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Human Geography By James Rubenstein
Chapter 9 Key Issue 1 Why Does Development Vary Among Countries? April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
The world is divided between relatively rich and relatively poor countries.
Geographers try to understand the reasons for this division and learn what can be done about it. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
More Developed Country (MDC)
Also known as a relatively developed country or a developed country, a country that has progressed relatively far along a continuum of development. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Less Developed Country (LDC)
Also known as a developing country, a country that is at a relatively early stage in the process of economic development. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Human Development Index (HDI)
Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Human Development Index
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Three Factors of Development
Economic (Gross domestic product per capita) Social (Literacy rate and amount of education) Demographic (Life expectancy) April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Economic Indicators of Development
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Economic Indicators of Development
Besides per capita GDP, 4 other economic factors distinguish MDCs from LDCs; Economic structure, Worker productivity, Access to raw materials, and Availability of consumer goods. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country in a given time period (normally a year). April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Per Capita GDP April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Gross National Product (GNP)
Similar to GDP, except that it includes income that people earn abroad, such as a Canadian working in the United States. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
The world’s lowest per capita GDP are found in sub-Sahara Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.
The gap in per capita GDP between MDCs and LDCs has been widening during the past quarter century. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Per capita GDP measures average (mean) wealth, not its distribution.
Per capita GDP, or any other single indicator, cannot measure perfectly the level of a country’s development. Per capita GDP measures average (mean) wealth, not its distribution. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Types of Jobs All jobs fall into one of three categories;
Primary (including agriculture), Secondary (including manufacturing), and Tertiary (including services). April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Primary Sector The portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of materials from Earth’s surface, generally through agriculture, although sometimes by mining, fishing, and forestry. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Secondary Sector The portion of the economy concerned with manufacturing useful products through processing, transforming, and assembling raw materials. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Tertiary Sector The portion of the economy concerned with transportation, communications, and utilities, sometimes extended to the provision of all goods and services to people in exchange for payment. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Quaternary Sector The portion of the economy concerned with business services, such as trade, insurance, banking, advertising, and wholesaling. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Quinary Sector The portion of the economy concerned with health, education, research, government, retailing, tourism, and recreation. Current practice is to include quaternary and quinary sectors in the tertiary sector April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
The % of people working in agriculture exceeds 75% in many LDCs, compared to less than 5% in many MDCs. A high % of agricultural workers in a country indicates that most of its people are spending their days producing food for their own survival. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Within MDCs, primary and secondary sector jobs have decreased.
Decline in manufacturing jobs reflects greater efficiency inside the factories and increased global competition. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Relationship between type of jobs and development
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Production in LDCs must rely more on human and animal power.
Productivity The value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it. Production in LDCs must rely more on human and animal power. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Value Added The gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials and energy. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Development requires access to raw materials and energy.
In Europe, countries took advantage of domestic coal and iron ore to promote industrial development throughout the 19th century. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Created to ensure adequate supply of raw materials.
European Colonies Created to ensure adequate supply of raw materials. As colonies of Africa and Asia gained independence, they continued to supply the raw materials used in European industry. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
As prices for raw materials decline due to global supply, LDCs have had difficulty achieving development. In a global economy, availability of raw materials and energy resources measures a country’s development potential rather than its actual development. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Consumer Goods *Important*
The wealth used to buy nonessentials promotes expansion of manufacturing, which in turn generates additional wealth in the society. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Quantity and type of goods and services is a good measure of the level of development.
Particularly good indicators are motor vehicles, telephones, and televisions. The number of individuals per telephone and motor vehicles exceeds 100 in most LDCs. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Telephone Lines per 1000 Persons
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
In LDCs, the minority who own consumer goods, such as telephones, motor vehicles, and televisions, are government officials, landowners, and other elites. As a result of greater exposure to cultural diversity, people in MDCs display different social characteristics from people in LDCs. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Social Indicators of Development
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Social Indicators of Development
MDCs use part of their greater wealth to provide schools, hospitals, and welfare services. Infants survive, and adults live longer. Well educated, healthy, and secure populations can be more economically productive. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Education and Literacy
The assumption; no matter how poor the school, the longer the pupils attend, the more likely they are to learn.-- The reality; quality of education is measured by student/teacher ratio and literacy rate. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Student/Teacher Ratio
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
The average pupil attends school for about 10 years in MDCs, compared to only a couple of years in LDCs. LDCs must learn technical information from books that usually are not in their native language, but in English, German, Russian, or French. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Literacy Rate The percentage of a country’s people who can read and write. It exceeds 95% in MDCs, compared to less than 1/3rd in many LDCs. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Health and Welfare When people get sick, MDCs possess the resources to care for them. In many wealthier countries, health care is a public service for little or no cost. The United States is an exception. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Persons per Physician April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
People in MDCs receive more calories and proteins daily than they need.
In LDCs of Africa and Asia, most people receive less than the daily minimum allowance of calories and proteins recommended by the United Nations. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Daily Available Calories per Capita
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Demographic Indicators of Development
April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Life Expectancy Babies born today can expect to live into their early forties in LDCs and mid-seventies in MDCs. Males live 9 years longer in MDCs than in LDCs. Females live 13 years longer. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
Infant Mortality Rate In LDCs, 90% of infants survive, while 99% of infants survive in MDCs. Babies die of malnutrition and dehydration from diarrhea. Some die from poor medical practices, such as umbilical cords cut with dirty knives. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
CBR does not indicate a society’s level of development.
Crude Birth Rate Annual CBR exceeds 40 per 1000 in LDCs, while it is less than 15 per 1000 in MDCs. CBR does not indicate a society’s level of development. The mortality rate for women in childbirth is significantly higher in LDCs. April 17, 2017 S. Mathews
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