer Wants A good fit for the job Majority of the qualifications requested Employee who can start the job with minimal training needs Willingness to learn “Can Do” attitude

9 Resume Writing Don’t fudge! Be truthful Annotations: describe titles, duties, dates worked, names of supervisors If not full-time, note % OK to include relevant non-library experience Professional references (not personal) No longer than 2-3 pages Clarity, neatness and good spelling count

10 Cover Letters State for which position you are applying Follow business correspondence format Don’t be too informal Don’t say “I love books!” Expand on resume to demonstrate how you are qualified for this job Provide details of your relevant experience Connect your experience to the stated job qualifications Explain gaps Include additional skills not listed, but would be useful on the job, e.g., “In addition, I speak and read French, Italian and German.” Neatness and good spelling count

11 The Interview Dress appropriately Don’t talk too much (or too little) Don’t be too informal or provide too much personal information Ask appropriate questions Watch your body language Address interviewers by name Reiterate your interest and qualifications

12 After the Interview Send thank you notes to interviewers (e- mail or snail mail, depending on the organizational culture) Respond promptly to offers Negotiate offers armed with information from their website, your research, spies Consider benefits & other perks, not just salary

13 On the Job: Professional Development Keep track of your accomplishments Meet regularly with your supervisor to ensure you are meeting expectations Work with supervisor to create a development plan Take advantage of workshops, training, internships, committee work, volunteer opportunities Network Seek a professional mentor

14 Professional Activities Keep track of your accomplishments Meet regularly with your supervisor to ensure you are meeting expectations Work with supervisor to create a development plan Take advantage of workshops, training, internships, volunteer opportunities Get involved with professional organizations, local, regional, national or international Seek a professional mentor Publish—web or print—for academic librarians

15 Good Luck!

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